
Mountains blown away by the winds of mortality

جبال بأرياح المنية تنسف

1. Mountains blown away by the winds of mortality
Have become a wasteland amidst the events that unfold

١. جِبالٌ بِأَرياحِ المَنِيَّةِ تُنسَفُ
غَدَت وَهيَ قاعٌ في الوَقائِعِ صَفصَفُ

2. Winds of fate erased them
Though they could not be avoided when raging

٢. مَحَتها رِياحٌ لِمَنونِ عَواصِفٌ
عَلى أَنَها لا تُتَّقى حينَ تَعصِفُ

3. Does death raid everyday
To snatch away a flock of souls

٣. أَفي كُلِّ يَومٍ لِلمَنِيَّةِ غارَةٌ
تُغيرُ عَلى سِربِ النُفوسِ فَتَخطَفُ

4. As if our souls are ropes of sorcerers
And that is Moses' staff seizing them

٤. كَأَنَّ حِبالَ الساحِرينَ نُفوسُنا
وَتِلكَ عَصا موسى لَها تَتَلَقَّفُ

5. It raided the heavy ones of the House of Sinbis
So that plundering them became its habit

٥. أَغارَت عَلى الأَقيالِ مِن آلِ سِنبِسٍ
فَأَصبَحَ فيهِم صَرفُها يَتَصَرَّفُ

6. Men, if the lion feared their abodes
I would fear it because of them

٦. رِجالٌ لَوَ اَنَّ الأُسدَ تُخشى دِيارُهُم
لَكُنتُ عَلَيها مِنهُمُ أَتَخَوَّفُ

7. Suns whose light death has obscured in the soil
Yet I never thought the sun could be eclipsed in soil

٧. شُموسٌ أَرانا المَوتُ في التُربِ كَسفَها
وَما خِلتُ أَنَّ الشَمسَ في التُربِ تَكسِفُ

8. It came upon them but no sword blow could deflect it
Nor could the armored warrior push it back

٨. أَتاها فَلَم تُدفِع مِنَ السَيفِ وَقعَةٌ
وَلَم يُغنِ مِنهُ السابِريُّ المُضَفَّفُ

9. No steed gallops between its ears despite the spear
Protruding from its flank that it shakes off

٩. وَلا الخَيلُ تَجري بَينَ آذانِها القَنا
تُقَرَّطُ مِن خُرصانِهِ وَتُشَنَّفُ

10. Nor did the ferocity of Hamza’s son defend himself
Nor did the army quake from its surging waves

١٠. وَلا رَدَّ عَن نَفسِ اِبنَ حَمزَةَ جاشُها
وَلا الجَيشُ مِن أَمواجِهِ الأَرضُ تَرجُفُ

11. No sword swift in striking with his palm
Thrashing in fright, blood dripping from its blade

١١. وَلا صارِمٌ ماضي الغِرارِ بِكَفِّهِ
مَضارِبُهُ في الرَوعِ بِالدَمِ تَرعَفُ

12. Known for his skill in combat, determination supports him
I know of his prowess in striking with blows

١٢. عَروفٌ بِأَحوالِ الضِرابِ تُؤَمُّهُ
عَزيمَةُ شَهمٍ مِنهُ بِالضَربِ أَعرَفُ

13. Indeed, in the path of glory, is the death place of the valiant
Fruits of hopes are plucked by his hands

١٣. أَلا في سَبيلِ المَجدِ مَصرَعُ ماجِدٍ
ثِمارُ الأَماني مِن أَياديهِ تُقطَفُ

14. When an opponent desires to denounce him
He claims generosity while being wasteful

١٤. إِذا ما أَرادَ الضِدُّ غايَةَ ذَمِّهِ
تَوَصَّلَ حَتّى قالَ في الجودِ مُسرِفُ

15. The heart of lightning cracked the day it was struck
Can you not see it fluttering when snatched away

١٥. تَصَدَّعَ قَلبُ البَرقِ يَومَ مُصابِهِ
أَلَستَ تَراهُ خافِقاً حينَ يَخطَفُ

16. The full moon of perfection never stopped blaming its loss
Until it exceeded limits in lament

١٦. وَما زالَ بَدرُ التَمِّ يَلطُمُ وَجهَهُ
عَلى فَقدِهِ حَتّى اِغتَدى وَهوَ أَكلَفُ

17. So perish O one whom misfortune made greedy of ruin
And the turns of fate toyed with him

١٧. فَيا هالِكاً قَد أَطمَعَ الخَطبَ هُلكُهُ
وَكانَ بِهِ طَرفُ النَوائِبِ يُطرَفُ

18. You were a fortress, with you we took refuge
Wary of enemies, and today by your name we swear

١٨. لَقَد كُنتَ حِصناً مانِعاً بِكَ نَلتَجي
حِذارَ العِدى وَاليَومَ بِاِسمِكَ نَحلِفُ

19. If in your lifetime you were like the Ka’ba
Taken refuge in, then today your mention is the holy book

١٩. فَإِن كُنتَ في أَيّامِ عَيشِكَ كَعبَةً
يُلاذُ بِها فَاليَومَ ذِكرُكَ مُصحَفُ

20. After you neither are associations of inspiration united
By generosity, nor are bonds of elevation harmonized

٢٠. فَبَعدَكَ لا شَملُ اللُهى مُتَفَرِّقٌ
بِجودٍ وَلا شَملُ العُلى مُتَأَلِّفُ

21. I will weep for you with the honor that you adorned me
And which I used to comport myself amongst all people

٢١. سَأَبكيكَ بِالعِزِّ الَّذي كُنتَ مُلبِسي
وَكُنتُ بِهِ بَينَ الوَرى أَتَصَرَّفُ

22. And I will bleed my blood not my tears in sorrow
What blood remains in me that can still bleed

٢٢. وَأَنزِفُ مِن حُزني دَمي لا مَدامِعي
وَأَيُّ دَمٍ أَبقَيتَ فِيَّ فَيَنزِفُ

23. May God water the soil that hides your body with rain
That moistens the garden and makes it lush

٢٣. سَقى اللَهُ تُرباً ضَمَّ جِسمَكَ وابِلاً
يُنَمَّقُ رَوضاً بَردُهُ وَيُفَوِّفُ

24. If the hands of time do not recognize its beds
It will flourish over its sides and make it known

٢٤. إِذا أَنكَرَت أَيدي البِلى عَرَصاتِه
يَنَمُّ عَلى أَرجائِهِ فَيُعَرِّفُ