1. I gained my wish from your gracious affection
As you are pure, free from all blemish and defection
١. نِلتُ مِن وُدِّكَ الجَميلِ اِنتِصافي
حَيثُ مِن سائِرِ القَذى أَنتَ صافي
2. Since you allowed my letters, I was certain
That you would fulfill, being always faithful and compliant
٢. وَتَيَقَّنتُ مُذ أَذِنتَ لِكُتبي
أَن تُوافي بِأَنَّ لي أَنتَ وافي
3. Couriers brought them with fidelity and awe
And a devotion to love free of any flaw
٣. حَمَلَتها قَوادِمٌ مِن وَفاءٍ
وَخَوافٍ لِلوُدِّ غَيرُ خَوافِ
4. O honored companion, crown of faith
Lord of joy and succor, your helps I await
٤. أَيُّها الصاحِبُ المُعَظَّمُ تاجُ ال
دينِ رَبُّ الإِسعادِ وَالإِسعافِ
5. Think not my letters ceased, that I grew cold
No, never indifferent or from fondness withheld
٥. لا تَظُنَّ اِنقِطاعَ كُتبي بِأَنّي
لَكَ جافٍ كَلّا وَلا مُتَجافِ
6. Thoughts of you fill my hearing and discourse
Your face my vision's goal, you my passion's source
٦. ذِكرُكُم مِلءُ مَسمَعي وَسَنا وَج
هِكَ تِلقاءِ ناظِري وَالهَوى في
7. In verse your neglectful servant was profuse
So verse made him need no wine's carouse
٧. وَرَدَت عَبدَكَ المُقَصِّرِ أَبيا
تٌ فَأَغنَتهُ عَن كُؤوسِ السُلافِ
8. In rhyme and meaning inlaid with artful phrases
And meanings adorned by well-turned, charming mazes
٨. بِقَوافٍ قَد رُصَّعَت بِالمَعاني
وَمَعانٍ قَد فُصِّلَت بِالقَوافي
9. I picked my words and turned my ode
Toward those virtues and favors I owe
٩. فَتَخَيَّرتُ ما أَقولُ وَأُهدي
نَحوَ تِلكَ الأَخلاقِ وَالأَلطافِ
10. Yet I patched together this answer's vow
Hoping to heal, though it may still chafe now
١٠. غَيرَ أَنّي لَفَّقتُ نَذرَ جَوابٍ
لِيَ شافٍ وَإِن غَدا غَيرَ شافِ
11. Excuse my faults, your grace can survey
Such things fine spirits will gently allay
١١. فَاِسخُ لي مُنعِماً بِتَمهيدِ عُذري
إِنَّها مِن خَلائِقِ الأَشرافِ
12. I have explained the cause of my terse apology
Consider it with your piercing, brilliant acuity
١٢. قَد شَرَحتُ المَبسوطَ مِن قِصرِ عُذري
فَاِعتَبِرهُ مِن رَأيِكَ الكَشّافِ