1. The alluring glances and the slender waists
Have tempted my eyes with their charm
١. فَتكُ اللَواحِظِ وَالقُدودِ الهيفِ
أَغرى السُهادَ بِطَرفِيَ المَطروفِ
2. So I was ignorant of averting my gaze
For it was my heart that was made so weak
٢. فَجَهِلتُ تَضعيفَ الجُفونِ وَإِنَّما
ضُعفُ القُلوبِ بِذَلِكَ التَضعيفِ
3. Each day the alluring one raids me
Enamored with plundering my impassioned heart
٣. في كُلِّ يَومٍ لِلَّواحِظِ غارَةٌ
شُغِفَت بِنَهبِ فُؤادِيَ المَشغوفِ
4. She rested, though the battle did not rest
And her actions in slaughter were not weak
٤. فَتَرَت وَما فَتَرَ القِتالُ وَأُضعِفَت
وَفِعالُها بِالفَتكِ غَيرُ ضَعيفِ
5. So if the hands of separation have reached out
And hidden a full moon behind the clouds
٥. فَلَئِن سَطَت أَيدي الفِراقِ وَأَبعَدَت
بَدراً تَحَجَّبَ نِصفُهُ بِنَصيفِ
6. Then how much did I enjoy his company in a dwelling
Where my courtyard and summer home were pleasant
٦. فَلَكَم نَعِمتُ بِوَصلِهِ في مَنزِلٍ
قَد طابَ فيهِ مَربَعي وَمَصيَفي
7. I left the falsehood of Iraq though my heart
Remained in its dear quarter
٧. فارَقتُ زَوراءَ العِراقِ وَإِنَّ لي
قَلباً أَقامَ بِرَبعِهِ المَألوفِ
8. So I will lean toward Iraq with my supports
And prolong my stay in those lands
٨. فَلأَثنِيَنَّ إِلى العِراقِ أَعِنَّتي
وَأُطيلُ في تِلكَ الدِيارِ وُقوفي
9. In it are houses amidst the dwellings
And suns of morning light behind partitions
٩. فيها بُدورٌ في خِلالِ مَضارِبٍ
وَشُموسُ دَجنٍ مِن وَراءِ سَجوفِ
10. So it surpassed every embroidered and pleated one
And beauty between chatter and joy
١٠. فاقَت بِكُلِّ مُقَرطَقٍ وَمُشَنَّفٍ
وَالحُسنُ بَينَ قَراطِقٍ وَشُنوفِ
11. The goal has passed so I remain shaven-headed after them
Aged, clapping when I become empty-handed
١١. فاتَ المُرادُ فَبِتُّ أَقرَعُ بَعدَهُم
سِنّي وَأَصفُقُ إِذ نَأَيتُ كُفوفي
12. So I rationalize being prevented from meeting them with wishes
And I live after the people with procrastination
١٢. فَرَداً أُعَلَّلُ مِن لِقاهُم بِالمُنى
وَأَعيشُ بَعدَ القَومِ بِالتَسويفِ
13. The adherence of sickness has separated my joints
By the hand of distance and denied knowing me
١٣. فَصَلَت مَلازَمَةُ السَقامِ مَفاصِلي
بِيَدِ البُعادِ وَأَنكَرَت تَعريفي
14. So I became known for delightful love, just as
The hand of al-Mansur was known for conferring office
١٤. فَعُرِفتُ بِالحُبِّ المُبَرِّحِ مِثلَما
عُرِفَت يَدُ المَنصورِ بِالتَصريفِ
15. The humbling of kings and their stars and crescent moons
Is the refuge of the outcast and sanctuary for the distraught
١٥. فَخرُ المُلوكِ وَنَجمُها وَهِلالُها
غَوثُ الطَريدِ وَمَلجَأُ المَلهوفِ
16. A mind that turns over the affairs of its time
My glance is adept in the renowned times
١٦. فِكرٌ يُدَوِّرُ في أُمورِ زَمانِهِ
طَرفي خَبيرٌ في الزَمانِ عَروفِ
17. A dawn that when the darkness darkens its night
Dispels its gloom with its well-known justice
١٧. فَجرٌ إِذا ما الظُلمُ أَظلَمَ لَيلُهُ
جَلّى دُجاهُ بِعَدلِهِ المَوصوفِ
18. A duty upon its swords and spears
He has made it rebound with justice and deflecting strokes
١٨. فَرضٌ عَلى أَسيافِهِ وَبَنانِهِ
بِالعَدِّ رَدَّدَهُ وَصَرفِ صُروفِ
19. His hands destroyed with vigor so he ruined
What it contained of the languid and gentle
١٩. فَتَكَت يَداهُ بِالنُضارِ فَأَتلَفَت
ما ضَمَّهُ مِن تالِدٍ وَطَريفِ
20. His motto in war is charging flanks
And his habit in peace is bestowing thousands
٢٠. فَشِعارُهُ في الحَربِ فَلُّ مَقانِبٍ
وَصَنيعُهُ في السِلمِ بَذلُ أُلوفِ
21. He alternated time by his two states, so his world
Is two days: a day of dew and a day of clouding over
٢١. فَرَقَ الزَمانَ بِحالَتَيهِ فَدَهرُهُ
يَومانِ يَومُ نَدىً وَيَومُ حُتوفِ
22. So for that I have found solace in staying in his quarter
Between two fires: the fire of turmoil and the fire of hospitality
٢٢. فَلِذاكَ آنَستِ الوُقوفُ بِرَبعِهِ
نارَينِ نارِ وَغىً وَنارِ مَضيفِ
23. A mind, but in the hearing of his mind
Deaf to binding and rebuke
٢٣. فَهَمٌ وَلَكِن في مَسامِعِ فَهمِهِ
صُمٌّ عَنِ التَقيِيدِ وَالتَعنيفِ
24. The palms of the maidens increase his generosity
And make them tremble despite their pride
٢٤. فَنَدُ العَواذِلِ في السَماحِ يَزيدُهُ
جوداً وَيُرجِفُهُم بِرُغمِ أُنوفِ
25. He dispatched the armies with a sovereign determination
That enriches him beyond scheming and swords
٢٥. فَلَّ الجُيوشَ بِعَزمَةٍ مَلَكِيَّةٍ
تُغنيهِ عَن خَطِّيَّةٍ وَسُيوفِ
26. The course of destiny follows his decree
Critical matters are conveyed to him for ennoblement
٢٦. فَصَلُ القَضا مُتَتابِعٌ لِقَضائِهِ
تُلقى إِلَيهِ أَزِمَّةُ التَشريفِ
27. Superiority through which he has surpassed people, and an ambition
By which he rode highness without a companion
٢٧. فَضَلٌ بِهِ فَضَلَ الأَنامَ وَهِمَّةٌ
رَكِبَ العُلوَّ بِها بِغَيرِ رَديفِ
28. So here, by composing his narrative, even though
We do not intend by it anything but ennoblement
٢٨. فُهنا بِنَظمِ حَديثِهِ مَع أَنَّنا
ما إِن نَرومُ بِهِ سِوى التَشريفِ
29. Through it we have attained tremendous success against harm
And in its refuge we are safe from every fear
٢٩. فُزنا بِهِ الفَوزَ العَظيمَ مِنَ الرَدى
وَأَمِنّا في مَغناهُ كُلَّ مَخوفِ