1. Who can bring me close when visiting is so dear?
Blessed is he who attains this and succeeds.
١. مَن لي بِقُربِكَ وَالمَزارُ عَزيزُ
طوبى لِمَن يَحظى بِهِ وَيَفوزُ
2. If only I could raise my state towards you,
But promoting one's state is not allowed.
٢. فَلَوِ اِستَطَعتُ رَفَعتُ حالي نَحوَكُم
لَكِنَّ رَفعَ الحالِ لَيسَ يَجوزُ
3. O Sheikh, your views
Are our protection in adversities, a firm refuge.
٣. يا أَيُها الشَيخُ الَّذي آراؤُهُ
حِرزٌ لَنا في النائِباتِ حَريزُ
4. The metres were presented but no circles
Of them confused you, nor did their symbols.
٤. عُرِضَ العَروضُ فَلَم تَرُعكَ دَوائِرٌ
مِنهُ وَلَم تُشكِل عَلَيكَ رُموزُ
5. And so you followed their rhymes closely,
Obeyed by the shortened and the prolonged.
٥. وَكَذا اِقتَفَيتَ مِنَ القَوافي إِثرَها
فَأَطاعَكَ المَقصورُ وَالمَهموزُ
6. You set out with determination towards grammar
Until you gained in it clear distinction.
٦. وَضَرَبتَ نَحوَ النَحوِ هِمَّةَ أوحَدٍ
أَضحى لَهُ في حالِهِ تَميِيزُ
7. Had you brought it early, Tibrīz
Would have no Tibrīz to take such pride in.
٧. لَو كُنتَ جِئتَ بِهِ قَديماً لَم يَكُن
فيهِ لِتَبريزٍ لَها تَبريزُ
8. And indeed I shook towards you the palm tree of my talent,
Praising, so its fruit-laden boughs trembled.
٨. وَلَقَد هَزَزتُ إِليكَ دَوحَ قَريحَتي
مَدحاً فَأَينَعَ دَوحُها المَهزوزُ
9. And I forged your praise in the crucibles of my thoughts,
For in crucibles the finest gold is forged.
٩. وَسَبَكتُ مَدحَكَ في بَواطِقِ فِكرَتي
إِذ في البَواطِقِ يُسبَكُ الإِبريزُ
10. I composed poetry but not pretentiously,
For it is an ingrained talent I hold dear.
١٠. صُغتُ القَريضَ وَلَم أَقُلهُ تَكَلُّفاً
لَكِنَّهُ طَبعٌ لَدَيَّ عَزيزُ
11. I sent to you, of poetry, maidens
From the plumpness of my virgin thoughts, for them prominence.
١١. أَجلو عَليكَ مِنَ القَريضِ عَرائِساً
مِن خِدرِ أَبكاري لَهُنَّ بُروزُ
12. Maidens of virgin ideas sent like brides,
Not crones sent shuffling along.
١٢. أَبكارُ أَفكارٍ تُزَفُّ كَواعِباً
لا كَالعُقارِ تُزَفُّ وَهيَ عَجوزُ