1. The opposites were combined in your virtues,
So peers were too proud to be your match.
١. جُمِعَت في صِفاتِكَ الأَضدادُ
فَلِهَذا عَزَّت لَكَ الأَندادُ
2. An ascetic ruler, forbearing and brave,
Devout, conqueror, poor yet generous.
٢. زاهِدٌ حاكِمٌ حَليمٌ شُجاعٌ
ناسِكٌ فاتِكٌ فَقيرٌ جَوادُ
3. Qualities never combined in any mortal,
Nor did any man attain the like.
٣. شِيَمٌ ما جُمِعنَ في بَشَرٍ قَط
طٍ وَلا حازَ مِثلَهُنَّ العِبادُ
4. A nature putting the breeze to shame with perfume,
And valor melting iron to liquid.
٤. خُلُقٌ يُخجِلُ النَسيمَ مِنَ العَط
فِ وَبَأسٌ يَذوبُ مِنهُ الجَمادُ
5. So minds were immersed in you profoundly,
And with their words they knelt and surrendered.
٥. فَلِهَذا تَعَمَّقَت فيكَ أَقوا
مٌ بِأَقوالِهِم فَزانوا وَزادوا
6. And were lost in the virtues of your superiority, O holder
Of the letter Noon and Sad and Sad again.
٦. وَغَلَت في صِفاتِ فَضلِكَ ياسي
نُ وَصادٌ وَآلُ سينٍ وَصادُ
7. Wonders appeared through you to all people,
So even the envious admitted your merit.
٧. ظَهَرَت مِنكَ لِلوَرى مُعجِزاتٌ
فَأَقَرَّت بِفَضلِكَ الحُسّادُ
8. If your enemies deny them, they have already lied,
Like the people of Lot and 'Aad lied before.
٨. إِن يُكَذِّب بِها عِداكَ فَقَد كَذ
ذَبَ مِن قَبلُ قَومُ لوطٍ وَعادُ
9. You are the Prophet's secret, and his supporter, his cousin
And his son-in-law, the brother he consulted.
٩. أَنتَ سِرُّ النَبِيِّ وَالصِنوُ وَاِبنُ ال
عَمِّ وَالصِهرُ وَالأَخُ المُستَجادُ
10. If he saw anyone but you, he would have adopted him.
Otherwise, his choice would have been mistaken.
١٠. لَو رَأى غَيرَكَ النَبِيُّ لَآخا
هُ وَإِلّا فَأَخطَأَ الإِنتِقادُ
11. The Prophet was content with only you,
And added no fifth companion to you.
١١. بِكُمُ باهَلَ النَبِيُّ وَلَم يُل
فِ لَكُم خامِساً سِواهُ يُزادُ
12. You were his soul, his family and his sons to him -
To him, you were the women and children.
١٢. كُنتَ نَفساً لَهُ وَعَرسُكَ وَاِبنا
كَ لَدَيهِ النِساءُ وَالأَولادُ
13. It is beyond poetry to encompass your significance,
Or for critics to enumerate your virtues.
١٣. جَلَّ مَعناكَ أَن يُحيطَ بِهِ الشِع
رُ وَتُحصي صِفاتِهِ النُقّادُ
14. God only removed impurity from you,
So jealous rage retreated in fury.
١٤. إِنَّما اللَهُ عَنكُمُ أَذهَبَ الرِج
سَ فَرُدَّت بِغَيظِها الإِحتِدادُ
15. That is God praising you - and if I venture
To praise, that is repeating what is already said.
١٥. ذاكَ مَدحُ الإِلَهِ فيكُم فَإِن فُه
تُ بِمَدحٍ فَذاكَ قَولٌ مُعادُ