
From the breath of the trumpet or from the gentle breeze of the trumpet

من نفخة الصور أم من نفحة الصور

1. From the breath of the trumpet or from the gentle breeze of the trumpet
Have you revived a lifeless one, O wind, who was unburied

١. مِن نَفخَةِ الصورِ أَم مِن نَفحَةِ الصورِ
أَحيَيتِ يا ريحُ مَيتاً غَيرَ مَقبورِ

2. Or from the fragrance of a breeze from Paradise when it blew
Over flowers dripping with dew

٢. أَم مِن شَذا نَسمَةِ الفِردوسِ حينَ سَرَت
عَلى بَليلٍ مِنَ الأَزهارِ مَمطورِ

3. Or the meadow whose perfume overwhelmed the breeze
Filling it with scattered fragrance

٣. أَم رَوضِ رَشمَلَ أَعدى عِطرُ نَفحَتِهِ
طَيَّ النَسيمِ بِنَشرٍ فيهِ مَنشورِ

4. The wind had let loose its excess ties
And the branches sway between advancing and delaying

٤. وَالرَيحُ قَد أَطلَقَت فَضلَ العِنانِ بِهِ
وَالغِصنُ ما بَينَ تَقديمٍ وَتَأخيرِ

5. In a garden whose branches were erected and whose train
Became the tail of the morning breeze, between the nominative and genitive cases

٥. في رَوضَةٍ نُصِبَت أَغصانُها وَغدا
ذَيلُ الصِبا بَينَ مَرفوعٍ وَمَجرورِ

6. The water flows between verbs of prevention and negation
And the shade lies between extension and restriction

٦. وَالماءُ ما بَينَ مَصروفٍ وَمُمتَنِعٍ
وَالظِلُّ ما بَينَ مَمدودٍ وَمَقصورِ

7. The wind blows gently above its pond
And its water flows freely in captivity

٧. وَالريحُ تَجري رُخاءً فَوقَ بَحرَتِها
وَماؤُها مُطلَقٌ في زِيِّ مَأسورِ

8. Its sides are brought together in grammatical correction
And its water is collected in it in broken plurals

٨. قَد جُمِّعَت جَمعَ تَصحيحٍ جَوانِبُها
وَالماءُ يُجمَعُ فيها جَمعَ تَكسيرِ

9. The wind embroiders patterns in its waves
And the clouds portray all kinds of images

٩. وَالرَيحُ تَرقُمُ في أَمواجِهِ شَبَكاً
وَالغَيمُ يَرسُمُ أَنواعَ التَصاويرِ

10. The tender narcissus, its glances are not cast down
So its flower is between frowning and blossoming

١٠. وَالنَرجِسُ الغَضُّ لَم تُغضَض نَواظِرُهُ
فَزَهرُهُ بَينَ مُنغَضٍّ وَمَزرورِ

11. As if it is gold above pillars
Of emerald in camphor leaves

١١. كَأَنَّهُ ذَهَبٌ مِن فَوقِ أَعمِدَةٍ
مِنَ الزُمُرُّدِ في أَوراقِ كافورِ

12. The anemones bloom among the flowers
Like dirhams among dinars

١٢. وَالأُقحُوانُ زَها بَينَ البَهارِ بِها
شِبهَ الدَراهِمِ ما بَينَ الدَنانيرِ

13. We have obeyed cravings when youth has helped us
With endless generosity and favor

١٣. وَقَد أَطَعنا التَصابي حينَ ساعَدَنا
عَصرُ الشَبابِ بِجودٍ غَيرِ مَنزورِ

14. Youth is an intercessor whose robe's fragrance
Is of two abodes, not the fragrance of pansies

١٤. إِنَّ الشَبابَ شَفيعٌ نَشرُ بُردَتِهِ
مِن عِطرِ دارينَ لا مِن عِطرِ فَنصورِ

15. The band's flute folds us and unfurls us
With blowing in the flute, not blowing in the trumpets

١٥. وَزامِرُ القَومِ يَطوينا وَيَنشُرُنا
بِالنَفخِ في النايِ لا بِالنَفخِ في الصورِ

