
And a night in the length of the day of display

وليلة في طول يوم العرض

1. And a night in the length of the day of display
Whose darkness was like the earth in its array

١. وَلَيلَةٍ في طولِ يَومِ العَرضِ
سَماؤُها مِن دَكنِهِ كَالأَرضِ

2. I endured in it life's pain in every way
And attained in it joy in its purest ray

٢. مَخَضتُ فيها العَيشَ أَيَّ مَخضِ
وَفُزتُ فيها بِالنَعيمِ المَحضِ

3. And the lid of fate shut weary of day
So I slept to recover from its affray

٣. وَغَضَّ جَفنُ الدَهرِ أَيَّ مَخضِ
فَبِتُّ مِن صُروفِهِ أَستَقضي

4. Raising my life's worth by lowering its pay
Not wetting my eyes in it with a blink or stray

٤. أَرفَعُ قَدرَ عَيشَتي بِالخَفضِ
لا أَكحُلُ الجَفنَ بِها بِغَمضِ

5. With every erect, slim, tender, fresh new day
Bringing joy circulating bright as lightning's play

٥. مَعَ كُلِّ ساقٍ كَالقَضيبِ الغَضِّ
يُديرُ راحاً بِالسُرورِ تَقضي

6. Until when the time came for duty to pay
And the bright horizon cracked in morning's first ray

٦. ساطِعَةً كَالبَرقِ عِندَ الوَمضِ
حَتّى إِذا آنَ أَداءُ الفَرضِ

7. I presented my horses assessing their way
And chose the fastest one, me to obey

٧. وَشُقَّ جَيبُ الفَلَقِ المُبيَضِّ
عَرَضتُ خَيلي فَأَجَدتُ عَرضي

8. To outrun a glance when it glances astray
As if the earth in its grasp firmly lay

٨. وَاِختَرتُ مِنها سابِقاً لِيَ يُرضي
يَفوتُ لَمحَ الطَرفِ حينَ يَمضي

9. No difference between its length and breadth in its sway
I made it my honor's protection in every way

٩. كَأَنَّما الأَرضُ بِهِ في قَبضي
لا فَرقَ بَينَ طولِهِ وَالعَرضِ

10. Then I raced to my goals determined at play
From each scattered flock remote and askew in its way

١٠. جَعَلتُهُ وِقايَةً لِعِرضي
ثُمَّ غَدَوتُ لِمَرامي أَقضي

11. With a smooth back, polished, gilded in every way
Like a pour of gold in a vessel on display

١١. مِن كُلِّ سِربٍ شارِدٍ مُنغَضِّ
بِأَرقَطِ الظَهرِ صَقيلٍ بَضِّ

12. You revealed your ample chest free in its sway
Heavy in stillness, light upon rising to weigh

١٢. كَسَبَجٍ في ذَهَبٍ مُرفَضِّ
أَهَرتَ رَحبِ الصَدرِ نائي الغَمضِ

13. With a broad palm spread when grasping its prey
With teeth for none but the fiercest affray

١٣. مُستَثقَلَ الشِلوِ خَفيفَ النَهضِ
عَريضَ بَسطِ الكَفِّ عِندَ القَبضِ

14. With ears upright when bounding away
Contesting the herd without pause or delay

١٤. مُحَدَّدَ النابِ لِغَيرِ عَضِّ
مُنتَصِبَ الأُذنَينِ عِندَ الرَكضِ

15. Lowering over the slain conquered at bay
Embracing the ground with its belly in every way

١٥. مُخاتِلَ السِربِ بِغَيرِ وَفضِ
مُنخَفِضاً لِلخَتلِ أَيَّ خَفضِ

16. Feeling it with hooves tapping as heartbeats that sway
Until when the nearness of some came into play

١٦. مُصافِحاً بِالبَطنِ ظَهرَ الأَرضِ
يَجُسُّها بِالكَفِّ جَسَّ النَبضِ

17. He charged them as shooting stars crumbling away
And embraced the tallest when rising to flay

١٧. حَتّى إِذا أَمكَنَ قُربُ البَعضِ
عاجَلَها كَالكَوكَبِ المُنقَضِّ

18. A hug of love for the Lord reviled in his way
So it collapsed from him when levelling its sway

١٨. فَعانَقَ الأَكبَرَ عِندَ النَهضِ
عِناقَ ذي حُبٍّ لِرَبِّ بُغضِ

19. And its chest was pleased at its collapse in every way
Then I walked lightly lest he finish his fray

١٩. فَهاضَ مِنهُ العَظمَ عِندَ الهَضِّ
وَرَضَّ مِنهُ الصَدرَ أَيَّ رَضِّ

20. ignoring his sins as I went on my way.

٢٠. فَقَمتُ أَسعى خيفَةً أَن يَقضي
أَغُضُّ عَن زَلّاتِهِ وَأُغضي