1. I wonder at the reason of an ignorant man
Who boasts of his ignorance and abundance
١. إِنّي لَأَعجَبُ مِن تَعَقُّلِ جاهِلٍ
أَمسى يَدُلُّ بِجاهِهِ وَبِوَفرِهِ
2. He is miserly with his money and provisions
Yet generous with his dignity and reputation
٢. أَمسى يَشَحُّ بِمالِهِ وَبِزادِهِ
لَكِن يَجودُ بِعَرضِهِ وَبِذِكرِهِ
3. He counts what is left of his money
But does not know what is left of his life
٣. وَتَراهُ يَحسُبُ ما بَقي مِن مالِهِ
فَنَراهُ يَعلَمُ ما بَقي مِن عُمرِه