1. He has decreed estrangement, avoidance, and affliction for me
So I became content with His decree
١. قد قضَى لي بالصدّ والهجرِ والبل
وى فأصبحتُ راضياً بقضائِهُ
2. Not blaming the one who dies of passion
Many a lover has died of his malady before
٢. لا يمستنكرٍ إذا مِتُّ شوقاً
كم محبٍّ من قبلُ ماتَ بدائِهْ
3. So my life is in His union and meeting Him
And my death is in His estrangement and avoidance
٣. فمماتي في صدِّه ونواهُ
وحياتي في وَصْلِه ولقائِهْ
4. May God beautify His creation, so it captivated
The minds with its beauty and grace
٤. حسّن اللهُ خَلْقه فسَبى عقلَ
البرايَا بِحُسْنه ورُوَائِه
5. O gazelle, restore the gazelles and the full moon
Altogether with its light and radiance
٥. يا غزالا رَدّ الغزالةَ والبدرَ
جميعاً بنُورِه وضِيائِه
6. And by night a face appeared to me, so the
Night became like dawn with its brightness and splendor
٦. وتبدَّى ليلا بوجهٍ فعادَ
الليل صبحاً بضوئه وبَهَائِهْ
7. And if He stands like a wand, the bending twigs cannot match Him
Or if He walks gently, none can keep pace behind Him
٧. وقضيباً إن قام ماسَ دَلالا
أو مشَى ماجَ ردِفْه من ورائِهْ
8. His waist complains to his buttocks if He stands for long
Draining Him with fatigue
٨. بشتكى خَصرُه إلى الردْف إن شاء
قياما ينقدُّ من إعيَائه
9. He has not ceased to kill creatures with a glance
The redness of blood still upon His cheek
٩. لم يزل يقتلُ العبادَ بطرفٍ
بقيتْ حمرةُ الدّما بإزائه
10. That is an ember on His cheeks
Not from His blood, but the lovers' blood
١٠. تلكمُ جمرةٌ على وجْنتيه
مِن دَمِ العاشقينَ لاَ مِنْ دمائِه
11. Do not blame me, for the lover finds sweetness in torment
Throughout his life and all his troubles
١١. لا تلمني فالصبُّ يستعذبُ التعذيبَ
في دَهْرِه وطولِ عنائهِ
12. Wondrous is He, who distracts Himself while my heart
Has never seen any delight in His equal
١٢. عجباً منه قد تسلّى وقلبي
ما رأَى قطُّ سَلْوَةً بِسوائِه
13. Tell Him, He fulfills what He wills, and I
Am His subject, under His possession and loyalty
١٣. قُلْ له يقضى ما يشاءُ فإني
أنَا مولاهُ في ملاكِ ولائِه
14. The more humiliation and submission I show
He returns me to my arrogance
١٤. كلّما زدتُ ذلَّةً وخضوعا
رادَ تيها علىّ في خيُلائِه
15. I am not calmed by acceptance, though that was my wish
I know not what to do to please Him
١٥. لا يربنِي الرضَى وكانَ مرادى
لستُ أدرى ما حيلتي في رِضَائِه
16. O He who makes eyelids sick, you have made my heart sick
So help me find a cure and healing for it
١٦. يا مريضَ الجفونِ أمرضتَ قلبي
فأعنِّي على علاج شِفائه
17. The humiliation of passion has been enough, do not increase it
And relieve me from passion and its misery
١٧. قد كفاني ذل الهوى لا تَزدني
وأرحْني من الهوَى وشَقَائه
18. I cannot handle tribulation, so my heart
Has lost all delight and pleasure from its grief
١٨. لستُ أقوى على البلاء فقلبي
ذهب الحزنُ والجوَى بعزائه
19. Leave the mention of the one who meets and parts
With his estrangement and ceaseless blame
١٩. خلِّ ذكر الذي قلاك وأضنا
ك بهجرانِه وطول ثَنائِه
20. And speak of the excellent morals of Al-Ameer
And his generosity and munificence
٢٠. وارْو عن عامرٍ وأخلاقهِ الحسنى
وحدّثْ عن جُودِه وسَخَائِه
21. That chosen generous one, so blessed is he
Who takes shade under his banner
٢١. ذلك المرتضى الجوادُ فطوبَى
لامرئٍ ظلَّ تحت لوائِه
22. What person has not been captive to his generosity?
For he regards all people as his own family
٢٢. أيُّ شخصٍ لم يمس في أسْرِ جدواه
فكلٌّ ترَاه من أسَرَائِه
23. He puts everything in its proper place, and he
Is the friend of God, loyal to Him
٢٣. يضعُ الشىءَ في مواضعِه وهو
ولى الله من خُلَصَائِه
