
Ask the tall spears about our glories

سلي الرماح العوالي عن معالينا

1. Ask the tall spears about our glories
And question the swords, did hope in us disappoint?

١. سَلي الرِماحَ العَوالي عَن مَعالينا
وَاِستَشهِدي البيضَ هَل خابَ الرَجا فينا

2. And ask the Arabs and Turks what our hands did
In the land of Al-Ubayd's grave, they will tell you.

٢. وَسائِلي العُربَ وَالأَتراكَ ما فَعَلَت
في أَرضِ قَبرِ عُبَيدِ اللَهِ أَيدينا

3. When we strove, our resolves did not weaken
From what we aspire, nor did our efforts fail.

٣. لَمّا سَعَينا فَما رَقَّت عَزائِمُنا
عَمّا نَرومُ وَلا خابَت مَساعينا

4. O day of the battle of Zuwarra in Iraq when
Our enemies submitted to us as they made us submit before.

٤. يا يَومَ وَقعَةِ زَوراءِ العِراقِ وَقَد
دِنّا الأَعادي كَما كانوا يَدينونا

5. With unsheathed swords we girded,
Only to raid those who raided us by night.

٥. بِضُمَّرٍ ما رَبَطناها مُسَوَّمَةً
إِلّا لِنَغزو بِها مَن باتَ يَغزونا

6. Youths who if we spoke lowered their ears
To hear us or if called, responded immediately.

٦. وَفِتيَةٍ إِن نَقُل أَصغَوا مَسامِعَهُم
لِقَولِنا أَو دَعَوناهُم أَجابونا

7. A people, if challenged, become furious lions
And if judged, they are just scales.

٧. قَومٌ إِذا اِستُخصِموا كانوا فَراعِنَةً
يَوماً وَإِن حُكِّموا كانوا مَوازينا

8. They armored themselves with reason a coat
But if the fire of turmoil blazed, it made them insane.

٨. تَدَرَّعوا العَقلَ جِلباباً فَإِن حَمِيَت
نارُ الوَغى خِلتَهُم فيها مَجانينا

9. If they claimed, the world came testifying
And if prayed, the days said "Amen."

٩. إِذا اِدَّعَوا جاءَتِ الدُنيا مُصَدِّقَةً
وَإِن دَعَوا قالَتِ الأَيّامُ آمينا

10. Verily the chicks, when their protector rose
Thought they had become our equals.

١٠. إِنَّ الزَرازيرَ لَمّا قامَ قائِمُها
تَوَهَّمَت أَنَّها صارَت شَواهينا

11. They fancied stopping the gallantry of the graying heroes
Unaware it was but our appeasement.

١١. ظَنَّت تَأَنّي البُزاةِ الشُهبِ عَن جَزَعٍ
وَما دَرَت أَنَهُ قَد كانَ تَهوينا

