1. You promised and gave free rein as long as hope remained,
According to its extent, until we grew weary of patience.
١. وَعَدتُم وَأَعطَيتُم مَدى المَطلِ حَقَّهُ
عَلى قَدرِهِ حَتّى سَئِمنا التَمادِيا
2. Yet when we asked for poetry in exchange you were angered
And said tomorrow, after the praises, it will come reproaching.
٢. فَلَمّا تَقاضَينا بِشِعرٍ سَخِطتُمُ
وَقُلتُم غَدا بَعدَ المَدائِحِ هاجِيا
3. That jest was no injustice, but only
Reminded the forgetful of poetry.
٣. وَما كانَ ذاكَ الهُزءُ ظُلماً وَإِنَّما
يُذِكِّرُ بِالأَشعارِ مَن كانَ ناسِيا
4. If you say we were unjust, we were not,
But we erred in asking payment.
٤. فَإِن قُلتُمُ إِنّا ظَلَمنا فَلَم نَكُن
ظَلَمنا وَلَكِنّا أَسَأنا التَقاضِيا