
Speak not of love,

لا تنطقن عن الهوى

1. Speak not of love,
O you who are reproached for love,

١. لا تَنطِقَنَّ عَنِ الهَوى
يا مَن يُعَنَّفُ في الهَوى

2. Except with modesty and bashfulness.
O you who have no remedy for my malady,

٢. بِسِوى الحُمَيّا وَالمُحَي
يا ما لِأَدوائي دَوا

3. I swear by the star in the cup,
In the hand of the cupbearer when it sets,

٣. قَسَماً بِنَجمِ الكَأسِ في
كَفِّ السُقاةِ إِذا هَوى

4. Your companion has not erred
In this from right conduct, nor strayed.

٤. ما ضَلَّ صاحِبُكُم بِذا
كَ عَنِ الصَوابِ وَما غَوى

5. O you who blame me for her
Whom I enveloped in my heart, withdraw.

٥. يا عاذِلي فيمَن طَوَي
تُ عَليهِ قَلبي فَاِنطَوى

6. My heart turned not from her,
Nor to your words did it incline.

٦. القَلبُ عَنهُ ما سَلا
وَإِلى مَقالِكَ ما اِرعَوى

7. You opposed Abul-Qasim al-Qurashi,
So ask what he related,

٧. خالَفتَ عَبدَ القادِرِ ال
قُرَشِيَّ فَاِسأَل ما رَوى

8. When he stepped into love,
Though in love he transgressed.

٨. إِذ ذاكَ يَخطو في الهَوا
ءِ وَإِن تَخَطّى في الهَوى