
The journey hardened her, the crossing of deserts,

شفها السير واقتحام البوادي

1. The journey hardened her, the crossing of deserts,
And my descent each day into the valleys.

١. شَفَّها السَيرُ وَاِقتِحامُ البَوادي
وَنُزولي في كُلِّ يَومٍ بَوادِ

2. And my camp is in the shadow of the she-camel and the packsaddle,
With my bedroll and its armrest my pillow.

٢. وَمَقيلي ظِلَّ المَطِيَّةِ وَالتُر
بُ فِراشي وَساعِداها وِسادي

3. My bed is the pasture of restlessness,
Mended by tents from the era of 'Aad.

٣. وَضَجيعي ماضي المَضارِبِ عَضبٌ
أَصلَحَتهُ القُيونُ مِن عَهدِ عادِ

4. White yet green are its iron parts, from
What tore the feet crossing the stony ground.

٤. أَبيَضٌ أَخضَرُ الحَديدَةِ مِمّا
شَقَّ قِدماً مَرائِرَ الآسادِ

5. And my shirt is armor, as though its stitches
Were the weaving of ants or the eyes of locusts.

٥. وَقَميصي دِرعٌ كَأَنَّ عُراها
حُبُكُ النَملِ أَو عُيونُ الجَرادِ

6. My companion is my speech and my thoughts that delight me,
My joy is my water and my patience my supplies.

٦. وَنَديمي لَفظي وَفِكري أَنيسي
وَسُروري مائي وَصَبري زادي

7. My guide is divining from the stars in the open country,
To the desert's landmarks and watering places.

٧. وَدَليلي مِنَ التَوَسُّمِ في البي
دِ لِبادي الأَعلامِ وَالأَطوادِ

8. And when darkness descends, how many stars in the sky
Does it guide me with on my path?

٨. وَإِذا ما هَدى الظَلامُ فَكَم لي
مِن نُجومِ السَماءِ في السُبلِ هادي

9. That is because my soul cannot accept injustice,
Even if I make my bed upon prickly weeds.

٩. ذاكَ أَنّي لا تَقبَلُ الضَيمَ نَفسي
وَلَوَ اَنّي اِفتَرَشتُ شَوكَ القَتادِ

10. This is my habit, and I have been so
Since childhood, though it is hard for me.

١٠. هَذِهِ عادَتي وَقَد كُنتُ طِفلاً
وَشَديدٌ عَلَيَّ غَيرُ اِعتِيادي

11. So when I travel I reckon the earth is my kingdom,
And all regions obey my leadership.

١١. فَإِذا سِرتُ أَحسَبُ الأَرضَ مِلكي
وَجَميعَ الأَقطارِ طَوعَ قِيادي

12. And when I stay somewhere, people are my family,
Wherever I may be, and the lands my lands.

١٢. وَإِذا ما أَقَمتُ فَالناسُ أَهلي
أَينَما كُنتُ وَالبِلادُ بِلادي

13. Good fortune does not elude one endowed with reason
And eloquence and delivery.

١٣. لا يَفوتُ القُبولُ مَن رُزِقَ العَق
لَ وَحُسنَ الإِصدارِ وَالإيرادِ

14. And when one arms oneself with contentment
One is nearer to attaining one's wants.

١٤. وَإِذا صَبَّرَ القَناعَةَ دِرعاً
كانَ أَدعى إِلى بُلوغِ المُرادِ

15. I am not one who boasts, lacking effort,
Of my fathers and forefathers.

١٥. لَستُ مِمَّن يَدِلُّ مَع عَدَمِ الجَد
دِ بِفِعلِ الآباءِ وَالأَجدادِ

16. I built my high station only with my own striving
And braving its dangers and my diligence.

١٦. ما بَنَيتُ العَلياءَ إِلّا بِجِدّي
وَرُكوبي أَخطارَها وَاِجتِهادي

17. With my words when I speak and my superiority
And my arguing for my rank and eminence.

١٧. وَبِلَفظي إِذا نَطَقتُ وَفَضلي
وَجِدالي عَن مَنصِبي وَجَلادي

18. Except that though I come up with words that melt
The heart of rocks, I am no boaster

١٨. غَيرَ أَنّي وَإِن أَتَيتُ مِنَ النَظ
مِ بِلَفظٍ يُذيبُ قَلبَ الجَمادِ

19. Who brags about poetry and sings my praises in verses,
And when I build a house preens as though I built lofty pillars.

