1. My people thought misery would leave
The illness of my heart, and treatment avail
١. ظَنَّ قَومي أَنَّ الأُساةَ سَتَبري
داءَ وَجدِيَ وَالعِلاجُ يُفيدُ
2. So they brought the doctor, who is indeed
Skilled in his art, excellent and wise
٢. فَأَتَوا بِالطَبيبِ وَهوَ لَعَمري
في ذَوي فَنِّهِ مُجيدٌ مُجيدُ
3. When he saw my sickness, and the signs of death
Were clear to him, with witnesses beside
٣. مُذ رَأى عِلَّتي وَقَد لاحَ لِلمَو
تِ عَلَيها أَدِلَّةٌ وَشُهودُ
4. He felt my pulse, and asked, "Are you not doubtful?"
I said, "A fire that cooling cannot subdue."
٤. جَسَّ نَبضي وَقالَ ما أَنتَ شاكٍ
قُلتُ ناراً لَم يُطفِها التَبريدُ
5. Next day he mixed the draught, but found
The fire of my heart the stronger for his drug
٥. فَغَدا يُخلِصُ الدَواءَ فَأَلفى
نارَ وَجدي مَعَ الدَواءِ تَزيدُ
6. He said, "What was this malady of yours?"
I said, "My eyelid - and that is something dire."
٦. قالَ ما كانَ أَصلُ دائِكَ هَذا
قُلتُ طَرفي وَذاكَ حالٌ شَديدُ
7. He said, "Love has brought you dangerous pain."
I said, "The imprisoned, not the outstretched."
٧. قالَ إِنَّ الهَوى قَدِ أَحدَثَ بَلوا
كَ فَقُلتُ المَقصورُ لا المَمدودُ
8. Baffled, he turned away, and told my friends,
"The cure of lovers is very far away."
٨. فَاِنثَنى حائِراً وَقالَ لِأَهلي
ما شِفاءُ العُشّاقِ إِلّا بَعيدُ