
Do not blame me for the sins of one who erred

لا تأخذني بجرم من قد غلطا

1. Do not blame me for the sins of one who erred
In a state of drunkenness, though he was wrong

١. لا تَأخُذني بِجُرمِ مَن قَد غَلِطا
في حالَةِ سُكرِهِ وَإِن كانَ خَطا

2. If Adam's lapse had not occurred
He'd not have fallen from paradise one day

٢. لَولا صَدَرَت مِنَ آدَمٍ هَفوَتُهُ
ما كانَ مِنَ الجَنَّةِ يَوماً هَبَطا