1. If calamities turn away from you,
My heart and soul are with you,
١. إِن ثَنَت عَنكُمُ الخُطوبُ عِناني
فَفُؤادي لَدَيكُمُ وَجَناني
2. And my longing for your company is not out of desire,
Neither with love songs, nor with melodies.
٢. وَاِشتِياقي لِرَبعِكُم لا بِوَجدي
بِغَوانٍ بِهِ وَلا بِأَغاني
3. We did not love the dwellings of home, but rather,
With meanings we sigh, not with melodies.
٣. ما هَوينا مَغنى الدِيارِ وَلَكِن
بِالمَعاني نَهيمُ لا بِالمَغاني
4. Who will aid the grieving lover at nighttime,
When he stays up suffering from worries?
٤. مَن مُعينُ الصُبَّ الكَئيبِ عَلى الشَو
قِ إِذا باتَ لِلهُمومِ يُعاني
5. And who will inform my loved ones that
My life after them did not bring me tranquility?
٥. وَمَنِ المُبلِغُ الأَحِبَّةِ أَنّي
طيبُ عَيشي مِن بَعدِهِم ما هَناني
6. O breeze of the north, if you pass by Damascus,
Kiss for me the soil of the Sultan,
٦. يا نَسيمَ الشِمالِ إِن جُزتَ بِالشَه
باءِ قَبِّل عَنّي ثَرى السُلطانِ
7. And convey my longing to King Nasser al-Din,
Then kiss his tomb with eyelids.
٧. وَأَبلِغِ المَلكَ ناصِرَ الدينِ شَوقي
ثُمَّ قَبِّل ثَراهُ بِالأَجفانِ
8. Long live the king who built grandeur
Though it was prone to destruction.
٨. عُمَرَ المالِكَ الَّذي عَمَرَ المَج
دَ وَقَد كانَ دائِرَ البُنيانِ
9. And the king who sees partnership
As an attribute of the Lord most high.
٩. وَالمَليكُ الَّذي يَرى المَنَّ إِشراَ
كاً بِوَصفِ المُهَيمِنِ المَنّانِ
10. And the generous, forgiving one who joined
The two seas with his rest; they meet.
١٠. وَالجَوادُ السَمِحُ الَّذي مَرَجَ ال
بَحرَينِ مِن راحَتَيهِ يَلتَقِيانِ
11. A king who frees slaves from bondage,
And honors the free with kindness.
١١. مَلِكٌ يَعتِقُ العَبيدَ مِنَ الرِقِّ
وَيَشرِيَ الأَحَرارَ بِالإِحساِن
12. With noble traits, he suckled the teat of glory,
And with praiseworthy traits, the teat of meaning.
١٢. بِسَجايا رَضِعنَ دَرَّ المَعالي
وَمَزايا رَضِعنَ دَرَّ المَعاني
13. So for the transgressor, death is red,
While for the obedient, his gift is white wishes.
١٣. فَلِباغي عَصاهُ حُمرُ المَنايا
وَلِباغي عَطاهُ بيضُ الأَماني
14. Oh brother of generosity, none like you exist,
Even if manifest to the eye.
١٤. يَأَخا الجودِ لَيسَ مِثلُكَ مَوجو
داً وَإِن كانَ بادِياً لِلعِيانِ
15. You are, among people, the epitome of consensus,
Upon which both near and far agree.
١٥. أَنتَ بَينَ الأَنامِ لَفظَةُ إِجما
عٍ عَلَيها اِتِّفاقُ قاصٍ وَدانِ
16. That station which the eagles and phoenixes fell short of reaching,
And the sword which, when unsheathed among the brave,
١٦. ذَلِكَ الرَتبَةُ الَّتي قَصَّرَت دو
نَ عُلاها النِسرانِ وَالفَرقَدانِ
17. Struck among the white and the bodies.
It stood amidst raging battle, saying: All upon it will perish!
١٧. وَالحُسامُ الَّذي إِذا صَلَّتِ البيضِ
وَصَلَت في البيضِ وَالأَبدانِ
18. And the sheath which, when detached from the head,
Increases eloquence after the tongue is split.
١٨. قامَ في حَومَةِ الهِياجِ خَطيباً
قائِلاً كُلُّ مَن عَليها فانِ
19. Your slippers touched the dust only for it
To be envied by crowns.
١٩. وَاليَراعُ الَّذي يَزيدُ بِقَطعِ الرا
سِ نُطقاً مِن بَعدِ شَقِّ اللِسانِ
20. A demeanor none but your brother the Sultan attained,
Who gathered goodness and benevolence, since you two were infants nursing milk.
٢٠. لَم تَمَسَّ التُرابَ نَعلاكَ إِلّا
حَسَدَتهُ مَعاقِدُ التيجانِ
21. And you raced together towards the field of glory,
So you reached it like two racing steeds.
٢١. شِيَمٌ لَم تَكُن لِغَيرِكَ إِلّا
لِمَعالي شَقيقِكَ السُلطانِ
22. Then you supported him, so you were to him
As Aaron was to the young man of Imran.
٢٢. جَمَعَ اللَهُ فيكُما الحُسنَ وَالإِح
سانَ إِذ كُنتُما رَضيعَي لِبانِ
23. Celebrate the blissful feast, even if
From you are congratulations for all feasts.
٢٣. وَتَجارَيتُما إِلى حَلبَةِ المَجدِ
فَوافَيتُما كَمُهرَي رِهانِ
24. And live your age fasting and breaking fast,
Forever in bliss and safety.
٢٤. ثُمَّ عاضَدتَهُ فَكُنتَ لَديهِ
مِثلَ هارونَ في فَتى عِمرانِ
25. I have no pride in describing your glories,
They have revealed to us the most wondrous of meanings.
٢٥. فَتَهَنِّ العيدَ السَعيدَ وَإِن كا
نَ لِكُلِّ الأَعيادِ مِنكَ التَهاني
26. Whenever your traits manifest a meaning,
My thoughts are composed, and the pen writes.
٢٦. وَاِقضِ عُمرَ الزَمانِ صَوماً وَفِطراً
خالِداً في مَسَرَّةٍ وَأَمانِ
27. Do not call me a poet thanking your generosity,
For I do not have hands to thank it.
٢٧. لَيسَ لي في صِفاتِ مَجدِكَ فَخرٌ
هِيَ أَبدَت لَنا بَديعَ المَعاني
28. Had I composed the stars into poetry, it would have sufficed
For only some of that kindness.
٢٨. كُلَّما أَبدَعَت سَجاياكَ مَعنىً
نَظَمَت فِكرَتي وَخَطَّ بَنانِ
٢٩. لا تَسُمني بِالشِعرِ شُكرَ أَيادي
كَ فَما لي بِشُكرِهِنَّ يَدانِ
٣٠. لَو نَظَمتُ النجومَ شِعراً كَما كا
فيتُ عَنِ بَعضِ ذَلِكَ الإِحسانِ