1. God watered a land, the light of your face is its sun
And gave life to a sky, you are its full moon on the horizon
١. سَقى اللَهُ أَرضاً نورُ وَجهِكَ شَمسُها
وَحَيّا سَماءً أَنتَ في أُفقِها بَدرُ
2. And irrigated a country, the rain of your palm's generosity is its rain
So in every drop of your dew in it is a drop
٢. وَرَوى بِلاداً جودُ كَفِّكَ غَيثُها
فَفي كُلِّ قُطرٍ مِن نَداكَ بِها قَطرُ