
May God protect a king who never shot me with his bow

رعى الله ملكا ما رمتني بربعه

1. May God protect a king who never shot me with his bow
Though my aspirations aimed but always met their goal

١. رَعى اللَهُ مَلِكاً ما رَمَتني بِرَبعِهِ
مَرامي النَوى إِلّا بَلَغتُ مَرامِيا

2. A young man who raised me with kindness and educated me
And reconciled what was between me and my time

٢. فَتىً رَبَّني بِالمَكرُماتِ وَبَرَّني
وَأَصلَحَ ما بَيني وَبَينَ زَمانِيا

3. And how many needs I have tried from his side
And added in my words to him and my address

٣. وَكَم حاجَةٍ حاوَلتُها مِن جَنابِهِ
وَأَلحَقتُ في قَولي لَهُ وَخِطابِيا

4. Yet he did not meet my persistence with love, but rather
Excelled in ignoring when I made bad requests

٤. فَلَم يَلقَ إِلحاحي بِحُبٍّ وَإِنَّما
أَجادَ التَغاضي إِذ أَسَأتُ التَقاضِيا