
No detour on the road twisted in its ruggedness,

ما ماس منعطفا في قرطق وقبا

1. No detour on the road twisted in its ruggedness,
Except I invoked protection from darkness for it.

١. ما ماسَ مُنعَطِفاً في قُرطَقٍ وَقَبا
إِلّا وَعَوَّذتُهُ مِن غاسِقٍ وَقَبا

2. A gazelle bleating - my sword of patience is unsheathed for its love,
And the tip of my resolve aiming at the highest goal.

٢. ظَبيٌ نَبا سَيفُ صَبري في مَحَبَّتِهِ
وَطِرفُ عَزمي بِمَيدانِ السُلُوِّ كَبا

3. Unrefined in manners, vulgar in speech -
A Turk in origin whenever he lays claim.

٣. مُتَرَّكُ اللَحظِ في أَخلاقِهِ دَمَثٌ
مُستَعرِبُ اللَفظِ تُركِيٌّ إِذا اِنتَسَبا

4. He shot me an arrow of sickness, when
An eyebrow screening the vision obscured my sight.

٤. يَرمي بِسَهمٍ مِنَ الأَسقامِ أَسهَمَني
عَن حاجِبٍ لِلكَرى عَن ناظِري حُجَبا

5. Difficult to lead, yet if his nature is content,
The cup of wine turns gentle however hard.

٥. صَعبُ القِيادِ فَإِن راضَت خَلائِقَهُ
كَأسُ المُدامِ أَلانَت مِنهُ ما صَعُبا

6. And a night Fate was just to me through him,
After which his generosity ceased nor did gold flow.

٦. وَلَيلَةٍ جادَ لي عَدلُ الزَمانِ بِهِ
فَلَم يُفِد بَعدَها جوداً وَلا ذَهَبا

7. I was given drink from his hand at times, and from his mouth
My goblet of the first drops that dispel anxiety and distress.

٧. سُقيتُ مِن يَدِهِ طَوراً وَمِن فَمِهِ
كَأسَي سُلافٍ تُزيلُ الهَمَّ وَالكُرَبا

8. In a garden of the meadows of sorrow, secluded,
Where flowers smile at the clouds' glow.

٨. في جَنَّةٍ مِن رِياضِ الحَزنِ غالِيَةٍ
يُضاحِكُ الزَهرُ مِن نُوّارِها السُحُبا

It spread carpets for us from the delicate meadow therein

٩. قَد أَفرَشَتنا مِنَ الرَوضِ الأَنيقِ بِها
بُسطاً وَمَدَّ عَلَينا دَوحُها طُنُبا

10. And stretched its branches over us.
We spent a night wherein its features softened,

١٠. بِتنا بِها لَيلَةً رَقَّت شَمائِلُها
كَيَومِها يَستَجِدُّ اللَهوَ وَالطَرَبا

11. As if renewed in play and delight each day.
I serve my boon companion with it when our third is absent.

١١. أَسقي نَديمي بِها إِذ غَبَ ثالِثُنا
إِذا شَرِبتُ وَيَسقيني إِذا شَرِبا

12. When I drink he serves me and when he drinks I serve.
Of coffee radiant as the rays of the rising sun,

١٢. مِن قَهوَةٍ كَشُعاعِ الشَمسِ مُشرِقَةٍ
إِذا جَرى الماءُ فيها أَطلَعَت شُهُبا

13. When water flows into it stars appear.
I prepared it, and the East shone bright with it,

١٣. شَعشَعتُها فَأَضاءَ الشَرقُ مُنبَلِجاً
بِها وَقامَ لَها الحِرباءُ مُنتَصِبا

14. And for it warriors stood erect.
Until when our glasses were emptied of it,

١٤. حَتّى إِذا أَمحَلَت مِنها زُجاجَتُنا
وَظَلَّ مِنها غَديرُ الدَنِّ قَد نَضَبا

15. And the pool of its coffee was depleted.
I alerted a monk of a monastery who entertained us

١٥. نَبَّهتُ راهِبَ دَيرٍ كانَ يُؤنِسُنا
تَرجيعُهُ الصَوتَ إِن صَلّى وَإِن خَطَبا

