
Had it not been for passion, his yearning would not have melted,

لولا الهوى ما ذاب من حنينه

1. Had it not been for passion, his yearning would not have melted,
A downpour struck by the eyes of his eyes.

١. لَولا الهَوى ما ذابَ مِن حَنينِهِ
صَبٌّ أَصابَتهُ عُيونُ عَينِهِ

2. A lost lover whom his passion cannot guide,
Except by what it hears of his moaning.

٢. مُتَيَّمٌ لا تَهتَدي عُوّادُهُ
إِلّا بِما تَسمَعُ مِن أَنينِهِ

3. He began to fear rabbits in their burrows,
And does not fear lions in their dens.

٣. أَصبَحَ يَخشى الظُبيَ في كِناسِهِ
وَلا يَخافُ اللَيثَ في عَرينِهِ

4. Reasonability apologizes for his misguidance,
And the mind recites his madness.

٤. يَعتَذِرُ الرُشدُ إِلى ضَلالِهِ
وَيَقرَأُ العَقلُ عَلى جُنونِهِ

5. O neighbors of the alive, sympathize with a lover,
Whose state did not swerve from the law of love and his religion.

٥. يا جيرَةَ الحَيِّ أَجيروا عاشِقاً
ما حالَ عَن شَرعِ الهَوى وَدينِهِ

6. His essence is better than his appearance,
And his doubt is clearer than his certainty.

٦. باطِنُهُ أَحسَنُ مِن ظاهِرِهِ
وَشَكُّهُ أَوضَحُ مِن يَقينِهِ

7. Do not think that what flows above his cheek
Are tears pouring from his eyelids,

٧. لا تَحسَبوا ما ساحَ فَوقَ خَدِّهِ
مَدامِعاً تَسفَحُ مِن جُفونِهِ

8. But rather the ice of his heart melted,
So his eyelash drips from its spring.

٨. وَإِنَّما ذابَ جَليدُ قَلبِهِ
فَطَرفُهُ يَرشَحُ مِن مَعينِهِ