16. The singing of Shadi, his voice rang out melodiously
As if it spoke from the throat of a zebra finch

١٦. وَقَد تَرَنَّمَ شادٍ صَوتُهُ غَرِدٌ
كَأَنَّهُ ناطِقٌ مِن حَلقِ شُحرورِ

17. Shadi's fingers satisfy people if he plays
And answers with the treble and bass

١٧. شادٍ أَنامِلُهُ تُرضي الأَنامَ لَهُ
إِذا شَدا وَأَجابَ اليَمُّ بِالزَيرِ

18. Straight-nosed, steady-stepped, complaining of youth
From breaths of an abandoned one

١٨. بِشامِخِ الأَنفِ قَوّامٍ عَلى قَدَمٍ
يَشكو الصَبابَةَ عَن أَنفاسِ مَهجورِ

19. His playing on the forearms puzzles tongues
Increasing moisture for a secret it holds

١٩. شَدَّت بِتَصحيفِهِ في العَضدِ أَلسُنُهُ
فَزادَ نَطفاً لِسِرٍّ فيهِ مَحصورِ

20. When the musician excites and reminds him
Of youth with his fingernails

٢٠. إِذا تَأَبَّطَهُ الشادي وَأَذكَرَهُ
عَصرَ الشَبابِ بِأَطرافِ الأَظافيرِ

21. He complains to friends of his bowels and ribs
Of shears' bites or unfolding of saws

٢١. شَكَت إِلى الصَحبِ أَحشاهُ وَأَضلُعُهُ
قَرضَ المَقاريضِ أَو نَشرَ المَناشيرِ

22. While you see his cheek above the vintage
Like one deliberating on the excellence of management

٢٢. بَينا تَرى خَدَّهُ مِن فَوقِ سالِفَةٍ
كَمَن يُشاوِرُهُ في حُسنِ تَدبيرِ

23. You see him distressed violently and angered
By striking his strings out of latent spite

٢٣. تَراهُ يُزعِجُهُ عُنفاً وَيُسخِطُهُ
بِضَربِ أَوتارِهِ عَن حِقدِ مَوتورِ

24. The dancing girls, their braids have leaned
Over waists like the abdomens of wasps

٢٤. وَالراقِصاتُ وَقَد مالَت ذَوائِبُها
عَلى خُصورٍ كَأَوساطِ الزَنابيرِ

25. The gown hides their sickness from us but the waistband and the braids' tightness expose them
When they bend with coils pulled by the dunes' ridges from hollows

٢٥. يُخفي الرِدا سُقمَها عَنّا فَيَفضَحُها
عَقدُ البُنودِ وَشَدّاتُ الزَنابيرِ

26. You see waves of buttocks which have collided
In a sea of beauty's water, captivated

٢٦. إِذا اِنثَنَينَ بِأَعطافٍ يُجاذِبُها
مَوّارُ دِعصٍ مِنَ الكُثبانِ مَمطورِ

27. Each swaying of the hips is divided between feminine and masculine
As if the tremors in her palm as she strikes

٢٧. رَأَيتَ أَمواجَ أَردافٍ قَدِ اِلتَطَمَت
في لُجِّ بَحرٍ بِماءِ الحُسنِ مَسحورِ

28. Are a dawn in which stirs the heart of a raven
She watches the poles with her hands and feet

٢٨. مِن كُلِّ مائِسَةِ الأَعطافِ مِن مَرَحٍ
مَقسومَةٍ بَينَ تَأنيثٍ وَتَذكيرِ

29. And preserves the origin from loss and change
She Arabizes the dance with a tune, connecting it

٢٩. كَأَنَّ في الشيزِ يُمناها إِذا ضَرَبَت
صَبحٌ تَقَلقَلَ فيهِ قَلبُ ديجورِ

30. To grammar through omission and specification
The cupbearer, languid of glance, of slender build

٣٠. تَرعى الصُروبَ بِكَفّيها وَأَرجُلِها
وَتَحفَظُ الأَصلَ مِن نَقصٍ وَتَغيِيرِ

31. Clear-faced, bending a drunken elbow
As if The Merciful molded him as a reminder

٣١. وَتُعرِبُ الرَقصَ مِن لَحنٍ فَتُلحِقُهُ
ما يَلحَقُ النَحوَ مِن حَذفٍ وَتَقديرِ

