
Tell the king who has slept from my wakefulness,

قل للملي الذي قد نام عن سهري

1. Tell the king who has slept from my wakefulness,
And whom my body and state have made ill,

١. قُل لِلمَلِيّ الَّذي قَد نامَ عَن سَهَري
وَمَن بِجِسمي وَحالي عِندَهُ سَقَمُ

2. You sleep while the star's eye is wakeful,
And my heart is more inflamed than one whose heart is frigid.

٢. تَنامُ عَنّي وَعَينُ النَجمِ ساهِرَةٌ
وَاَحَرُّ قَلباهُ مِمَّن قَلبُهُ شَبِمُ

3. For love is where enmity lies, and the lion crouches,
If only we could share love’s decree.

٣. فَالحُبُّ حَيثُ العِدى وَالأُسدُ رابِضَةٌ
فَلَيتَ أَنّا بِقَدرِ الحُبِّ نَقتَسِمُ

4. Will you help me with an intention I have resolved?
In its winding path there is regret, in its winding path bounty.

٤. فَهَل تُعينُ عَلى غَيٍّ هَمَمتُ بِهِ
في طَيِّهِ أَسَفٌ في طَيِّهِ نِعَمُ

5. The love of safety makes its owner abandon resolve,
When darkness and light are the same to him.

٥. حُبُّ السَلامَةِ يَثني عَزمَ صاحِبِهِ
إِذا اِستَوَت عِندَهُ الأَنوارُ وَالظُلَمُ

6. So if you lean towards it, make a tunnel,
You will make those I bid farewell regretful.

٦. فَإِن جَنَحتَ إِلَيهِ فَاِتَّخِذ نَفَقاً
لَيَحدُثَنَّ لِمَن وَدَّعتُهُم نَدَمَ

7. The humiliation of lowly life makes him lowly,
And I have looked at him while swords shed blood.

٧. رِضى الذَليلِ بِخَفضِ العَيشِ يَخفِضُهُ
وَقَد نَظَرتُ إِلَيهِ وَالسُيوفُ دَمُ

8. Highness has told me, and she is truthful,
That affinities among the immoral are blemishes.

٨. إِنَّ العُلى حَدَّثَتني وَهيَ صادِقَةٌ
إِنَّ المَعارِفَ في أَهلِ النُهى ذِمَمُ

9. I ventured in fortune, if I called one listening,
And made my words heard by one deaf.

٩. أَهَبتُ بِالحَظِّ لَو نادَيتُ مُستَمِعاً
وَأَسمَعَت كَلِماتي مَن بِهِ صَمَمُ

10. Perhaps if my merit appeared, and their deficiency,
I would attain it with a generous steed, its back inviolable.

١٠. لَعَلَّهُ إِن بَدا فَضلي وَنَقصُهُمُ
أَدرَكتُها بِجَوادٍ ظَهرُهُ حَرَمُ

11. I blame the soul for hopes I seek from it,
If only your command was under our command.

١١. أُعَلِّلُ النَفسَ بِالآمالِ أَطلُبُها
لَو أَنَّ أَمرُكُمُ مِن أَمرِنا أَمَمُ

12. I valued myself, recognized my worth,
Until I struck while the wave of death crashes.

١٢. غالى بِنَفسي عِرفاني بِقيمَتِها
حَتّى ضَرَبتُ وَمَوجُ المَوتِ يَلتَطِمُ

13. I did not expect time to crawl over me,
The meteors of champions are equal in it to pebbles.

١٣. ما كُنتُ أُثِرُ أَن يَمتَدَّبي زَمَنٌ
شُهبُ البُزاةِ سَواءٌ فيهِ وَالرَخَمُ

14. Deem your fiercest enemy nearer than your confidence in him,
So do not expect that the lion smiles.

١٤. أَعدَى عَدُوَّكَ أَدنى مِن وَثِقتَ بِهِ
فَلا تَظُنَّنَّ أَنَّ اللَيثَ يَبتَسِمُ

15. Your good opinion of days working wonders
Is to consider fat on one whose fat has dried up.

١٥. وَحُسنُ ظَنِّكَ بِالأَيّامِ مُعجِزَةٌ
أَن تَحسُبَ الشَحمَ فيمَن شَحمَهُ وَرَمُ

16. If anything helps in their resolve,
What pain is there if wounds please you?

١٦. إِن كانَ يَنجَعُ شَيءٌ في ثَباتِهِمُ
فَما لِجُرحٍ إِذا أَرضاكُمُ أَلَمُ

17. O you who came upon evil living whose purity is turbidity,
The worst thing man earns is what deafens.

١٧. يا وارِداً سُؤرَ عَيشٍ صَفوُهُ كَدَرٌ
وَشَرُّ ما يَكسَبُ الإِنسانُ ما يَصِمُ

18. So why do you oppose the sea’s billows and ride them?
While God dislikes what you do, and generosity.

١٨. فَيما اِعتِراضُكَ لُجَّ البَحرِ تَركَبُهُ
وَاللَهُ يَكرَهُ ما تَأتونَ وَالكَرَمُ

19. O you expert on secrets, well-informed,
You are the adversary, the opponent, and the judge.

١٩. وَيا خَبيراً عَلى الأَسرارِ مُطَّلِعاً
فيكَ الخِصامُ وَأَنتَ الخَصمُ وَالحَكَمُ

20. They have nominated you for a matter which, if you were aware of it,
The whites of India and motley would handshake on.

٢٠. قَد رَشَّحوكَ لِأَمرٍ لَو فَطِنتَ لَهُ
تَصافَحَت فيهِ بيضُ الهِندِ وَاللَمَمُ

21. So be aware of implying a word I reckon
Was implied by a pearl, except that it is speech.

٢١. فَاِفطَن لِتَضمينِ لَفظٍ فيكَ أَحسُبُهُ
قَد ضُمِّنَ الدُرَّ إِلّا أَنَّهُ كَلِمُ