
A dawn, by which the heart of time almost cracked,

فطر به كاد قلب الدهر ينفطر

1. A dawn, by which the heart of time almost cracked,
When the dawn heralded the glories of your grandeur.

١. فِطرٌ بِهِ كادَ قَلبُ الدَهرِ يَنفَطِرُ
إِذ بَشَّرَت بِمَعالي مَجدِكَ الفِطَرُ

2. O King, the world has become lost through it,
And fasting, dawn, and holidays take pride.

٢. يا مالِكاً أَضحَتِ الدُنيا تَتيهُ بِهِ
وَالصَومُ وَالفِطرُ وَالأَعيادُ تَفتَخِرُ

3. Your existence in the world and your existence for me
Has become a new holiday, by which humankind rejoices.

٣. أَضحى وُجودُكَ في الدُنيا وَجودُكَ لي
عيداً جَديداً بِهِ يَستَبشِرُ البَشَرُ

4. The holiday is expected once a year,
While the palm of your hand is an unawaited holiday.

٤. فَالعيدُ مُنتَظِرٌ في العامِ واحِدَةً
وَجودُ كَفِّكَ عيدٌ لَيسَ يُنتَظَرُ

5. If the holiday could speak with fairness, it would tell us:
"May the kind, successful King make you victorious."

٥. لَو يَنطِقُ العيدُ بِالإِنصافِ قالَ لَنا
لِيَهنِكُم بِالمَليكِ الصالِحِ الظَفَرُ

6. A King whose fame amongst kings - and none
Built fame for him but the sharp sword.

٦. مَلكٌ سَما ذِكرُهُ بَينَ المُلوكِ وَما
بَنى لَهُ الذِكرَ إِلّا الصارِمُ الذَكرُ

7. Gentle of manners, nothing harsh in his nature
Towards visitors, no ruggedness on his cheek.

٧. سَهلُ الخَلائِقِ ما في خُلقِهِ شَرَسٌ
لِلوارِدينَ وَلا في خَدِّهِ صَعَرُ

8. He knows no excuse for not helping one hopeful
A day, but he gives and apologizes.

٨. لا يَعرِفُ العُذرَ عَن إِسعافِ ذي أَمَلٍ
يَوماً وَلَكِنَّهُ يُعطي وَيَعتَذِرُ

9. From the family of flawless noble game, they climbed
So the heights clung after others separated from them.

٩. مِن آلِ أُرتُقٍ الصيدِ الأُلى رَتَقوا
فَتقَ العُلى بَعدَما حالَت بِها الغِيَرُ

10. They are the flawless Kings, time is clothed through them
With glory, and earth's kings disappear if they appear.

١٠. هُمَ المُلوكُ الأَلى يُكسى الزَمانُ بِهِم
عِزّاً وَتَخفى مُلوكُ الأَرضِ إِن ظَهَروا

11. The benefactors, but before being asked,
And the forgivers, but after assessing.

١١. المُنعِمونَ وَلَكِن قَبلَما سُئِلوا
وَالصافِحونَ وَلَكِن بَعدَما قَدَروا

12. O son of flawless Kings, time submitted to them
When they stood straight with God as they were ordered.

١٢. يا اِبنَ المُلوكِ الأَلى دانَ الزَمانُ لَهُم
لَمّا اِستَقاموا مَعَ الباري كَما أُمِروا

13. I have no merit in the prose of your description
By the prose’s worth, not by the string it is threaded on.

١٣. لا فَضلَ لي في نِظامي دُرَّ وَصفِكُمُ
بِقيمَةِ الدُرِّ لا بِالسُلكِ يُعتَبَرُ

14. Its artistry did not shine except by your making -
Ornaments shine however the rain pours.

١٤. لَم تَزهُ صَنعَتُهُ إِلّا بِصُنعِكُمُ
تَزهو الخَمائِلُ أَنّى يَهطِلُ المَطَرُ