١٩. لَستُ كَالبُحتَرِيَّ أَفخَرُ بِالشِع
رِ وَأَثني عِطفَيَّ في الأَبرادِ

20. Rather I boast of myself, my people, my spear
And my sword and my generosity.

٢٠. وَإِذا ما بَنَيتُ بَيتاً تَبَختَر
تُ كَأَنّي بَنَيتُ ذاتَ العِمادِ

21. A group that their virtues on earth
Are recited by the tongues of the envious.

٢١. إِنَّما مَفخَري بِنَفسي وَقَومي
وَقَناتي وَصارِمي وَجَوادي

22. They clothed the hopeful in robes of honor
And humbled the necks of the stubborn.

٢٢. مَعشَرٌ أَصبَحَت فَضائِلُهُم في ال
أَرضِ تُتلى بِأَلسُنِ الحُسّادِ

23. How many stubborn foes put on a show of words for us
While hiding malice in their hearts!

٢٣. أَلبَسوا الآمِلينَ أَثوابَ عِزٍّ
وَأَذَلّوا أَعناقَ أَهلِ العِنادِ

24. And attacked us with arrows embedded
In hearts and livers.

٢٤. كَم عَنيدٍ أَبدى لَنا زُخرُفَ القَو
لِ وَأَخفى في القَلبِ قَدحَ الزَنادِ

25. So we marched against them in deepest night
With warriors riding the mounts.

٢٥. وَرَمانا مِن غَدرِهِ بِسِهامٍ
نَشِبَت في القُلوبِ وَالأَكبادِ

26. And we came with horses, a flood
That flowed over the plateaus before the valleys.

٢٦. فَسَرَينا إِلَيهِ في أَجَمِ السُم
رِ بِغابٍ يَسيرُ بِالآسادِ

27. And we surged from the thicket with warriors
On tall, striding camels.

٢٧. وَأَتَينا مِنَ الخُيولِ بِسيلٍ
سالَ فَوقَ الهِضابِ قَبلَ الوِهادِ

28. Whenever they tried to approach peace with us
They saw war's artifices looming from the valleys.

٢٨. وَبَرَزنا مِنَ الكُماةِ بِأَطوا
دِ حُلومٍ تَسري عَلى أَطوادِ

29. And we took our rights with swords
That blood rendered free of their scabbards.

٢٩. كُلَّما حاوَلوا الهَوادَةَ مِنّا
شاهَدوا الحَيلَ مُشرِفاتِ الهَوادي

30. It was as though the swords were a raging wind
And they before its blowing the people of 'Aad.

٣٠. وَأَخَذنا حُقوقَنا بِسُيوفٍ
غَنِيَت بِالدِما عَنِ الأَغمادِ

31. Their heads tried ascending but received
Only heads of high places.

٣١. فَكَأَنَّ السُيوفَ عاصِفُ ريحٍ
وَهُمُ في هُبوبِها قَومُ عادِ

32. So if events have slipped my grasp, after
Time's winnowing of my days,

٣٢. حاوَلَت روسُهُم صُعوداً فَنالَت
هُ وَلَكِنَّ مِن رُؤوسِ الصِعادِ

33. I have won from the soul's wishes enough
And attained more than my hopes.

٣٣. فَلَئِن فَلَّتِ الحَوادِثُ حَدّي
بَعدَما أَخلَصَ الزَمانُ اِنتِقادي

34. And I know that life is but fleeting,
And each is destined for loss.

٣٤. فَلَقَد نِلتُ مِن مُنى النَفسِ مارُم
تُ وَأَدرَكتُ مِنهُ فَوقَ مُرادي

٣٥. وَتَحَقَّقتُ إِنَّما العَيشُ أَطوا
رٌ وَكُلٌّ مَصيرُهُ لِنَفادِ