
I ransom a gazelle from the family of lions

أفدي غزالا من آل ليث

1. I ransom a gazelle from the family of lions
The fate of beauty has been completed for him

١. أَفدي غَزالاً مِن آلِ لَيثٍ
تَمَّت لَهُ دَولَةُ الجَمالِ

2. His glances do to my heart
What a lion does to a gazelle

٢. تَفعَلُ أَلحاظُهُ بِقَلبي
ما يَفعَلُ اللَيثُ بِالغَزالِ

3. With an eyebrow drawn under well-connected hair
Illuminated with the state of beauty

٣. ذا حاجِبٍ خُطَّ تَحتَ صَلتٍ
مُنَوِّرٍ بِالجَمالِ حالِ

4. As if the hands of a crescent moon young man
Dripped a noon on a crescent moon

٤. كَأَنَّ أَيدي فَتى هِلالٍ
عَرَقنَ نوناً عَلى هِلالِ

5. O you who resemble the full moon when it rises
In light, remoteness and perfection

٥. يا مُشبِهَ البَدرِ حينَ يَبدو
في النورِ وَالبُعدِ وَالكَمالِ

6. I ransom you, O you whom my eyes see
Every day in a bad state

٦. أَفديكَ يا مَن تَراهُ عيني
في كُلِّ يَومٍ بِسوءِ حالِ

7. And every day in the belly of a prison
And every moment at the door of a governor

٧. وَكُلَّ يَومٍ بِبَطنِ سِجنٍ
وَكُلَّ آنٍ بِبابِ والي

8. How did they bring whips to strike
From over your heavy hips

٨. كَيفَ أَتَوا بِالسِياطِ ضَرباً
مِن فَوقِ أَردافِكَ الثِقالِ

9. So they left marks above them
As if they were the roads in the mountains

٩. فَأَثَروا فَوقَها رُسوماً
كَأَنَّها الطُرُقُ في الجِبالِ