32. For those who doubt the maidens and houris
His eyelids darken, though they are dark

٣٢. وَحامِلُ الكَأسِ ساجي الطَرفِ ذو هَيفٍ
صاحي اللَواحِظِ يَثنِ عِطفَ مَخمورِ

33. And his glance is enchanting in captivity
He turns gently, the mixture of its coals

٣٣. كَأَنَّما صاغَهُ الرَحمَنُ تَذكِرَةً
لِمَن يُشَكِّكُ في الوِلدانِ وَالحورِ

34. Increased only by blowing, without kindling
A fire which seemed to the passionate lover familiar

٣٤. تَظَلَّمَت وَجنَتاهُ وَهيَ ظالِمَةٌ
وَطَرفُهُ ساحِرٌ في زِيِّ مَسحورِ

35. From the cup's side, not the mountainside
It shone in the cupbearer's hands and ignited

٣٥. يُديرُ راحاً يَشُبُّ المَزجُ جُذوَتَها
فَلا يَزيدُ لَظاها غَيرَ تَسعيرِ

36. Its bottles by the gentleness of its influence
As if it is the cup's glow veiled

٣٦. ناراً بَدَت لِكَليمِ الوَجدِ آنَسَها
مِن جانِبِ الكَأسِ لا مِن جانِبِ الطورِ

37. By a spirit of fire in a body of light
The jugs have a babbling at the mixing

٣٧. تَشَعشَعَت في يَدِ الساقينَ وَاِتَقَدَت
بِها زُجاجاتُها مِن لُطفِ تَأثيرِ

38. Like the speech of one confused in words, frightened
As if when pouring into cups they are birds

٣٨. كَأَنَّها وَضِياءُ الكَأسِ يَحجُبُها
روحٌ مِنَ النارِ في جِسمٍ مِنَ النورِ

39. Pecking their young with their beaks
They have tried to avenge their father from us

٣٩. وَلِلأَبارِيقِ عِندَ المَزجِ لَجلَجَةٌ
كَنُطقِ مُرتَبِكِ الأَلفاظِ مَذعورِ

40. And trample him under feet of storms
So when no mind remained unfettered

٤٠. كَأَنَّها وَهيَ في الأَكوابِ ساكِبَةٌ
طَيرٌ تَزُقُّ فِراخاً بِالمَناقيرِ

41. By the plants, and no heart unmindful
I glanced about my company, and how often did I see

٤١. أَمسَت تُحاوِلُ مِنّا ثَأرَ والِدِها
وَدوسَهُ تَحتَ أَقدامِ المَعاصيرِ

42. A lion dirtied by the glances of a zebra
From every eye like its pair upon it

٤٢. فَحينَ لَم يَبقَ عَقلٌ غَيرَ مُعتَقِلٍ
مِنَ العُقارِ وَلُبٌّ غَيرَ مَعقورِ

43. Broken, of deadly power, though unbroken
I say, and the wine has shown its consequences

٤٣. أَجلَتُ في الصَحبِ أَلحاظي فَكَم نَظَرَت
ليثاً تُعَفَّرُهُ أَلحاظُ يَعفورِ

44. And the cup breathes into it an exhaled breath
You who mixes cups, have you corrupted its beauty?

٤٤. مِن كُلِّ عَينٍ عَليها مِثلُ تالِئها
مَكسورَةٍ ذاتِ فَتكٍ غَيرِ مَكسورِ

45. And is strength crowned, O beloved, with crystal?
One who, when he sees the Gardens brought near,

٤٥. أَقولُ وَالراحُ قَد أَبدَت فَواقِعَها
وَالكَأسُ يَنفُثُ فيها نَفثَ مَصدورِ

46. And the houris secluded among pavilions,
The lone palace in the depths of the pond, and the

٤٦. أَسَأتَ يا مازِجَ الكاساتِ حِليَتَها
وَهَل يُتَوَّجُ يا قوتٌ بِبَلّورِ

47. Outstretched mansion therein of flasks
To whom do you see the kingdom after God, I said

٤٧. وَقائِلٍ إِذا رَأى الجَنّاتِ عالِيَةً
وَالحورَ مَقصورَةً بَينَ المَقاصيرِ

48. The saying of one whose hopes are abundant, delighted
To the owner of the crown and erected palace, and one

٤٨. وَالجَوسَقَ الفَردَ في لُجِّ البُحَيرَةَ وَال
صَرحَ المُمَرَّدَ فيهِ مِن قَواريرِ

49. Who has spread justice in the land's breadth
He said you mean Chosroes, so I said to him

٤٩. لِمَن تَرى المُلكَ بَعدَ اللَهِ قُلتُ لَهُ
مَقالَ مُنبَسِطِ الآمالِ مَسرورِ

50. Chosroes son of Hurmuz, not Chosroes son of Sapor
The righteous king, the praised, the successful

٥٠. لِصاحِبِ التاجِ وَالقَصرِ المَشيدِ وَمَن
أَتى بِعَدلٍ بِرَحبِ الأَرضِ مَنشورِ