16. With his chanting voice whether in prayer or preaching.
I went ahead and knocked on the door just once,

١٦. بادَرتُهُ وَقَرَعتُ البابَ واحِدَةً
قَرعاً تَوَسَّمَ مِن إِخفائِهِ الأَدَبا

17. A knock which in its gentleness implied courtesy.
So he got up dragging his gown at leisure,

١٧. فَقامَ يَسحَبُ بُردَيهِ عَلى مَهَلٍ
فَما اِشتَشاطَ بِنا خَوفاً وَلا رَعَبا

18. Without bursting out at us in fear or alarm.
And he came to ask about what he does not deny us,

١٨. وَجاءَ يَسأَلُ عَمّا لَيسَ يُنكِرُهُ
مِمّا نَرومُ وَلَكِن يُثبِتُ الطَلبا

19. What we desire, and only confirms the request.
I said, "An honored guest without greed for provisions,

١٩. فَقُلتُ ضَيفٌ مُلِمٌ غَيرُ ذي طَمَعٍ
في الزادِ لَكِنَّهُ يَرضى بِما شَرِبا

20. Yet satisfied with what was drunk."
So he opened the door permitting us entry,

٢٠. فَأَطلَقَ البابَ إِذناً في الدُخولِ لَنا
وَقالَ هَذا عَلَينا بَعضُ ما وَجَبا

21. And said, "This is part of what we owe."
And he brought goblets whose fragrance was diffused,

٢١. وَجاءَنا بِسُلافٍ نَشرُها عَبِقٌ
شَمطاءُ قَد عُتِّقَت في دَنِّها حِقَبا

22. Aged, as if released from captivity in his coffee long ago.
Time had erased their crime, for if they stayed

٢٢. أَفنى المَدى جِرمَها حيناً فَلو مَكَثَت
في الدَنِّ حَولاً لَكادَت أَن تَطيرَ هَبا

23. In the coffee a year, they would almost fly like dust.
He drained the cup until its remainder overflowed

٢٣. فَأَترَعَ الكَأسَ حَتّى فاضَ فاضِلُها
بِكَفِّهِ وَسَقاني بَعدَما شَرِبا

24. Into his palm, and served me after he drank.
Since we saw joy in his company

٢٤. فَمُذ رَأَينا سُروراً في أَسِرَّتِهِ
تَبدو وَكَفّاً لَهُ بِالنَورِ مُختَضِبا

25. Shining, as if his palm had been dyed with light.
To him we were silver in hand, overflowing,

٢٥. كِلنا لَهُ فِضَّةً بِالكَفِّ فاضِلَةً
عَنّا وَكال لَنا مِن دونِهِ ذَهَبا

26. While without him we were but gold.
Of coffee they had hidden in their temples

٢٦. مِن قَهوَةٍ حَجَبوها في مَعابِدِهِم
وَعَلَّقوا حَولَها الأَستارَ وَالصُلُبا

27. And hung curtains and crosses about.
I stayed serving my friend from his goblets,

٢٧. فَبِتُّ أَسقي نَديمي مِن سُلافَتِها
راحاً تَكونُ إِلى راحاتِهِ سَبَبا

28. Comforts that would lead to his comfort.
I kept serving him until he leaned his side

٢٨. ما زِلتُ أَسقيهِ حَتّى مالَ جانِبُهُ
إِلى الوِسادِ وَأَغفى بَعدَما غُلِبا

29. Against the pillow and fell asleep overcome.
Until the night pulled its tail from behind,

٢٩. حَتّى إِذا قُدَّ ذَيلُ اللَيلِ مِن دُبُرٍ
بِها وَسَلَ عَلينا صُبحُها قُضُبا

30. And dawn beamed its radiance upon us.
And the seller of daybreak stretched its fingers

٣٠. وَمَدَّ باعُ الضُحى كَفّاً أَنامِلُها
تُزجي الشُعاعَ وَأَخرى تَلقَطُ الشُهُبا

31. Shooting beams while another grasps meteors.
I woke him while the brow of dawn dripped,

٣١. نَبَّهتُهُ وَجَبينُ الصُبحِ مُندَلِقٌ
وَقَد دَنا أَجَلُ الظَلماءِ وَاِقتَرَبا

32. And the term of darkness had drawn near and come.
So he got up wiping his eyes with his palm,

٣٢. فَقامَ يَمسَحُ عَينَيهِ بِراحَتِهِ
وَالنَومُ يُعقَدُ مِن أَجفانِهِ الهُدُبا

33. While slumber knotted his eyelids.
I presented him, while the veil of night was torn,

٣٣. عاطَيتُهُ وَحِجابُ اللَيلِ مُنخَرِقٌ
راحاً تُخَرِّقُ مِن لَألائِها الحُجُبا

34. A maiden who knows water is her father
And is livid if angered by it.

٣٤. عَذراءَ تَعلَمُ أَنَّ الماءَ والِدُها
وَتَستَشيطُ إِذا ما مَسَّها غَضَبا

35. If the turbulent water hits her chaste body
It leaves a pearl that adorns the pearl with purity.

٣٥. إِذا أَصابَ لُجَينُ الماءِ عَسجَدَها
أَرتَكَ دُرّاً يُزيكَ الدُرِّ مُحتَلَبا

36. And I spent a life of good living which softened his side,
Carefree, fearing no fatigue through it.

٣٦. وَبِتُّ في طيبِ عَيشٍ رَقَّ جانِبُهُ
مُرَفَّهَ البالِ لا أَخشى بِهِ نَصَبا

37. We spent it while the days chant to us
That not every day does one attain what is sought.

٣٧. بِتنا نُقَضّيهِ وَالأَيّامُ تُنشِدُنا
ما كُلُّ يَومٍ يَنالُ المَرءُ ما طَلَبا

38. And time inadvertently spent its days
Halting its good hours with misfortune.

٣٨. وَالدَهرُ قَد غَفَلَت أَيّامُهُ وَغَدَت
بِطيبِ ساعاتِهِ تَستَوقِفُ النُوَبا

39. So do not miss an hour that was a gift to us
Before time takes back what it gave.

٣٩. فَلا تُضِع ساعَةً كانَت لَنا هِبَةً
مِن قَبلِ أَن يَستَرِدَّ الدَهرُ ما وَهَبا