1. O you who turn away, rejecting grey hair
And ignore my objection to your rejection
١. أَيُّها المُعرِضُ المُعَرِّضُ بِالشَي
بِ وَأَلغى عَن عارِضَيهِ اِعتِراضي
2. If you overlook my reproach, I'll overlook
The weakness in that overlooking of reproach
٢. لَو تَغاضَيتَ عَن عِتابي لَأَغضَي
تُ عَنِ العَتبِ ضُعفَ ذاكَ التَغاضي
3. So why are you annoyed by the sprouting on my cheek
And what caused my greying to annoy you?
٣. فَلِماذا اِمتَعَضتَ مِن نَبتِ خَدّي
كَ وَما أَوجَبَ المَشيبُ اِمتِعاضي
4. I'm content to grey and to become
Unhappy with the horror of its sprouting
٤. أَنا راضٍ بِأَن أَشيبَ وَأَن يُص
بِحَ مِن هَولِ نَبتِهِ غَيرَ راضِ
5. Indeed this whiteness after blackness
Is better than that blackness after whiteness
٥. إِنَّ هَذا البَياضَ بَعدَ سَوادٍ
دونَ ذاكَ السَوادِ بَعدَ بَياضِ