51. And many a gainer of kingship, unthanked
A king whose people's praise, when lavished upon him

٥١. فَقالَ تَعني بِهِ كِسرى فَقُلتُ لَهُ
كِسرى بنُ أُرتُقَ لا كِسرى بنُ سابورِ

52. His hands overflow with favor, though not abundant
A star whose rising is beloved to all people

٥٢. الصالِحُ المَلِكُ المَشكورُ نائِلُهُ
وَرُبَّ نائِلِ مُلكٍ غَيرِ مَشكورِ

53. As if it is a flame in a drunken eye
He is hoped for and feared, in days of dew and tempest

٥٣. مَلكٌ إِذا وَفَّرَ الناسُ الثَناءَ لَهُ
أَمسَت يَداهُ بِوَفرٍ غَيرِ مَوفورِ

54. And the sea is between hoped-for and feared
A sun whose rising eclipse the sun's glow

٥٤. مَحبوبَةٌ عِندَ كُلِّ الناسِ طَلعَتهُ
كَأَنَّها لَهَبٌ في عَينِ مَقرورِ

55. As if extracted from it by distillation
The sun should not boast but that it is a label for him

٥٥. يُرجى وَيُحذَرُ في يَومي نَدىً وَرَدىً
وَالبَحرُ ما بَينَ مَرجُوٍّ وَمَحذورِ

56. And resemblance to him in honor and light
If he willed generosity, his resolve did not consider

٥٦. شَمسٌ تُحيلُ ضِياءَ الشَمسِ طَلعَتُهُ
كَأَنَّما عوجِلَت مِنهُ بِتَكويرِ

57. In his action between advancing and delaying
He meets you before bestowal with glad tidings

٥٧. لا تَفخَرُ الشَمسُ إِلّا أَنَّها لَقَبٌ
لَهُ وَشِبهٌ لَهُ في العِزِّ وَالنورِ

58. Open-handed, and after gifts with apologies
The children of Hurmuz saw the path of guidance in him

٥٨. إِن هَمَّ بِالجودِ لَم تَنظُر عَزائِمُهُ
في فِعلِهِ بَينَ تَقديمٍ وَتَأخيرِ

59. And not every match lights the darkness
Through him their kingdom's policies were reformed

٥٩. يَلقاكَ قَبلَ العَطا بِالبِشرِ مُبتَدِئاً
بَسطاً وَبَعدَ العَطايا بِالمَعاذيرِ

60. As if they had won an elixir from him
How many parties since the evil of dissent appeared in them

٦٠. رَأَت بَنو أُرتُقٍ نَهجَ الرَشادِ بِهِ
وَليسَ كُلُّ زِنادٍ في الدُجى يوري

61. Perished by his firm-resolved, renowned sword
They hastened to war while the eggs bowed down prostrate

٦١. بِرَأيِهِ اِنصَلَحَت آراءُ مُلكِهِمُ
كَأَنَّهُم ظَفِروا مِنهُ بِإِكسيرِ

62. And the white and yolk sway between chanting and kneeling
They walked like the gait of cats until when they bore

٦٢. كَم عُصبَةٍ مُذ بَدا سوءُ الخِلافِ بِها
بادَت بِصارِمِ عَزمٍ مِنهُ مَشهورِ

63. The weight of chains, they walked the walk of sparrows
O you who lavished horses on the day of battle with them

٦٣. سَعوا إِلى الحَربِ وَالهاماتُ ساجِدَةٌ
وَالبيضُ ما بَينَ تَهليلٍ وَتَكبيرِ

64. But did not come with unthanked effort
If Chosroes took pride in thousands, how many

٦٤. مَشوا كَمَشي القَطا حَتّى إِذا حَمَلوا
ثِقلَ القُيودِ مَشوا مَشيَ العَصافيرِ

65. Thousands rooted to one have you granted?
Or did Nu'man get lost in his solitary palace, how many

٦٥. يا باذِلَ الخَيلِ في يَومِ الغُلُوِّ بِها
وَما أَتَينَ بِسَعيٍ غَيرِ مَشكورِ

66. Populated valleys for you with the two cliffs!
In every impassable place made inaccessible

٦٦. إِن كانَ زَهوَةُ كِسرى بِالأُلوفِ فَكَم
وَهَبتَ مِن عَدَدٍ بِالأَلفِ مَجذورِ

67. Aqueducts are built therein with pipelines
If Aad ibn Shaddad had passed by his Paradise

٦٧. أَو كانَ بِالجَوسِقِ النُعمانُ تاهَ فَكَم
مِن جَوسَقٍ لَكَ بِالشِعبَينِ مَعمورِ

