
O son of the generous, protectors of the protected

أيا ابن الكرام الكماة الحماة

1. O son of the generous, protectors of the protected
Treasures of chastity, and cave of the chaste

١. أَيا اِبنَ الكِرامِ الكُماةِ الحُماةِ
كُنوزِ العَفافِ وَكَهفِ العُفاةِ

2. O you who sees generosity as an obligation
And made connections like the obligation of prayers

٢. وَيا مَن يَرى الجودَ حَتماً عَلَيهِ
وَفَرضَ الصِلاتِ كَفرضِ الصَلاةِ

3. And whose view on important matters
Are ways of success and ships of salvation

٣. وَمَن رَأيُهُ في الأُمورِ الجِسامِ
سُبُلُ النَجاحِ وَسُفُنُ النَجاةِ

4. Nature has aided the master of fasting
With a long-lasting companion and fulfilling livelihood

٤. لَقَد ساعَدَ الفِطرُ رَبَّ الصِيامِ
بَعيدٍ مُوافٍ وَعَيشٍ مُؤاتِ

5. And I have a gazelle, strange of beauty
Abundant in clarity, precious of qualities

٥. وَعِندِيَ ظَبيٌ غَريبُ الجَمالِ
غَزيرُ الصَفاءِ عَزيزُ الصِفاتِ

6. It makes clarity flow like the water of life
And the water of modesty and the water of life

٦. يُديرُ الصَفاءَ كَماءِ الحَيا
وَماءِ الحَياءِ وَماءِ الحَياةِ

7. The weather has been clouded by an all-encompassing fog
Surrounding it from all directions

٧. وَقَد طَبَّقَ الجَوَّ جَهامٌ
أَحاطَ بِهِ مِن جَميعِ الجِهاتِ

8. And we counter the army of spring
With the parade of joy and the melody of songs

٨. وَنَحنُ نُقابِلُ جَيشَ الرَبيعِ
بِزَفِّ الهَناءِ وَزَنَّ الهَناتِ

9. So help, you have been blessed, in attaining harmony
For the people of loyalty before the death

٩. فَساعِد سَعِدتَ بِنَيلِ الوِفاقِ
لِأَهلِ الوَفاءِ قُبَيلَ الوَفاةِ

10. And visit us, for the most delightful gifts
Are repeating our past days

١٠. وَزُرنا فَإِنَّ أَلَذَّ الهِباتِ
إِعادَةُ أَيّامِنا الذاهِباتِ