
Cease fighting and free the chains of your captives,

كفي القتال وفكي قيد أسراك

1. Cease fighting and free the chains of your captives,
Suffice what your eyes have done to people.

١. كُفّي القِتالَ وَفُكّي قَيدَ أَسراكِ
يَكفيكِ ما فَعَلَت بِالناسِ عَيناكِ

2. Your cheekbones have become lean from annihilating us,
So who do you think is more destructive in shedding the blood of lovers?

٢. كَلَّت لِحاظُكِ مِمّا قَد فَتَكتِ بِنا
فَمَن تُرى في دَمِ العُشّاقِ أَفتاكِ

3. You have done enough to lovers,
If fate were fair with lovers, it would honor you.

٣. كَفاكِ ما أَنتِ بِالعُشّاقِ فاعِلَةٌ
لَو أَنصَفَ الدَهرُ في العُشّاقِ عَزّاكِ

4. You have completed the traits of flawless beauty,
If only your beauty were coupled with your compassion.

٤. كَمَّلتِ أَوصافَ حُسنٍ غَيرِ ناقِصَةٍ
لَو أَنَّ حُسنَكِ مَقرونٌ بِحُسناكِ

5. How could you incline towards the enemies revealing
The secrets when they interrogated you?

٥. كَيفَ اِنثَنَيتِ إِلى الأَعداءِ كاشِفَةً
غَوامِضَ السِرِّ لَمّا اِستَنطَقوا فاكِ

6. I concealed your secret until my mouth
Said poetry about you without knowing that my heart adores you.

٦. كَتَمتُ سِرَّكِ حَتّى قالَ فيكِ فَمي
شِعراً وَلَم يَدرِ أَنَّ القَلبَ يَهواكِ

7. You almost killed the lover but you do not seek that,
So despite the gloating of enemies, your lover's death would sadden you.

٧. كِدتِ المُحِبَّ فَما أَنتِ بِطالِبَةٍ
فَنا مُحِبُّكِ مَع إِشماتِ أَعداكِ

8. You have blamed me for sins I do not recognize.
So forgive me and remember one who cannot resist you.

٨. كافَيتِني بِذُنوبٍ لَستُ أَعرِفُها
فَسامِحي وَاِذكُري مَن لَيسَ يَسلاكِ

9. You tasked me with burdens too heavy to bear,
Yet I wish their heaviness pleased you.

٩. كَلَّفتِني حَملَ أَثقالٍ عَجَزتُ بِها
وَحَبَّذا ثِقلُها إِن كانَ أَرضاكِ

10. How the terrors of journeys appeared to me while seeking
Wealth when I never desired money except for your sake.

١٠. كا بَدتُ هَولَ السُرى في البيدِ مُكتَسِباً
مالاً وَما كُنتُ أَبغي المالَ لَولاكِ

11. No, I will traverse every desolate wilderness,
In which your camels have not tread.

١١. كَلّا وَلابِتُّ أَطوي كُلَّ مُقفِرَةٍ
وَمَهمَهٍ لَم تَسِر فيهِ مَطاياكِ

12. As if the sky and earth are one in it,
And our camels are steeds of light under your possession.

١٢. كَأَنَّ فيهِ السَما وَالأَرضَ واحِدَةٌ
وَنوقُنا نُجبُ نورٍ تَحتَ أَملاكِ

13. My camel stumbled over rocks within it and became
Complaining to me with a neck stretched out crying.

١٣. كَبَت مِنَ الأَينِ فيهِ ناقَتي فَغَدَت
تَشكو إِلَيَّ بِطَرفٍ شاخِصٍ باكِ

14. Like a pregnant camel dragging its abdomen,
As if its legs are tied with fetters.

١٤. كَوماءُ تَسحَبُ مِن سُقمٍ مَناسِمَها
كَأَنَّ أَرجُلَها شُدَّت بِأَشراكِ

15. It stopped attempting to walk to the pasture,
So I said walk to the pasture of fresh dew.

١٥. كَفَّت عَنِ السَيرِ لِلمَرعى مُحاوَلَةً
فَقُلتُ سيري إِلى مَرعى النَدى الزاكي

