
The night wore its veil, smiling since it appeared,

جن الظلام فمذ بدا مبتسما

1. The night wore its veil, smiling since it appeared,
The light of guidance dawned and the darkness dissipated.

١. جَنَّ الظَلامُ فَمُذ بَدا مُبتَسِّماً
لاحَ الهُدى وَتَجَلَّتِ الظَلماءُ

2. It guided a lover who lingered in the night of estrangement,
When it guided, the days stretched ahead.

٢. وَهَدَت مُحِبّاً ظَلَّ في لَيلِ الجَفا
لَمّا هَدا وَاِمتَدَّتِ الآناءُ

3. The morning dew from the wine of his saliva,
Became intimate, as if it were mercury.

٣. رَشَأٌ غَدا مَن سُكرِ خَمرَةِ ريقِهِ
مُتَأَوَّدا فَكَأَنَّها صَهباءُ

4. The wine caressed his cheeks gently,
They blushed and were covered in ruby color.

٤. وَسَرَت بِخَدَّيهِ المُدامُ بِلُطفِها
فَتَوَرَّدا وَكَساهُما اللَألاءُ

5. It returned double the connection that emerged from it,
When its loyalty was evident.

٥. وافى يُعيدُ مِنَ التَواصُلِ ضِعفَ ما
مِنهُ بَدا إِذ صَحَّ مِنهُ وَفاءُ

6. It clung to me voluntarily and slept on my arm,
Using it as a pillow, and my limbs as its bedding.

٦. فَأَلَمَّ بي طَوعاً وَباتَ لِساعِدي
مُتَوَسِّدا وَفِراشُهُ الأَعضاءُ

7. I embraced it gently and held it closely,
As the necks fell asleep.

٧. عانَقتُهُ مُتَرَفِّقاً وَضَمَمتُهُ
مُتَأَيِّداً إِذ نامَتِ الرُقَباءُ

8. Until it was adorned with my arms,
Wearing them as necklaces, shyness overcoming it.

٨. حَتّى اِغتَدى مِن ساعِدَيَّ مُوَشَّحاً
وَمُقَلَّدا وَقَدِ اِعتَراهُ حَياءُ

9. The light prevailed over the darkness and they wished,
If only it could be ransomed, the souls its ransom.

٩. وَسَطا الضِياءُ عَلى الظَلامِ وَحَبَّذا
لَو يُفتَدى وَلَهُ النُفوسُ فِداءُ

10. I did not know if the dawn’s light advanced its army,
Scattering, the rays its banners.

١٠. لَم أَدرِ ضَوءَ الصُبحِ أَقبَلَ جَيشُهُ
مُتَبَدِّدا وَلَهُ الشُعاعُ لِواءُ

11. Or if the light of the sun of faith illuminated the gloom,
When it appeared, and for it the hearts are the heavens.

١١. أَو نورُ شَمسِ الدينِ قَد جَلّى الدُجى
لَمّا بَدا وَلَهُ القُلوبُ سَماءُ

12. A sun, when the heights keep watch over it,
And when it rises, it is as if it were the full moon.

١٢. شَمسٌ إِذا ما راحَ تَرقُبُهُ العُلى
وَإِذا غَدا فَكَأَنَّها الحِرباءُ

13. When it is armored, gentleness is its armor,
And when it is clothed, beauty is its cloak.

١٣. وَإِذا تَدَرَّعَ فَالسَماحَةُ دِرعُهُ
وَإِذا اِرتَدى فَلَهُ الجَمالُ رِداءُ

14. Of the tribe of Abs, who when they are enraged,
The valleys frown and the winds howl.

١٤. مِن آلِ عَبسونَ الَّذينَ إِذا اِنتَمَوا
عَبَسَ الرَدى وَتَوَلَّتِ اللَأواءُ

15. And if they are lenient, the swords weep, and if they pardon,
The dew laughs and the clouds disperse.

١٥. وَإِذا سَطوا بَكَتِ السُيوفُ وَإِن سَخوا
ضَحِكَ النَدى وَتَجَلَّتِ الغَمّاءُ

16. A people through whom troubles are removed, and from them,
Generosity is hoped for, even if times are hard.

١٦. قَومٌ بِهُم تُجلى الكُروبُ ومِنهُم
يُرجى الجَدا إِن ضَنَّتِ الأَنواءُ

17. Their munificence preceded requests,
Preceding generosity, and so are the generous.

١٧. فَنداهُمُ قَبلَ السُؤالِ وُجودُهُم
قَبلَ النَدى وَكَذَلِكَ الكُرَماءُ

18. They are the refuge for one who seeks protection, and demise,
For one who transgresses - so bliss and misery.

١٨. وَهُمُ مُنىً لِمَنِ اِعتَفى وَمَنِيَّةٌ
لِمَنِ اِعتَدى فَسَعادَةٌ وَشَقاءُ

19. My master, sun of the faith, O you whose palm,
Quenches thirst, and with it the enemies are thirsty.

١٩. مَولايَ شَمسَ الدينِ يا مَن كَفُّهُ
يَروي الصَدى وَبِها العُداةُ ظِماءُ

20. I complain to you of a creditor of longing that has become,
Rebellious, with no consideration.

٢٠. أَشكو إِلَيكَ غَريمَ شَوقٍ قَد غَدا
مُتَمَرِّدا ماعِندَهُ إِغضاءُ

21. My longing for your eminence is too great to be,
Enumerated and quantified.

٢١. شَوقي إِلى عَلياكَ أَعظَمُ أَن يُرى
مُتَعَدِّدا وَيَعُمَّهُ الإِحصاءُ

22. So submit, for you are the best master to be hoped for,
Or sacrificed to, and for you are the white hands.

٢٢. فَاِسلَم فَإِنَّكَ خَيرُ مَولىً يُرتَجى
أَو يُجتَدى وَلَكَ اليَدُ البِيضاءُ

23. The rain of your munificence still pours silver,
Or gold, satisfying the poor.

٢٣. لا زالَ غَيثُ نَداكَ يُمطِرُ فِضَّةً
أَو عَسجَدا تَغنى بِهِ الفُقَراءُ