
O Noble One to whom the jinn are subservient

يا سمي الذي له دانت الجن

1. O Noble One to whom the jinn are subservient
Who came to him on her throne was Bilqis

١. يا سَمِيَّ الَّذي لَهُ دانَتِ الجِن
نُ وَجاءَت بِعَرشِها بَلقيسُ

2. It is no wonder when souls yearn for your company
And the jinn hasten to obey your every command

٢. غَيرَ بِدعٍ إِذا أَطاعَت لَكَ الإِن
سُ وَهامَت إِلى لِقاكَ النُفوسُ