1. O king of the age, whose excellence has spread,
And O son of the kings of Arabs, non-Arabs, and Turks,
١. أَيا مَلِكَ العَصرِ الَّذي شاعَ فَضلُهُ
وَيا اِبنَ مُلوكِ العُربِ وَالعُجمِ وَالتُركِ
2. And whoever taught me to praise or described his glory,
I have not added more to it in the eyes of al-Nizam except sincerity,
٢. وَمَن عَلَّمَتني المَدحَ أَو صافُ مَجدِهِ
فَما زِدتُها عِندَ النِظامِ سِوى السَلكِ
3. Indeed, favors from your hands have overwhelmed me,
By which you have controlled my happiness, even if you have increased my kingdom,
٣. لَقَد غَمَرَتني مِن أَياديكَ أَنعُمٌ
مَلَكتَ بِها رِقّي وَإِن أَكثَرَت مُلكي
4. I consider myself a merchant when I separate from your riches,
So if the jealous accuse me of being your partner in the kingdom,
٤. أُعَدُّ إِذا فارَقتُ مَغناكَ تاجِراً
فَإِن أُبتُ ظَنّوني شَريكَكَ في المُلكِ
5. That is why hardships have not changed my affection,
But I am like bright steel on the whetstone,
٥. لِذَلِكَ لَم تَثنِ الحُطوبُ مَوَدَّتي
وَلَكِنَّني مِثلُ النُضارِ عَلى السِبكِ
6. So if the turning of fate has scratched my side,
It informs me while the whetstone informs of the scratch,
٦. فَإِن يَكُ صَرفُ الدَهرِ قَد حَكَّ جانِبي
لِيَخبُرَني وَالتِبرُ يُخبَرُ بِالحَكِّ
7. So with the occurrence of events I have increased longing,
Just as increased rubbing increases the fragrance of musk,
٧. فَقَد زِدتُ مَع وَقعِ الحَوادِثِ رَغبَةً
كَما زادَ فَرطُ السَحقِ في أَرجِ المِسكِ
8. And if a cloud has deprived me of your bounty,
It has neither changed my love nor caused me to abandon you,
٨. فَإِن أَخطَأَتني مِن نَداكَ سَحابَةٌ
فَما غَيَّرَت حُبّي وَلا أَوجَبَت تَركي
9. Because I am of those firmly convicted of loyalty,
While change may occur with those who doubt.
٩. لِأَنِّيَ مِن أَهلِ اليَقينِ عَلى الوَفا
وَقَد يَحدُثُ التَغييرُ عِندَ ذَوي الشَكِّ