
How many a wakeful lover has sleeplessness deprived of touching his pillow,

كم ساهر حرم لمس الوساد

1. How many a wakeful lover has sleeplessness deprived of touching his pillow,
Yet I see not that keeping vigil avails him, nor does what he wants come to pass.

١. كَم ساهِرٍ حَرَّمَ لَمسَ الوِساد
وَما أَراهُ سُؤلَهُ وَالمُراد

2. The lover's wakefulness brings him no gain,
Even if he persists in long vigils and constant prayers.

٢. ما سَهَرُ الوالِهِ مُعطٍ لَهُ
وَصلاً وَلَو داوَمَ طولَ السُهاد

3. Nor does sport and diversion obtain the object,
At which one aims, while copious tears flow in profusion.

٣. وَلا اِطِّراحُ اللَهوِ داعٍ لِما
رامَ وَسَحُّ الدَمعِ سَحُّ العِهاد

4. How many a lover has his passion led him on,
Only to leave him balked when he attained his wish and object!

٤. كَم والِهٍ مَرَّ هَواهُ لَهُ
لَمّا حَلا مَورِدُهُ وَالمُراد

5. The sweet taste of love's delight enticed him;
He became enamored when he touched a gracefuI fawn.

٥. أَطمَعَهُ حُلوُ مِراحِ الطَلا
وَهامَ لَمّا ماسَ دَلّاً وَماد

6. He saw the wine of union delicious, so he turned from
The object he had pursued, though he was steadfast before.

٦. أَراهُ مَعسولَ اللَمى وِردَهُ
وَصَدَّ عَمّا رامَهُ وَهوَ صاد

7. Determined, he submits not to it,
Save when he sees his appointed hour and time of destiny arrive.

٧. مُصارِمٌ ما صارَ طَوعاً لَهُ
إِلّا أَراهُ ساعُهُ ما أَراد

8. A dark-complexioned one possesses him and plays with him,
Playing that shatters his collected thoughts and resolution.

٨. أَسمَرُ كَالرِمحِ لَهُ عامِلٌ
إِعمالُهُ حَطَّمَ سُمرَ الصِعاد

9. A rosy red one, he has, with a mark,
Jet black, deadly and permanent as ink.

٩. أَحمَرُ كَالوَردِ لَهُ طُرَّةٌ
مُسوَدَّةٌ حالِكَةٌ كَالمِداد

10. Polished and keen, he lets loose his bright blade,
The polished Indian swords, deadly and gleaming.

١٠. مُحَكَّمٌ سَلَّ لَطَلَّ الدِما
صَوارِمَ السودِ الصِحاحِ الحِداد

11. He shot an arrow that does not miss, it found its mark,
Terrifying the protected, even striking the lion dead.

١١. سَدَّدَ سَهماً ماعَدا رَوعَهُ
وَرَوَّعَ العُصمَ وَلِلأُسدِ صاد

12. O sovereign of my soul, show pity to one dying of anguish,
One clad in the armor of care of sable blackness!

١٢. أَمالِكَ الأَمرِ أَرِح هالِكاً
مُدِّرِعاً لِلهَمِّ دِرعَ السَواد

13. I see that long estrangement, when he went beyond
My wishes never moved the stoic, undefeated by ardors of passion.

١٣. أَراهُ طولُ الصَدِّ لَمّا عَدا
مَرامَهُ ما هَدَّ صُمَّ الصِلاد

14. With a love he cherished, driving away his cares,
For the free man desires only affection.

١٤. وَدَّ وَداداً طارِداً هَمَّهُ
وَما مُرادُ الحُرِّ إِلّا الوَداد

15. But deception is hateful. Let it destroy those who practice it!
And may God destroy them as He did the people of Aad!

١٥. وَالمَكرُ مَكروهٌ دَها أَهلَهُ
وَأَهلَكَ اللَهُ لَهُ أَهلَ عاد