68. He would dwell there, clashing his worn teeth
No wonder if you head to fulfill a promise

٦٨. فيكُلِّ مُستَصعَبِ الأَرجاءِ مُمتَنِعٍ
تُبنى القَناطِرُ فيهِ بِالقَناطيرِ

69. The twisted road turns into a straight one
If the furthest Syria yearns for you

٦٩. لَو مَرَّ عادُ بنُ شَدّادٍ بِجَنَّتِهِ
أَقامَ يَقرَعُ فيها سِنَّ مَغرورِ

70. Then it has inclined to the victorious king of Tyre
So may the distant be joyous through you, sorrow has returned

٧٠. لا غَروَ إِن جُدتَ لِلوُفّادِ قاصِدَةً
إِلَيكَ تَطوي الفَلا طَيَّ الطَواميرِ

71. And Shanuuk is in sorrow and confusion
Your fast has deafened the enemies' hearing, and how many

٧١. إِن تَسعَ نَحوَكَ مِن أَقصى الشَآمِ فَقَد
سَعَت إِلى المَلِكِ المَنصورِ مِن صورِ

72. A heart of theirs you have opened by breakfasting
I call you, with a sincere servant's call

٧٢. فَاِسعَد بَعيدٍ بِهِ عادَ السُرورُ لَنا
وَعادَ شانيكَ في غَمٍّ وَتَكديرِ

73. O unique one of the age, hear though uncommanded
I do not claim excuses for delaying your company

٧٣. صُمَّت بِصَومِكَ أَسماعُ العُداةِ وَكَم
قَلبٍ لَهُم مِنكَ بِالإِفطارِ مَفطورِ

74. No lover is excused for distance
But tomorrow if my distance from your side is long

٧٤. أَدعوكَ دِعوَةَ عَبدٍ وامِقٍ بِكُمُ
يا واحِدَ العَصرِ فَاِسمَع غَيرَ مَأمورِ

75. It is my great sin, and this praise is my redemption
Without you, poetry would be no wealth of mine

٧٥. لا أَدَّعي العُذرَ عَن تَأخيرِ قَصدِكُمُ
لَيسَ المُحِبُّ عَلى بُعدٍ بِمَعذورِ

76. Nor would I have excelled with it from a concealed treasure
Any merit whose increase diminished my worth

٧٦. بَل إِن غَدا طولُ بُعدي عَن جَنابِكُمُ
ذَنبي العَظيمَ فَهَذا المَدحُ تَكفيري

77. Is like a name increased with a diminutive yaa
But I have not disgraced myself eagerly seeking its rarities

٧٧. لَولاكُمُ لَم يَكُن في الشِعرِ لي أَرَبٌّ
وَلا بَرَزتُ بِهِ مِن خَزنِ تامورِ

78. Like one who cheapens poetry in praise of Ibn Mansur
My soul's status is above its indentation

٧٨. فَضيلَةٌ نَقَصَت قَدري زِيادَتُها
كَالإِسمِ زادَت بِهِ ياءٌ لِتَصغيرِ

79. From buds, and my worth above my allotted
But my times left me behind and put forward one

٧٩. لَكِنَّني لَم أُهِن حِرصاً نَفائِسَها
كَمُرخِصِ الشِعرِ في مَدحِ اِبنِ مَنصورِ

80. Who was before me in the past eras
As if I am from the celestial spheres of India which necessitated

٨٠. مَكانَةُ النَفسِ مِنّي فَوقَ مُكنَتِها
مِنَ النُضارِ وَقَدري فَوقَ مَقدورِ

81. The height of my position due to my extreme lateness
So treat with favor the prime of poems, which have no dowry

٨١. لَكِن تَأَخَّرَ بي عَصري وَقَدَّمَ مَن
قَد كانَ قَبلِيَ في ماضي الأَساطيرِ

82. Other than acceptance and affection, unhidden
To Abu Tayyib al-Mutanabbi their pride

٨٢. كَأَنَّني مِن رُقومِ الهِندِ أَوجَبَ لي
عُلُوَّ مَرتَبَتي إِفراطُ تَأخيري

83. Since I have not wasted their musk for the like of camphor
They have softened to express the softness of your glory

٨٣. فَاِستَجلِ بِكرَ قَريضٍ لا صَداقَ لَها
سِوى القَبولِ وَوُدٍّ غيرِ مَكفورِ

84. Out of love, and lengthened to erase the sin of my tardiness

٨٤. عَلى أَبِي الطَيّبِ الكوفِيِّ مَفخَرُها
إِذ لَم أُضِع مِسكَها في مِثلِ كافورِ

٨٥. رَقَّت لِتُعرِبَ عَن رِقّي لِمَجدِكُمُ
حُبّاً وَطالَت لِتَمحوَ ذَنبَ تَقصيري