1. My case is one where tongues are tied,
And love's road obscured in darkness lies.
١. خَطبٌ لِسانُ الحالِ فيهِ أَبكَمُ
وَهَوىً طَريقُ الحَقِّ فيهِ مُظلِمُ
2. A cause where judges haughtily withdrew
From giving judgment, while disputants decide.
٢. وَقَضِيَّةٌ صَمَتَ القُضاةُ تَرَفُّعاً
عَن فَصلِها وَالخَصمُ فيها يَحكُمُ
3. The expert questioned me about it saying,
And my bashfulness replies in troubled wise:
٣. أَمسى الخَبيرُ بِها يُسائِلُ مَن لَها
فَأَجَبتُهُ وَحُشاشَتي تَتَضَرَّمُ
4. "If you know not, 'tis a calamity;
If you do know, the calamity still greater lies."
٤. إِن كُنتَ ما تَدري فَتِلكَ مُصيبَةٌ
أَو كُنتَ تَدري فَالمُصيبَةُ أَعظَمُ
5. I complain, and laughing he turns away,
While the proud man is hurt by words however slight.
٥. أَشكو فَيَعرِضُ عَن مَقالي ضاحِكاً
وَالحُرُّ يوجِعُهُ الكَلامُ وَيُؤلِمُ
6. Not from coy pride doth he refrain, but love
Has in hearts a secret that's hid from sight.
٦. ما ذاكَ مِن فَرطِ العَياءِ وَإِنَّما
لِهَوى القُلوبِ سَريرَةٌ لا تُعلَمُ
7. If though my head is touched with grey, that is
No eld, but stroke of fate does youth chastise.
٧. فَلَئِن عَلا رَأسي المَشيبُ فَلَم يَكُن
كِبَراً وَلَكِنَّ الحَوادِثَ تُهرِمُ
8. God guard Mardin! It is a land whose sweets
Revive the stranger and wherein he joys.
٨. فَاللَهُ يَحرُسُ مارِدينَ فَإِنَّها
بَلَدٌ يَلَذُّ بِها الغَريبُ وَيَنعَمُ
9. A land whose lion in his jungle stalks,
While the old wolf amid its hazels cries.
٩. أَرضٌ بِها يَسطو عَلى اللَيثِ الطَلا
وَيَعوثُ في غابِ الهِزَبرِ الأَرقَمُ
10. There all is changed from customary ways,
The schemer fails and asses criticize.
١٠. حالَت بِها الأَشياءُ عَن عاداتِها
فَالحَيلُ تَنهَقُ وَالحَميرُ تُحَمحِمُ
11. The sinner profits there; then if they catch him
He swears divorce and goes unpenalized.
١١. يَجني بِها الجاني فَإِن ظَفِروا بِهِ
يَوماً يُحَلَّفُ بِالطَلاقِ وَيُرحَمُ
12. The governors' condition is to let pass all
That passes, and hold safe whate'er subsides.
١٢. شَرطُ الوُلاةِ بِها بِأَن يَمضي الَّذي
يَمضي وَيَسلَمُ عِندَهُم ما يَسلَمُ
13. Not like Damascus where the thief secures
His booty and the plaintive is the loser.
١٣. لا كَالشَآمِ فَإِنَّ شَرطَ وُلاتِها
اللِصُّ يَجني وَالمُقَدَّمُ يَغرَمُ
14. I chided one who entertained vile thoughts,
And said "Restrain yourself, for part is known."
١٤. وَمُعَنِّفٍ في الظَنِّ قُلتُ لَهُ اِتَّئِد
فَأَقصِر فَبَعضُ الغَيبِ غَيبٌ يُعلَمُ
15. How should the thief have knowledge that my purse
Was lacking even one remaining coin?
١٥. مَن أَينَ يَدري اللِصُّ أَنَّ دَراهِمي
لَم يَبقَ مِنها في الخِزانَةِ دِرهَمُ
16. They showed patience till collected was the whole,
Then plundered all when came the time of plunder.
١٦. صَبَروا وَمالي في البُيوتِ مُقَسَّمٌ
حَتّى إِذا اِكتَمَلَ الجَميعُ تَسَلَّموا
17. O king, from whom all other kings can learn
Of equity, in this thy happy reign,
١٧. يا أَيُّها المَلِكُ الَّذي في عَصرِهِ
كُلُّ المُلوكِ لِعَدلِهِ تَتَعَلَّمُ
18. Give not the vicious leave, for souls will dare
When honored, and the vilest hold the rein.
١٨. لا تُطمِعَنَّ ذَوي الفَسادِ بِتَركِهِم
فَالنَذلُ تَطغى نَفسُهُ إِذ تُكرَمُ
19. If one still profits and feels no remorse,
I know not where repentance can be found.
١٩. إِن كانَ مَن يَجني مِراراً لَم يَخَف
قَطعاً فَلا أَدري عَلى ما يَندَمُ
20. Is it unknown to thee this case of mine
Whereat the people in Mudar complain?
