1. I see in you, O doctor, a vice
That is the opposite of Jesus son of Mary's deeds
١. أَرى فيكَ يا عيسى الطَبيبَ فَضيلَةً
هِيَ الضِدَّ مِن أَفعالِ عيسى بنِ مَريَمِ
2. You kill the living without illness
And you stingily heal with your hands and mouth
٢. تُميتُ لَنا الأَحياءَ مِن غَيرِ عِلَّةٍ
وَتُضني وَتُغني بِاليَدَينِ وَبِالفَمِ
3. You protect, but not for healing or health
You only inject for shame and bloodshed
٣. وَتَحمي وَلَكِن عَن شِفاءٍ وَصِحَّةٍ
وَتَحقِنُ إِلّا لِلحَياءِ وَلِلدَمِ
4. You are but the blind groping of one who strikes
He whom you hit dies, and he whom you miss lives only to be ruined
٤. فَما أَنتَ إِلّا خَبطُ عَشواءَ مَن تُصِب
تُمِتهُ وَمَن تُخطِىء يُعَمَّر فَيُهدَمِ