1. Your eloquent words have delighted me,
Containing wisdom and clear speech.
١. راقَني مِن لَفظِكَ المُستَطابِ
حِكمَةٌ فيهِ وَفَصلُ الخِطابِ
2. Radiant, beautiful meanings -
Their sun has not set behind a veil.
٢. وَمَعانٍ مُشرِقاتٌ حِسانٌ
ما تَوارَت شَمسُها في حِجابِ
3. For the seekers it is clear, cool water,
While all else is a shimmering mirage.
٣. هِيَ لِلوارِدينَ ماءٌ زُلالٌ
وَسِواها لامِعٌ كَالسَرابِ
4. The water of beauty flows through it, as
The water of youth flows in a lovely maid.
٤. جالَ ماءُ الحُسنِ فيها كَما قَد
جالَ في الحَسناءِ ماءُ الشَبابِ
5. We have not seen before it a string of pearls
Containing the line of a text in its setting.
٥. ما رَأَينا قَبلَها عِقدَ دُرٍّ ضَم
مَهُ في الطِرسِ سَطرُ كِتابِ
6. It flows from the words of a man of merit -
To me, he is the greatest of friends.
٦. صَدَرَت عَنِ لَفظِ صاحِبِ فَضلٍ
هُوَ عِندي مِن أَكبَرِ الأَصحابِ
7. So I have contemplated and wished for a time
When I and my family may join and be close.
٧. فَتَأَمَّلتُ وَأَمَّلتُ مِنهُ جَم
عَ شَملي في عاجِلٍ وَاِقتِرابِ
8. Then I have met his hands with a prayer,
A worthy supplication, sure to be answered.
٨. ثُمَّ قابَلتُ أَيادي ثَناهُ
بِدُعاءٍ صالِحٍ مُستَجابِ
9. O beloved friends, you are my desire,
And to you in exaltation is my kinship.
٩. يا أُهَيلَ الوُدِّ أَنتِم مُرادي
وَإِلَيكُم في العَلاءِ اِنتِسابي
10. Thoughts of you preoccupy me when present,
And your praise comforts me when far away.
١٠. ذِكرُكُم لي شاغِلٌ في حُضوري
وَثَناكُم مُؤنِسي في اِغتِرابي