
He who is naturally inclined to jest,

كل من كان شأنه الانبساط

1. He who is naturally inclined to jest,
Will not easily take offense or get distressed.

١. كُلُّ مَن كانَ شَأنُهُ الاِنبِساطُ
لَيسَ يُطوى لِلقَدحِ فيهِ بِساطُ

2. Jests may sometimes chafe another's breast,
Revealing rancor that festered unexpressed.

٢. رُبَّما أُوغِرَ الصُدورُ بِمَزحٍ
لاحَ فيهِ الجَفا وَالاِشتِطاطُ

3. So minimize your jests as best you can,
And only joke with care and caution's plan.

٣. فَاِقلِلِ المَزحَ ما اِستَطَعتَ وَلا تَأ
تِ بِنَزرٍ إِلّا وَفيهِ اِحتِياطُ

4. Excessive joking you must also ban,
Lest you diminish your worth in others' sight.

٤. وَتَوَقَّ الإِفراطَ فيهِ فَقَد يُف
رِطُ في وَضعِ قَدرِكَ الإِفراطُ