1. In the wings of a gentle night we embraced,
And greeted the dawn on a day of delight,
١. وَجِنحُ دُجُنَّةٍ فيهِ اِغتَبَقنا
وَواصَلنا الصَبوحَ بِيَومِ دَجنِ
2. When spring had arrayed, in a flower-strewn field,
The valleys and hills in a garment bright.
٢. وَقَد نَشَرَ الرَبيعُ مُروطَ رَوضٍ
عَلى الشِعبَينِ مِن سَهلٍ وَحَزنِ
3. The branches, caressed by the zephyrs slight,
Bend over with blossoms that shine and nod,
٣. فَأَغصانٌ مِنَ النَسَماتِ تُثنى
وَأَزهارٌ عَلى الأَنواءِ تَثني
4. While clouds smile at them with lightning bright,
And weep on their petals in tears of god.
٤. يُضاحِكُها الغَمامُ بِثَغرِ بَرقٍ
وَتَبكيها الغَمامُ بِدَمعِ مُزنِ
5. At times they laugh, though no joy they know,
At times they weep, though they feel no woe.
٥. فَطَوراً ضاحِكاً مِن غَيرِ بِشرٍ
وَطَوراً باكِياً مِن غَيرِ حُزنِ