
My boon companion, arise for revelry,

نديمي قم إلى اللهو

1. My boon companion, arise for revelry,
For time has favored us,

١. نَديمي قُم إِلى اللَهوِ
فَقَد ساعَدنا الدَهرُ

2. In our gathering there is a sun,
Whose burden the full moon has undertaken,

٢. وَفي مَجلِسِنا شَمسٌ
تَوَلّى حَملَها بَدرُ

3. And a flank, whenever it is stroked,
Its hips complain of the touch.

٣. وَساقٍ كُلَّما ماسَ
تَشَكّى رِدفَهُ الخَصرُ

4. A boon companion, gentle and sweet,
And a wine, rough and bitter.

٤. نَديمٌ ناعِمٌ حُلوٌ
وَراحٌ خَشِنٌ مُرُّ