1. I thanked my God when the one I love
Was afflicted with a beautiful love – in passion there is no fairness.
١. شَكَرتُ إِلَهي إِذ بَلى مَن أُحِبُّهُ
بِعِشقِ مَليحٍ في الهَوى لَيسَ يُنصِفُ
2. It makes him drink multiples of the pain I have,
And melts him with estrangement though he is the one who estranges.
٢. يُجَرِّعُهُ أَضعافَ ما بي مِنَ الأَذى
وَيُنحِلُهُ بِالهَجرِ مِنهُ وَيُتلِفُ
3. So it brought him what it brought people in love,
And made him owe the passion that he used to make others owe.
٣. فَأَورَدَهُ ما أَورَدَ الناسَ في الهَوى
وَأَسلَفَهُ الوَجدَ الَّذي كانَ يُسلِفُ
4. So he became dispossessed though he was the dispossessor -
Thus Jacob in grief and Joseph in beauty.
٤. فَأَصبَحَ مَسلوباً وَإِن كانَ سالِباً
فَفي الحُزنِ يَعقوبٌ وَفي الحُسنِ يوسُفُ