12. Citadels the hands of archers took
When had we left them, they would have taken our keeps.

١٢. بَيادِقٌ ظَفِرَت أَيدي الرِخاخِ بِها
وَلَو تَرَكناهُمُ صادوا فَرازينا

13. They were subdued by our swords for ages but when
They took power, they revealed their hatred of us.

١٣. ذَلّوا بِأَسيافِنا طولَ الزَمانِ فَمُذ
تَحَكَّموا أَظهَروا أَحقادَهُم فينا

14. Their wealth did not prevent them from pillaging our souls
As if they had immunity from our prosecution.

١٤. لَم يُغنِهِم مالُنا عَن نَهبِ أَنفُسِنا
كَأَنَّهُم في أَمانٍ مِن تَقاضينا

15. They emptied the mosques of our elders and sought
Until we revolted and vacated their bureaus.

١٥. أَخلوا المَساجِدَ مِن أَشياخِنا وَبَغَوا
حَتّى حَمَلنا فَأَخلَينا الدَواوينا

16. Then we withdrew with our swords still
Gleaming strangely and our spears shaking.

١٦. ثُمَّ اِنثَنَينا وَقَد ظَلَت صَوارِمُنا
تَميسُ عُجباً وَيَهتَزُّ القَنا لينا

17. And the blood stains on our clothes
With their fragrance were better than musk's scent.

١٧. وَلِلدِماءِ عَلى أَثوابِنا عَلَقٌ
بِنَشرِهِ عَن عَبيرِ المِسكِ يُغنينا

18. So excellent is the call through the land, traveling,
Which in the mouth of days repeats our name.

١٨. فَيا لَها دَعوَةً في الأَرضِ سائِرَةً
قَد أَصبَحَت في فَمِ الأَيّامِ تَلقينا

19. We are a people whose morals refused nobility
To initiate harm on those who did no wrong.

١٩. إِنّا لَقَومٌ أَبَت أَخلاقُنا شَرَفاً
أَن نَبتَدي بِالأَذى مَن لَيسَ يُؤذينا

20. White are our deeds, black are our events,
Green are our dwellings, red are our pastures.

٢٠. بيضٌ صَنائِعُنا سودٌ وَقائِعُنا
خُضرٌ مَرابِعُنا حُمرٌ مَواضينا

21. Weakness does not show through us without fulfilling hopes
Even if we see death in our wishes.

٢١. لا يَظهَرُ العَجزُ مِنّا دونَ نَيلِ مُنىً
وَلَو رَأَينا المَنايا في أَمانينا

22. No lack of archers leaping did we have
Except we made our plains archers.

٢٢. ما أَعوَزَتنا فَرامينٌ نَصولُ بِها
إِلا جَعَلنا مَواضينا فَرامينا

23. When we sped to excel swiftly,
Even if not preceded, we were first.

٢٣. إِذا جَرَينا إِلى سَبقِ العُلى طَلَقاً
إِن لَم نَكُن سُبَّقاً كُنّا مُصَلّينا

24. Our zeal wards off destined fate
From us and we dispute the course of time, if we wish.

٢٤. تُدافِعُ القَدَرَ المَحتومَ هِمَّتُنا
عَنّا وَنَخصِمُ صَرفَ الدَهرِ لَو شينا

25. We confront disasters with our hands and repel them
And if they overwhelm us, we repel them with our hands.

٢٥. نَغشى الخُطوبَ بِأَيدينا فَنَدفَعُها
وَإِن دَهَتنا دَفَعناها بِأَيدينا

26. A dominion, when the arrows of the enemy overwhelm us,
Its resolves cast whoever shoots arrows at us.

٢٦. مُلكٌ إِذا فُوِّقَت نَبلُ العَدُوِّ لَنا
رَمَت عَزائِمَهُ مَن باتَ يَرمينا

27. Resolves like shooting stars, piercing,
Continually burning our devils.

٢٧. عَزائِمٌ كَالنُجومِ الشُهبِ ثاقِبَةً
ما زالَ يُحرِقُ مِنهُنَّ الشَياطينا

28. He gave so his generosity was not mistaken
Nor his reward ever deficient.

٢٨. أَعطى فَلا جودُهُ قَد كانَ عَن غَلَطٍ
مِنهُ وَلا أَجرُهُ قَد كانَ مَمنونا

29. How many enemies of ours have by their tyranny
Been humbling themselves to us in submission and appeasement.

٢٩. كَم مِن عَدُوٍّ لَنا أَمسى بِسَطوَتِهِ
يُبدي الخُضوعَ لَنا خَتلاً وَتَسكينا

30. Like smooth silk feigning softness at its touch
Until it takes hold in the limbs.

٣٠. كَالصِلِّ يُظهِرُ ليناً عِندَ مَلمَسِهِ
حَتّى يُصادِفَ في الأَعضاءِ تَمكينا

31. He wraps betrayal for us in advice he alludes to
And mixes poison in honey and makes us drink.

٣١. يَطوي لَنا الغَدرَ في نُصحٍ يُشيرُ بِهِ
وَيَمزُجُ السُمَّ في شَهدٍ وَيَسقينا

32. We have turned a blind eye and been heedless of his evils
And it was not inability that made us overlook.

٣٢. وَقَد نَغُضُّ وَنُغضي عَن قَبائِحِهِ
وَلَم يَكُن عَجَزاً عَنهُ تَغاضينا

33. But we left him be, as we were confident
The Prince would repay him, so it sufficed us.

٣٣. لَكِن تَرَكناهُ إِذ بِتنا عَلى ثِقَةٍ
إِنَّ الأَميرَ يُكافيهِ فَيَكفينا