16. It turned and said to whom? So I said:
To Abu Al-Fath, my master and your master.

١٦. كَرَّت وَقالَت إِلى مَن ذا فَقُلتُ لَها
إِلى أَبي الفَتحِ مَولانا وَمَولاكِ

17. The cave of guests, giver of thousands, who has
An auspicious lineage that restores the soul if you decide

١٧. كَهفُ الضُيوفِ وَوَهّابُ الأُلوفِ وَجَد
داعُ الأُنوفِ وَأَمنُ الخائِفِ الشاكي

18. To meet him, by God’s permission, he will revive you.
I will clothe you in silk brocade robes,

١٨. كَريمُ أَصلٍ يُعيدُ الروحَ مَنظَرُهُ
فَلو قَضَيتِ بِإِذنِ اللَهِ أَحياكِ

19. As if the gardens of eternity are your dwelling.
Eat assured and sleep untroubled

١٩. كَساكِ مِن سُندِسِ الإِنعامِ أَردِيَةً
حَتّى كَأَنَّ جِنانَ الخُلدِ مَأواكِ

20. In a meadow in which we and our camels graze.
Hope of meeting him would console me

٢٠. كُلي هَنيئاً وَنامي غَيرَ جازِعَةٍ
في مَربَعٍ فيهِ مَرعانا وَمَرعاكِ

21. While nocturnal tribulations occurred beyond my comprehension.
Thus, O soul, are the seekers of loftiness unattainable,

٢١. كانَ الرَجاءُ بِلُقياهُ يُعَلِّلُني
وَحادِثاتُ اللَيالي دونَ إِدراكي

22. But if you endure patiently, you will attain your desire.
Like the stars of rain except that when

٢٢. كَذا طِلابُ العُلى يا نَفسُ مُمتَنُعٌ
فَإِن صَبَرتِ لَهُ نالَتهُ كَفّاكِ

23. The rain holds back, it feels no distress in holding back.
A palm described the downpour of rain and its downpour

٢٣. كَواكِبُ القَطرِ إِلّا أَنَّ راحَتُهُ
إِن أَمسَكَ القَطرُ لا تَعبا بِإِمساكِ

24. Until the describer envied the narrator.
How much the whites of his palms made me cry when he laughed,

٢٤. كَفٌّ حَكى وابِلَ الأَنواءِ وابِلُها
حَتّى غَدا يَحسُدُ المَحكِيَّ لِلحاكي

25. Making an eye laugh and teeth of its laugher cry.
All people are thankful for what he bestowed on them

٢٥. كَم أَبكَتِ البيضَ في كَفَّيهِ إِذ ضَحِكَت
عَيناً وَأَضحَكَ سِنّاً مالُهُ الباكي

26. Yet none but the public treasury complains of him.
Be however you wish in the safety of God as king,

٢٦. كُلُّ الأَنامِ لِما أَولاهُ شاكِرَةٌ
فَما لَهُ غَيرُ بَيتِ المالِ مِن شاكِ

27. His resolves have become the axis of the celestial spheres.
We have sufficed from you favor that if described

٢٧. كُن كَيفَ شِئتَ بِأَمنِ اللَهِ يامَلِكاً
أَضحَت عَزائِمُهُ أَقطابَ أَفلاكِ

28. We would think it a form of idolatry.
Just so you continue to suffice every embodied being

٢٨. كَفَيتَنا مِنكَ مَنّاً لَو وُصِفتَ بِهِ
لَظُنَّ ذَلِكَ مِنّا نَوعَ إِشراكِ

29. And defeat calamities with your decisive annihilation.

٢٩. كَذاكَ لا زِلتَ تَكفي كُلَّ ذي جَسَدٍ
فَتكَ الخُطوبِ بِعَزمٍ مِنكَ فَتّاكِ