
My heart was lost and wandering

قد كان قلبي قبله متحيرا

1. My heart was lost and wandering,
Until it came to me and found its way.

١. قد كان قلبي قبله متحيراً
في أمره لما أتاني فاهْتَدى

2. I accepted it, kissed it, and hugged it tightly,
When it appeared, I unfolded it and read it.

٢. قبلْته ولثَمْتُه وضممتُه
ونشرتُه وقرأْتُه لما بدَا

3. I folded it and unfolded it, hugging it tightly,
Happily, as it removed the echo from my heart.

٣. وطويْته ونشرتُه وضممتُه
فرحاً به فأزالَ عن قلبي الصدَى

4. It's from Salam bin Muhammad, people of piety,
Bounty, generosity and peerless glory.

٤. مِن سالم بن محمدٍ أهل التقَى
والفضل والجود المؤثْلِ والندَى

5. Son of those whose ancestors are well known
For their virtues and means in the assembly.

٥. وابن الذين جدودُهمُ مشهورةٌ
بفضائلٍ ووسائلٍ في المنتَدى

6. Don't think distance can spoil our love,
Or the words of our envious haters however long their road.

٦. لا تحسبنَّ البعد يُفْسد ودَّنا
أو قول حاسدنا وإن طالَ المدَى

7. And greetings of perfect safety, guarded,
In the gardens of bliss, eternally rewarded.

٧. واسلمْ سلمتَ سلامةً محروسةً
في حصن بهلا في النعيم مُخلَّدَاً

8. Then blessings upon the intercessor beloved,
The people of acceptance - the Prophet Muhammad.

٨. ثم الصلاةُ على الشفيعِ المرتضَى
أهل الرضى أعنِي النبيَّ محمدا