
Leave me be from the talk of Zayd and Amr,

خلياني من قول زيد وعمرو

1. Leave me be from the talk of Zayd and Amr,
And quench my thirst between lute and zither.

١. خَلِياني مِن قَولِ زَيدٍ وَعَمرِو
وَاِسقِياني ما بَينَ عودٍ وَزَمرِ

2. Let go of blaming me today in my sittings,
For excessive blaming in that allures me.

٢. وَاِترُكا اليَومَ في مُدامي مَلامي
إِنَّ فَرطَ المَلامِ في ذاكَ يُغري

3. And spare me from anger of he who wished to slander,
In scolding me and estranging he who persisted estranging me.

٣. وَدَعاني مِن سُخطِ مَن رامَ تَخوي
في وَزَجري وَهُجرِ مَن دامَ هَجري

4. Indeed, he who cannot endure diminishes my livelihood,
He was not able to craft my lifetime.

٤. إِنَّ مَن لا يُطيقُ يُنقِصُ رِزقي
لَم يَكُن قادِراً عَلى نَقشِ عُمري

5. Many a day I spent in happiness in it,
It is, by God, better than a thousand months.

٥. رُبَّ يَومٍ قَضيتُ فيهِ سُروراً
فَهوَ بِاللَهوِ خَيرٌ مِن أَلفِ شَهرِ

6. My life is good in every night of drinking
That I intended for joy the Night of Power.

٦. طابَ عَيشي بِكُلِّ لَيلَةِ شَربٍ
قَدَّرَت بِالسُرورِ لَيلَةَ قَدرِ

7. So we had a night of pleasure until
I left the light of the wine the rise of dawn.

٧. فَنَعِمنا بِالحاشِرِيَّةِ حَتّى
خِلتُ نورَ المُدامِ مَطلَعَ فَجرِ

8. With a gazelle whose eyes are from the family of Hārb,
When it appears and its face from the family of Badr.

٨. مَع غَزالٍ عَيناهُ مِن آلِ حَربٍ
حينَ يَبدو وَالوَجهُ مِن آلِ بَدرِ

9. It takes my love and mixes my comfort,
And shares my cup and recites my poetry.

٩. يَتَعاطى حُبّي وَيَمزُجُ راحي
وَيُعاطي كَأسي وَيُنشِدُ شِعري

10. In gardens as though the vine planted
Its strands the beauties of full moons.

١٠. في رِياضٍ كَأَنَّما رَصَّعَ القَط
رُ أَكاليلَها الحُسانَ بَدُرِّ

11. Spring settled in it so the flowers reveal
Flames whose embers are torches of live coals.

١١. حَلَّ فيها الرَبيعُ فَالزَهرُ يُبدِ
لَهَباً خِلتُهُ مَشاعِلَ جَمرِ

12. And the narcissus with intense looks appears
Telling of gray hair above its head a fillet of musk.

١٢. وَبَدا النَرجِسُ المُحَدَّقُ يَحكي
أَشيَباً فَوقَ رَأسِهِ طاسُ تِبرِ

13. So I called on the cupbearer for the time forgot,
"Hurry and circulate cups of wine!"

١٣. فَدَعَوتُ الساقي لَقَد غَفَلَ الدَه
رُ فَعَجِّل وَطُف بِكاساتِ خَمرِ

14. So he hurried with them and I said, "Pass them around,
You're no cupbearer nor crown of my pride."

١٤. فَتَباطا بِها فَقُلتُ أَدِرها
لَستَ ساقي وَلا قُلامَةَ ظِفري