1. He walked quickly with vigor
And drank the sweetest wine
١. طافَ يَسعى بِسُرعَةٍ وَنَشاطِ
وَيُعاطي المُدامَ أَحلى تَعاطِ
2. The fragrance wounds my cheeks
And his touch hurts like a whip
٢. طَيِّبُ النَشرِ يَجرَحُ اللَحظُ خَدَّي
هِ وَيُدمي أَعضاهُ مَسُّ القُباطي
3. His radiant face blushed
And his reproach stabbed like a sword
٣. طَلقُ وَجهٍ تَلَهَّبَ الخَدُّ في
هِ وَوافى عِذارُهُ كَالسِراطِ
4. The scars on his cheek
Inflicted by the calligrapher's hand
٤. طِرسُ خَدٍّ لَهُ عَليهِ سُطورٌ
ما أَلَمَّت بِهِ يَدُ الخَطّاطِ
5. He often visited while the land
Spread meadows beneath us like the sky
٥. طالَما زارَني وَقَد مَدَّتِ الأَر
ضُ رِياضاً مِن تَحتِنا كَالسَماطِ
6. The drinkers' blood was spilled
Now with goblets, now with carpets
٦. طُلَّ فيها دَمُ الدِنانِ فَبِالأَق
داحِ طَوراً وَتارَةً بِالبَواطي
7. The ecstasy of wine overflowed
And intoxicated the drinkers greatly
٧. طَفَحَت نَشوَةُ المُدامِ وَقَد شَط
طَت عَلى الشارِبينِ أَيَّ اِشتِطاطِ
8. It controlled the cupbearers until they obeyed
And allowed union after abstinence
٨. طَوَّحَت بِالسُقاةِ حَتّى أَطاعوا
وَأَباحوا الوِصالَ بَعدَ اِحتِياطِ
9. Bliss roamed embracing slender waists
Of wild does with delicate belts
٩. طافَت سُعادُ تَضُمُّ لِأَغصا
نِ قُدودٍ مِنَ الظِباءِ العَواطي
10. I will make the belts of those steeds
At times around the waists, at times around the necks
١٠. طَوقُ تِلكَ الأَجيادِ أَجعَلُها طَو
راً وَطَوراً مَناطِقَ الأَوساطِ
11. I enjoyed life when I saw the hand of dawn
Collecting the pearls of stars
١١. طِبتُ عَيشاً لَمّا رَأَيتُ يَدَ الصُب
حِ لِدُرِّ النُجومِ ذاتَ اِلتِقاطِ
12. The dawn is a child
In the east is its cradle
١٢. طِفلُ صُبحٍ لَهُ مِنَ الشَرقِ مَهدٌ
وَلَهُ حُلَّةُ الدُجى كَالقِماطِ
13. And the mantle of darkness is its swaddling clothes
It dispelled the night with its light
١٣. طَرَدَ اللَيلَ بِالضِياءِ فَمُذ لا
حَ فَأَهوَت نُجومُهُ بِاِنهِباطِ
14. So when it shone, its stars faded away
A lucky star rose over people
١٤. طَلَعَت في الأَنامِ غُرَّةُ نَجمٍ
لِعُلاهُ عَلى النُجومِ مَواطِي
15. Supreme over the stars
Rising with fortune on the horizon of dusk
١٥. طالِعٌ بِالسُعودِ في أُفُقِ الشَه
با فَعِش دائِماً بِهِ في اِغتِباطِ
16. Live always happily under its influence
Sustenance came to it with its singing
١٦. طابَ رِزقٌ لَهُ بِمَغناهُ فَالرِز
قُ لَدى غَيرِهِ كَسُمِّ الخِياطِ
17. While sustenance in others' hands is like a tailor's needle
His grandfather's honor renews every day
١٧. طاهِرُ الجَدِّ جَدُّهُ كُلَّ يَومٍ
في صُعودٍ وَضِدُّهُ في اِنحِطاطِ
18. Rising while its opposite declines
A mountain of patience that almost enslaves
١٨. طَودُ حِلمٍ يَكادُ يَستَعبِدُ الدَه
رَ بِعَزمٍ لَهُ شَديدِ النِياطِ
19. The era with determined, firmly pegged resolve
It suited this momentous time
١٩. طَبَّ هَذا الزَمانَ وَهوَ جَسيمٌ
قَصَّرَت دونَهُ يَدا بِقِراطِ
20. While the hands of others fell short
It adorned people with dew, pleasing them
٢٠. طَوَّقَ الناسَ بِالنَدى فَهَناهُم
في دَوامٍ وَرِزقُهُم في اِنبِساطِ
21. With constancy while their sustenance expanded
Its hands are inherently generous
٢١. طُبِعَت راحَتاهُ مِن جَوهَرِ الجو
دِ وَلَيسَ المَعطِيُّ كَالمُتَعاطي
22. The giver is not like the taker
His power in wealth became immense
٢٢. طالَ في المالِ عِزُّ كَفَّيهِ حَتّى
أَفرَطَت فيهِ غايَةَ الإِفراطِ
23. Exceeding all bounds
It surpassed horses past their prime
٢٣. طاعَنَ الخَيلَ قَبلَ ذابِلَةِ اللُد
نِ بِلُدنٍ مِن عَزمِهِ ذي شِطاطِ
24. With enduring determination and firm resolve
Wherever he traveled, fate smiled on him
٢٤. طِرفُهُ الدَهرُ أَينَما سارَ وَالحَز
مُ عِنانٌ وَعَزمُهُ كَالسِياطِ
25. While determination held the reins taut
Generosity competed with him in the field of merit
٢٥. طارَدَتهُ الكِرامُ في حَلبَةِ الجو
دِ فَكَلّوا في أَوَّلِ الأَشواطِ
26. Galloping ahead in the first legs of the race
They sought his companionship but the seekers
٢٦. طَلَبوا شَأوَهُ فَما حَصَّلَ الطا
لِبُ مِن كَنزِهِ سِوى قيراطِ
27. Obtained from his treasure only a carat
The jewels of praise came easily to me about him
٢٧. طاوَعَتني جَواهِرُ المَدحِ فيهِ
فَأَتَت في النِظامِ كَالأَسماطِ
28. Arranging themselves in verse like beads
If the finest words contained him
٢٨. طَيِّبُ اللَفظِ لَو حَوَتهُ اللَآلي
جَعَلَتهُ الحِسانُ كَالأَقراطِ
29. Eloquence would make him like earrings
A charm like necklaces, pearls are
٢٩. طُرَفٌ كَالعُقودِ فَالدُرُّ مِنها
ذِكرُهُ وَالبُيوتُ كَالأَسماطِ