٢٠. أَيَجوزُ أَن تَخفى عَلَيكَ قَضِيَّتي
وَالناسُ في مُضَرٍ بِها تَتَكَلَّمُ
21. If I complain they say "No money's lost,
But here's a man who does injustice feign."
٢١. فَإِذا شَكَوتُ يُقالُ لَم يَذهَب لَهُ
مالٌ وَلَكِن ظالِمٌ يَتَظَلَّمُ
22. Is it conceivable that the invalid
Should be acquitted while the youths are chained?
٢٢. أَيَجوزُ أَن يُمسي السَقيمُ مُبَرَّأً
مِنها وَصِبيانُ المَكاتِبِ تُتهَمُ
23. In the prisons the sad victim I behold
Is the poor servant lad or household page.
٢٣. وَأُجيلُ عَيني في الحُبوسِ فَلا أَرى
إِلا اِبنَ جاري أَو غُلاماً يَخدُمُ
24. A monk in the Buwairah door by night
Is seen, and when morning dawns, is known again.
٢٤. أَيُزارُ في بابِ البُوَيرَةِ راهِبٌ
لَيلاً فَيَدري في الصَباحِ وَيَعلَمُ
25. My house by troops of candles is enthronged
At evening as the prostitutes arrange their train.
٢٥. وَتَزُفُّ داري بِالشُموعِ جَماعَةٌ
غُلبٌ فَيُستَرُ عَن عُلاكَ وَيُكتَمُ
26. A people firm of purpose bar the way,
Each of his foray conscious well and fain.
٢٦. قَومٌ لَهُم ظَهرٌ شَديدٌ مانِعٌ
كُلٌّ بِهِ يَدري عَلى ما يُقدِمُ
27. Careless they are though round the house their band
Is watching either to awake or sleep.
٢٧. لا يَحفِلونَ وَقَد أَحاطَ عَديدُهُم
بِالدارِ أَيقاظٌ بِها أَو نَوَّمُ
28. They kill if they prevail, if they have ill success
Each has support behind him or makes his escape.
٢٨. إِن يَظفَروا فَتَكوا وَإِن يُظفَر بِهِم
كُلٌّ عَلَيهِ يُنابُ أَو يُستَخدَمُ
29. So for them firmly execute God's law,
For trusting to thy mildness they blaspheme.
٢٩. فَأَقِم حُدودَ اللَهِ فيهِم إِنَّهُم
وَثَقوا بِأَنَّكَ راحِمٌ لا تَنقِمُ
30. If thou fear that men reckon thee unjust
To them, to thy poor subjects thou'rt more unfair.
٣٠. إِن كُنتَ تَخشى أَن تُعَدَّ بِظالِمٍ
لَهُم فَإِنَّكَ لِلرَعِيَّةِ أَظلَمُ
31. Clemency in some cases means disgrace,
Rebellion is a wound by severity made tame.
٣١. فَالحِلمُ في بَعضِ المَواطِنِ ذِلَّةٌ
وَالبَغيُ جُرحٌ وَالسِياسَةُ مَرهَمُ
32. By his severity the rule to Marwan's son
Came, though the earlier Khalifs more indulgent were.
٣٢. بِالبَطشِ تَمَّ المُلكُ لِاِبنِ مَراجِلٍ
وَتَأَخَّرَ اِبنُ زُبَيدَةَ المُتَقَدِّمُ
33. By might Mo'tasim brought the nations low,
While with his mildness Mutawakkel curbed them.
٣٣. وَعَنَت لِمُعتَصِمِ الرِقابُ بِبَأسِهِ
وَدَهى العِبادَ بِلينِهِ المُستَعصِمُ
34. Not for neglect did God ordain the laws,
Intending pardon to the evil-doer.
٣٤. ما رَتَّبَ اللَهُ الحُدودَ وَقَصدُهُ
في الناسِ أَن يَرعى المُسيءَ وَيَرحَمُ
35. If He had wished He had said "let claims abate,"
Not "retaliation gives you life and order."
٣٥. لَو شاءَ قال دَعوا القِصاصَ وَلَم يَقُل
بَل في القِصاصِ لَكُم حَياةٌ تَنعَمُ
36. If the excuse for setting law aside
Be pity, God more pities and is kinder.
٣٦. إِن كانَ تَعطيلُ الحُدودِ لِرَحمَةٍ
فَاللَهُ أَرأَفُ بِالعِبادِ وَأَرحَمُ
37. So punish the transgressor with the proper punishment
And judge as was your Lord's decreed intent.
