1. Thus if he who builds the mansions ties them,
And supports them with pillars erected,
١. هَكَذا إِن بَنى المَنازِلَ بانِ
وَثَناها مَشيدَةَ الأَركانِ
2. He lays the foundation of glory first, so when
He has exalted it, he builds the mansions anew.
٢. يَبتَني المَجدَ أَوَّلاً فَإِذا ما
شادَهُ شَيَّدَ المَنازِلَ ثانِ
3. And the building of the exalted is hard upon him who
Has not a purpose firm in its structure.
٣. وَبِناءُ العَلاءِ صَعبٌ عَلَى مَن
لَم يَكُن عَزمُهُ شَديدَ المَباني
4. So if the lax one attempts gaining
Glory, he cries: By my honor you shall not see me!
٤. فَإِذا حاوَلَ المُقَصِّرُ نَيلَ ال
عِزِّ نادى وَعِزَّتي لَن تَراني
5. Everyone who laid the foundation on
The piety of the God of heaven and approbation,
٥. كُلُّ مَن أَسَّسَ البِناءَ عَلَى تَق
وى إِلَهِ السَماءِ وَالرِضوانِ
6. Let him make strong his foundation before building,
As virtues of the Sultan have erected it.
٦. فَليَشِد قَبلَهُ البِناءَ كَما قَد
شَيَّدَتهُ مَناقِبُ السُلطانِ
7. Adorned the sons of the climbing king, the righteous
Sun of the religion, the noble of station.
٧. زَينُ أَبناءِ أُرتُقَ المَلِكُ الصا
لِحُ شَمسُ الدينِ الرَفيعِ الشانِ
8. A king who fills sights with beauty
And fills palms with benevolence.
٨. مَلِكٌ يَملَأُ النَواظِرَ بِالحُس
نِ وَيَملا الأَكُفَّ بِالإِحسانِ
9. If he wished he would lay mansions
Above the lofty mansions of ruby fortresses,
٩. لَو يَشا أَسَّسَ المَنازِلَ مِن فَو
قِ أَعالي مَنازِلَ الزَبرِقانِ
10. With balconies above balconies of gold
And their doors upon pillars.
١٠. وَالسَواري فَوقَ السَواري مِنَ الشُه
بِ وَأَبوابُها عَلى كيوانِ
11. He erected in the peak of exaltation abodes,
And attained the two Gardens from them, brought near,
١١. شادَ في ذُروَةِ العَلاءِ دِياراً
وَجَنى الجَنَّتَينِ مِنهُنَّ داني
12. So God shows him in their shade honored
And goodly ease, and attaining of wishes.
١٢. فَأَراهُ الإِلَهُ في ظِلَّها العَز
زَ وَطيبَ الهَنا وَنَيلَ الأَماني