
Arise, my friend, and gather life's pleasures before they fade away

قم صاح نلتقط اللذات إن ذهلت

1. Arise, my friend, and gather life's pleasures before they fade away
The sons of obscurity, from the tribe of Shayban.

١. قُم صاحِ نَلتَقِطِ اللَذّاتِ إِن ذَهَلَت
بَنو اللَقيطَةِ مِن ذُهلِ بنِ شَيبانا

2. Do not heed the urging of one with tainted garb
To cast off your inhibitions when vigilance is called for.

٢. وَلا تُطِع في اِطِّراحِ الراحِ ذا مَلَقٍ
عِندَ الحَفيظَةِ إِن ذو لَوثَةٍ لانا

3. Do you not see, when the cupbearer calls out to the revelers
They flock to him eagerly, both horse and rider?

٣. أَما تَرى الصَحبَ إِذ نادى النَديمُ بِهِم
طاروا إِلَيهِ زُرافاتٍ وَوُحدانا

4. If he says "Drink!" their joy is in obeying
His command, for so proof has shown.

٤. إِن قالَ هُبّوا لَها كانَ السُرورُ لَهُ
في النائِباتِ عَلى ما قالَ بُرهانا

5. A people who pursue their own desires
Are beyond reproach, though scorned by others.

٥. قَومٌ أَقاموا عَلى لَذّاتِ أَنفُسِهِم
لَيسوا مِنَ الشَرِّ في شَيءٍ وَإِن هانا

6. They seek no redress from tyrannical rulers,
Nor return good for the evil done by the wicked.

٦. لَم يَسأَلوا عَن وُلاةِ الجَورِ مَعدَلَةً
وَمِن إِساءَةِ أَهلِ السوءِ إِحسانا

7. Time has sworn that no human eye has seen
The likes of them among all men.

٧. قَد أَقسَمَ الدَهرُ أَنَّ العَينَ ما نَظَرَت
سِواهُمُ مِن جَميعِ الناسِ إِنسانا

8. Meek when content, but stirred to rage
They take up both spear and sword.

٨. يُبدونَ عِندَ الرِضى ليناً فَإِن غَضِبوا
شَنّوا الإِغارَةَ فُرساناً وَرُكبانا