٣٧. فَاِجزِ المُسيءَ كَما جَزاهُ بِفِعلِهِ
وَاِحكُم بِما قَد كانَ رَبُّكَ يَحكُمُ
38. Thamud of old, though independent quite
Of mortals' aid, a she-camel had, eminent,
٣٨. عَقَرَت ثَمودُ لَهُ قَديماً ناقَةً
وَهُوَ الغَنِيُّ عَنِ الوَرى وَالمُنعِمُ
39. Yet did they hamstring her, and for all that they
By heaven's wrath and earthquake dire were punished.
٣٩. فَأَذاقَهَم سَوطَ العَذابِ وَإِنَّهُم
بِالرَجزِ يَخسِفُ أَرضَهُم وَيُدَمدِمُ
40. So too that best of prophets, honored Mohammed,
Although to none oppression could be incident,
٤٠. وَكَذاكَ خَيرُ المُرسَلينَ مُحَمَّدٌ
وَهُوَ الَّذي في حُكمِهِ لا يَظلِمُ
41. When they brought up a band who had purloined
Some camels out of alms - and he was vehement -
٤١. لَمّا أَتَوهُ بِعُصبَةٍ سَرَقوا لَهُ
إِبِلاً مِنَ الصَدَقاتِ وَهوَ مُصَمِّمُ
42. He cut off hands and feet, not pardoning them
Till after their escaping eyes had punishment.
٤٢. لَم يَعفُ بَل قَطَعَ الأَكُفَّ وَأَرجُلاً
مِن بَعدِ ما سَمَلَ النَواظِرَ مِنهُمُ
43. Then he cast them on the sunburnt ground to burn
Where winds blow o'er it causing fiery torment.
٤٣. وَرَماهُمُ مِن بَعدِ ذاكَ بِحَرَّةٍ
نارُ الهَواجِرِ فَوقَها تَتَضَرَّمُ
44. Some people hoped he might show clemency,
But no! he said "such is the due of every villain."
٤٤. وَرَجا أُناسٌ أَن يَرِقَّ عَليهِمُ
فَأَبى وَقالَ كَذا يُجازى المُجرِمُ
45. And so Khattab's brave son one day was driving
An Arab King, Ghassan's lord, behind him eminent.
٤٥. وَكَذا فَتى الخَطّابِ قادَ بِلَطمَةٍ
مَلِكاً لِغَسّانٍ أَبوهُ الأَيهَمُ
46. The king complained saying "Is it right that I
Be driven by a lash?" He said "Yes, though indignant.
٤٦. فَشَكا وَقالَ لَهُ أَتَلطِمُ سوقَةٌ
مَلِكاً فَقالَ أَجَل وَأَنفُكَ مُرغَمُ
47. These are God's bounds; whoever them transgresses,
On resurrection day hell fire shall be his punishment."
٤٧. هَذي حُدودُ اللَهِ مَن يَخلُل بِها
فَجَزاؤُهُ يَومَ المَعادِ جَهَنَّمُ
48. Regard Husain's son's words, when he beheld
A state that pierced anew a father's soul.
٤٨. وَاِنظُر لِقَولِ اِبنِ الحُسَينِ وَقَد رَأى
حالاً يَشُقُّ عَلى الأَبيِّ وَيَعظُمُ
49. "Nobility from suffering is not free
Until around its sides our blood shall roll."
٤٩. لا يَسلَمُ الشَرَفُ الرَفيعُ مِنَ الأَذى
حَتّى يُراقَ عَلى جَوانِبِهِ الدَمُ
50. Such was God's, then his Prophet's ordinance,
As also from the noble poets have we learnt.
٥٠. هَذا فَعالُ اللَهِ ثُمَّ نَبِيِّهِ
وَالصَحبُ وَالشُعَراءُ فَيما نَظَّموا
51. So deal with them the fiat of the kings,
Nor weakly pardon, lest the crowd blaspheme.
٥١. فَافتُك بِهِم فَتكَ المُلوكِ وَلا تَلِن
فَيَصِحَّ ما قالَ السَوادُ الأَعظَمُ
52. Forgive the fault of one whose verse shows love,
Though rash, for need constrains beyond all reason.
٥٢. وَاِعذِر مُحِباً لَم يُسِئ بِقَريضِهِ
أَدَباً وَلَكِنَّ الضَرورَةَ تَحكُمُ
53. By God, I grieve not for the wealth that's lost,
Save that my absence is prolonged from you.
٥٣. وَاللَهِ ما أَسَفي عَلى مالٍ مَضى
إِلّا عَلى اِستِلزامِ بُعدي عَنكُمُ
54. Wealth comes and goes throughout man's life, but fame
Endures and unto death its succor brings.
٥٤. فَالمالُ مُكتَسَبٌ عَلى طولِ المَدى
وَالذِكرُ يُنجِدُ في البِلادِ وَيُتهِمُ
55. This speech should make the understanding think.
God knows the right, and He the wisest Judge.
٥٥. هَذي العِبارَةُ لِلمُحَقِّقِ عِبرَةٌ
وَاللَهُ أَعلَمُ بِالصَوابِ وَأَحكَمُ