1. The arrows of the languid glances have triumphed,
And struck the core of our hearts with piercing flames,
١. ظَفِرَت سِهامُ فَواتِرِ الأَلحاظِ
فَرَمَت صَميمَ قُلوبِنا بِشُواظِ
2. They continued fighting with arrows for the fighter,
Singing without instruments or cymbals.
٢. ظَلَّت تُقاتِلُ لِلمُقاتِلِ أَسهُماً
أَغنَت عَنِ الأَفواقِ وَالأَرعاظِ
3. The darkness of night spread when it inclined to
Keep pacts and strove to maintain them,
٣. ظَلَمَت ظِباءُ الخَيفِ حينَ مَنَحتُها
حِفظَ العُهودِ وَجَهدُها إِحفاظي
4. The gazelles of intimacy whose hunting is forbidden
Graze between al-Safa and al-'Ukaz.
٤. ظَبياتُ أُنسٍ صَيدُهُنَّ مُحَرَّمٌ
يَرتَعنَ ما بَينَ الصَفا فَعُكاظِ
5. They became emaciated so my tears flowed after them
And I delayed in that abode in my bedding.
٥. ظَعَنوا فَبِتُّ أَسُحُّ دَمعي بَعدَهُم
وَأُجيلُ في تِلكَ الدِيارِ لِحاظي
6. My palms were cracked by the severity of my clapping
And my tears furrowed my cheek continuously.
٦. ظِفري لِسِنّي قارِعٌ وَمَدامِعي
قَد خَدَّدَت خَدِّيَ بِالإِلظاظِ
7. The friend thought that after them I would attempt
To settle down while he kept me vigilant with his justice.
٧. ظَنَّ الخَلِيُّ بِأَن أُحاوِلَ بَعدَهُم
سَكَناً وَدامَ بِعَدلِهِ إيقاظي
8. It is injustice if I do not confess
And live among them and their breaths.
٨. ظُلمٌ إِذا ظَعَنَ الخَليطُ وَلَم أُسِر
بِالعَيشِ بَينَ تَنايُفٍ وَشِناظِ
9. The bird feels pain if the captivity pains it
So it urges its destiny away from the cages.
٩. ظِهرِيَةٌ إِن ضامَها أَلَمُ السُرى
حَثَّت مَناسِمَها بُعَيدِ مَظاظِ
10. The darkness of night in the darkness has horrors,
Fears surround it, keeping me awake.
١٠. ظُلُماتُ دَجنٍ في الظَلامِ دَواهِشٌ
مِن حَولِها هَولُ السَرى إيقاظي
11. It became disheveled so captivity took its toll on it
And it cooed from the prolonged touching of their cages.
١١. ظَلَعَت فَأَنحَلَها السُرى فَتَأَوَّدَت
مِن طولِ مَسِّ شِظاظِهِنَّ شِظاظي
12. The herders' staffs urge them so when they bleat
They perish by the scolding of the rough herders.
١٢. ظَأبُ الحُداةِ يَحُثُّها فَإِذا وَنَت
تَفنى بِزَجرِ حُداتِها الأَفظاظِ
13. Their clamor is the pain of travel and their falling
Into the hands of herders on the trip is agony.
١٣. ظَبظابُها أَلَمُ المَسيرِ وَوَقعُها
بِيَدَي حُداةٍ في المَسيرِ غِلاظِ
14. Our souls remained grazing on the fertile pasture
Suffering with a gruff driver.
١٤. ظَلَّت عَلى المَرعى الخَصيبِ نُفوسُنا
مُتَأَلِّمينَ بِسائِقٍ مِلظاظِ
15. We shared with them the horrors of captivity
And spent the night pained and languishing.
١٥. ظَلنا نُقاسِمُهُنَّ أَهوالَ السُرى
وَنَبيتُ في حَثٍّ بِهِ وَدِلاظِ
16. Yearning that leads our souls to the beloved
And to the son who reached the essence of eloquence.
١٦. ظَعَنٌ يَقودُ إِلى الحَبيبِ نُفوسَنا
وَإِلى اِبنِ أُرتُقَ جَوهَرَ الأَلفاظِ
17. A shady shade for the weak, its pearls
Make you forget the gems of bracelets.
١٧. ظِلٌّ ظَليلٌ لِلعُفاةِ فَدُرُّهُ
يُنسيكَ وَقدَ جَواهِرِ الأَقباظِ
18. Modesty showed through his face so you see in it
Good news of joy and awe of the angry.
١٨. ظَهَرَ الحَياءُ بِوَجهِهِ فَتَرى بِهِ
بِشرَ السُرورِ وَهيبَةَ المُغتاظِ
His manners were gentle and he protected his money
١٩. ظَرُفَت خَلائِقُهُ وَأَحفَظَ مالَهُ
فَأَضاعَهُ رُغماً عَلى الحُفّاظِ
20. Yet he wasted it against the will of the guards.
A victory with which he repelled the enemies angrily
٢٠. ظَفرٌ بِهِ رَدَّ العُداةَ بِغَيظِهِم
مُذ أَنَّهُم عَلِموا بِمَن أَنا حاظي
21. Since they knew who was my protector.
The darkness of pulling the unjust with a sword
٢١. ظَلّامُ جَذبِ الظالِمينَ بِصارِمٍ
قَد خاطَبَ الغُلَظاءَ بِالإِغلاظِ
22. That addressed the harsh with harshness.
Its ignorance spread when it came to preach to people
٢٢. ظَلَّت ظُباهُ إِذ غَدَت تَعظُ الوَرى
إِنَّ الرُؤوسَ مَنابِرُ الوُعّاظِ
23. That heads are platforms for preachers.
Thirsty for the valley of blood, its concern
٢٣. ظامٍ إِلى نَهلِ الدِماءِ فَهَمُّهُ
يَومَ الهِياجِ تَشَتُّتُ الأَشواظِ
24. On the day of frenzy is the scattering of skulls.
His forgiveness longed so his encampments became
٢٤. ظَمِئَت مَضارِبُ غَفرَتَيهِ فَأَصبَحَت
مِن عَدَمِ اللَهَواتِ ذاتَ لَماظِ
25. Without entertainment, having banners.
My beautiful thoughts of you, O you who has come
٢٥. ظَنّي جَميلٌ فيكَ يا مَن أَصبَحَت
تَرنو إِلى نَعمائِهِ أَلحاظي
26. To long for its blessings, my glances.
They won your shade, O king, for with
٢٦. ظَفَروا بِظِلِّكَ يا مَليكُ فَإِنَّهُم
بِوَلاكَ قَد فازوا بِخَيرِ حِفاظِ
27. Your friendship, they won the best protector.
The lakes of your land vie with the sky
٢٧. ظُرّانُ أَرضِكَ لِلسَماءِ قَدِ اِغتَدَت
بِكَ في مُفاخَرَةٍ وَفَرطِ غِياظِ