
By the right of those who have no equal in my eyes, I swear

وحق من لا سواهم عندي القسم

1. By the right of those who have no equal in my eyes, I swear
And by those whose love I have no share without, I swear

١. وَحَقِّ مَن لا سِواهُم عِندِيَ القَسَمُ
وَمَن بِغَيرِ هَواهُم لَيسَ لي قَسَمُ

2. And those whose love I feigned for others' sake
While truly loving them alone, my only want

٢. وَمَن أُمَوَّهُ بِالذِكرى لِغَيرِهِمُ
مُعَرِّضاً بِسِواهُمِ وَالمُرادُ هُمُ

3. Shall I pretend to spurn the love I'm blamed for? Nay, I own it
Though chiding and ill health concur to disavow

٣. أَهوى جُحودَ الهَوى لا بَل أُدينُ بِهِ
وَإِن أَقَرَّ بِهِ التَبريحُ وَالسَقَمُ

4. Not all who safeguard, revering, their lover's name
Are with pure passion in that love to blame

٤. ما كُلُّ مَن صانَ إِجلالاً لِمالِكِهِ
غَرامَهُ في صَفاءِ الوُدِّ مُتَّهَمُ

5. God keep a folk I never quit but their thoughts and dreams descend
And when I picture them each day I think that they have come

٥. اِستَودِعُ اللَهُ قَوماً ما أُفارِقُهُم
إِلّا وَتُدنيهِمُ الأَفكارُ وَالحُلُمُ

6. I think though they don't know my state that they have left, God, if they only knew my case they would show mercy
They hit their mark and left this body bereft of life

٦. وَمَن لِكَثرَةِ تَمثيلي لِشَخصِهِمُ
أَظُنُّ في كُلِّ يَومٍ أَنَّهُم قَدِموا

7. Mine to bewail them while my heart is theirs to claim
They shot my heart though the hunted game is sacrosanct to them

٧. أَظُنُّهُم ما دَرَوا ما بي وَقَد رَحَلوا
تَاللَهِ لَو عَلِموا حالي بِهِم رَحِموا

8. Knowing that passion is forbidden fruit, an inviolate realm
O absent ones whose beauty has not waned

٨. سادوا وَقَد تَرَكوا جِسمي بِلا رَمَقٍ
عِندي لِيَندُبَهُم وَالقَلبُ عِندَهُمُ

9. O travelers, though far, not far beyond my reach or ken
You slept, of me you never dreamed in your repose

٩. صادوا فُؤادي وَحِلُّ الصَيدِ مُمتَنَعٌ
لَهُم وَقَد عَلِموا أَنَّ الهَوى حَرَمُ

10. While wakeful, you I dreamed of, rapt in sweet fantasm
By the troth of faith I hoped was binding on us both

١٠. يا غائِبينَ وَما غابَت مَحاسِنُهُم
وَنازِحينَ وَأَقصى بَينَهُم أَمَمُ

11. And the companionship I foolishly presumed was kind
No joy in life for me since your fair aspect vanished

١١. نُمتُم وَلَم تَحلَموا بي في رُقادِكُمُ
وَمَع سُهادي بِكُم يَقظانُ أَحتَلِمُ

12. No blessing comes till after your return, no boon
By your light my night was day, now the day's own light is darkness without you

١٢. وَحَقِّ موثَقِ عَهدٍ كُنتُ أَعهَدُهُ
وَصُحبَةٍ خِلتُ جَهلاً أَنَّها رَحِمُ

13. For the virtues and graces you embody I loved you
High souls do not break troths when bound by them

١٣. ما لَذَّ لي العَيشُ مُذ غابَت مَحاسِنُكُم
وَلا حَلَت بَعدَ رُؤياكُم لِيَ النِعَمُ

14. The noble keep their vows, trust well their plighted word
No wrong I did to earn estrangement at your hands

١٤. قَد كانَ لَيلي نَهاراً مِن ضِيائِكُمُ
فَاليَومَ ضَوءُ نَهاري بَعدَكُم ظُلَمُ

15. But to forgive wrongdoing is to act with gracious charm
Time granted me the bliss to be with you awhile

١٥. عَشِقتُكُم لِخِلالٍ كُنتُ أَعرِفُها
وَإِنَّما تُعشَقُ الأَخلاقُ وَالشِيَمُ

16. Then turned against it, afterwards regretting the gift
If access to you is barred, to whom shall I complain

١٦. لا تَنقَضوا ذِمَمَي بَعدَ الوَفاءِ بِها
إِنَّ الكِرامَ لَدَيها تُحفَظُ الذِمَمُ

17. Of time's injustices, for time is both judge and foe?
Once I could conquer the turns of fortune, with you by my side

١٧. لا ذَنبَ لي يوجِبُ الهِجرانَ عِندَكُمُ
وَهَبهُ كانَ فَأَينَ العَفوُ وَالكَرَمُ

18. Now fortune's turns take vengeance, armed against me
How much, when you departed, my tears flowed

١٨. أَعطى الزَمانُ نَفيساً مِن وِصالِكُمُ
فَاِرتَدَّهُ وَعَداهُ بَعدَهُ نَدَمُ

19. Now still they flow, while my heart smolders and burns
Why do not these copious tears quench the fires within?

١٩. إِلى مَنِ المُشتَكى إِن عَزَّ قُربُكُمُ
مِمّا جَنى الدَهرُ وَهوَ الخَصمُ وَالحَكَمُ

20. Their torrents cannot drown the flame, cannot curb my yearning
I stood forth to make excuse for you before the slanderers

٢٠. قَد كُنتُ أَقهَرُ صَرفَ الحادِثاتِ بِكُم
فَاليَومَ أَصبَحَ صَرفُ الدَهرِ يَنتَقِمُ

21. Though what they alleged found credence among other men
They said: so long enthralled has he been by their love!

٢١. كَم قَد بَكيتُ وَقَد سارَت رَكائِبُكُم
فَالدَمعُ يَسفَحُ وَالأَحشاءُ تَضطَرِمُ

22. God knows you have my heart, you are my obsession

٢٢. ما لِلمَدامِعِ لا تُطفي لَظى كَبِدي
وَيُغرِقُ الرَكبَ مِنها سيلُها العَرِمُ