
My tears in you do not melt,

دموعي فيك لا ترقا

1. My tears in you do not melt,
And the heart's disease cannot be cured,

١. دُموعي فيكَ لا تَرقا
وَداءُ القَلبِ لا يُرقى

2. And the cheek's place from the absence of
The tears' flow cannot be watered,

٢. وَمَحلُ الخَدِّ مِن غَي
رِ مَسيلِ الدَمعِ لا يُسقى

3. Tears that thirst the cheek,
And with them my eyelids have drowned,

٣. دُموعٌ تُعطِشُ الخَد
دَ وَأَجفاني بِها غَرقى

4. Oh you who own tenderness, by whom has tenderness owned you
If you do not decide I become happy, do not decide I become miserable,

٤. أَلا يا مالِكَ الرِق
قِ بِمَن مَلَّكَكَ الرِقّا

5. Be charitable with what perishes,
And take the reward of what remains,

٥. إِذا لَم تَقضِ أَن أَسعَ
دَ لا تَقضِ بِأَن أَشقى

6. And remind your gentle side,
And reciprocate with what I have given,

٦. تَصَدَّق بِالَّذي يَفنى
وَخُذ أَجرَ الَّذي يَبقى

7. He who fears will remember,
And the miserable will avoid it.

٧. وَذَكِّر عِطفَكَ المَيّا
لَ وَالرَدفَ بِما أَلقى

٨. سَيَذَّكَّرُ مَن يَخشى
وَيَتَجَنَّبُها الأَشقى