
You were never called upon in times of distress,

ما كنت في إحدى الشدائد مرتجى

1. You were never called upon in times of distress,
Except we found the door of your generosity ajar.

١. ما كُنتَ في إِحدى الشَدائِدِ مُرتَجى
إِلّا رَأَينا بابَ جودِكَ مُرتَجا

2. And likewise, no vice was ever attributed to you,
Except you were praised for it, as it deserved acclaim.

٢. وَكَذاكَ ما نُسِبَت إِلَيكَ رَذيلَةٌ
إِلّا مُدِحتَ بِها وَكانَ لَها الهِجا

3. You were never called upon in times of distress,
Except we found the door of your excuse ajar.

٣. ما كُنتَ في إِحدى الشَدائِدِ مُرتَجى
إِلّا رَأَينا بابَ عُذرِكَ مُرتَجا

4. And likewise, no virtue was ever attributed to you,
Except it was praised, as you deserved acclaim.

٤. وَكَذاكَ ما نُسِبَت إِلَيكَ فَضيلَةٌ
إِلّا وَقَد مُدِحَت وَكانَ لَكَ الهِجا