24. May God grant happiness wherever his grandfather is
On earth, for he is among the fortunate
٢٤. أسعدَ الله جدَّه حيث ما كان
من الأرضِ فهو من سُعدائه
25. Neither rude nor stern to stranger and kin alike
But rather he is kind to all his relatives
٢٥. لا يِفَظٍّ ولا غليظٍ على الأبعد
كلا ولا على أقرْبائه
26. O open-handed one who has spread generosity everywhere
So they boast of his righteousness and giving
٢٦. يا جواداً عمَّ البريةَ جوداً
فاستعزُّوا مِن برِّه وعَطائه
27. O prince whom God has graced with superiority
And who rules justly as His trustee
٢٧. يا أميراً قد خصَّه اللهُ بالفضل
فأمسى بالعدلِ من أُمَرائه
28. O pious one whose dress is fear of God
And the light of faith fills his cloak
٢٨. يا تقيّاً لباسُه خشيةُ اللهِ
ونورُ الإيمانِ ملءِ رِدَائه
29. He is a rain cloud quenching the servants' thirst
Pure even when clouds are stingy with their rain
٢٩. وسحاباً يُروِى العبادَ لُجْيناً
خالصاً إن ضنَّ السحابُ بمائه
30. Generous one whom all tongues praise in the land
For his virtues and poetry in his glory
٣٠. وكريماً يفرهُ كلُّ لسان
في البرايا بمدحِه وثنائه
31. His slaying sword of generosity has killed me
In the deserts from his overflowing favors
٣١. أنا أصبحتُ في البرية من قتلاهُ
في جوده بسيفِ جَدائه
32. He is a just guardian even as he is lavish with wealth
As if the riches were all his enemies'
٣٢. هو والٍ عدلٌ يجورُ على الما
ل كأنَّ الأموال من أَعْدَائه
33. Do not ask him, he gives without asking
As if to ask were to dispute with him
٣٣. لا تَسَلْهُ يعطى بغير سؤالِ
فكأنَّ السؤالَ من خُصمائه
34. If a poor man of any people comes seeking his bounty
He answers before he calls
٣٤. إنْ أتاهُ فقيرُ قومٍ يريد الفضلَ
منه يُجْبِهُ قبل دُعائه
35. He is Umar in his justice and wisdom
Ahmad in his truth and loyalty
٣٥. عُمَرىٌّ في عدْله وقضائهْ
أحمديٌّ في صِدْقه ووَفائهْ
36. Gentle, kind, easy in nature, humble
To God among his fellow worshipers
٣٦. هيَّنٌ ليِّنٌ الطبيعةِ سهلٌ
ذُو خشوعٍ لله في سُجَرائِه
37. He is an ocean of kindness, generosity and grace
So blessed is he who attains his presence
٣٧. هو بحرُ المعروفِ والجودِ والفضل
فطوبَى لمن يرُى بفِنائِهْ
38. O ally of the pious, God has chosen you
Trustee over the faithful in His dominion
٣٨. يا حليفَ التقى قد اختارَك الل
أمينَ الورَى على أمنائِهْ
39. The Imam Sultan Saif has approved you
And Yaqut praises you among his saints
٣٩. وارتضاكَ الإمامُ سلطانُ سيفٌ
واليَاقي نَزْوَى على أوليائه
40. You are like Yusuf in beauty, or rather like Umar
In piety, power and firmness
٤٠. يوسفىٌّ في الحسن بل عُمَريٌّ
في تُقاه وبأسِه ومَضَائِه
41. None can compare to you or resemble you
In your sublime nature, manners and stature
٤١. لا نظيرٌ له ولا من شبيهٍ
في عُلاه وخُلْقه وسَنَائِه
42. God has lit his face with a beauty
Transcending the suns in the sky
٤٢. نوَّرَ اللهُ وجهَه بجمالٍ
فتعالَى على شموسِ سمَائه
43. Time does not decree anything to last
As if trials themselves were his loyal friends
٤٣. ذلكَ الدهرُ ليسَ يقضى لشىء
فكأنّ الخطوبَ من أصدقائِه
44. You, most faithful of men, if not for a promise
You are John in your devoutness and purity
٤٤. أنت أوفَى الأنام إلاًّ وعهداً
أنت يحيى في نُسُكه وصفائِه
45. Or like Moses in his kindness, or Jesus
In his guidance, asceticism, and piety
٤٥. أو كموسى في لُطفِه أو كعيسى
في هُداهُ وزهده وتُقَائِه
46. May God make your efforts for us lead
The people to His prophets and saints
٤٦. جعلَ اللهُ حسنَ سعيكَ فينا
كي يدُلَّ الورَى على أنبيائِهْ
47. You are a stranger in nature and character
In this age, though not one of its sons
٤٧. أنتَ فينا غريبُ خَلْقٍ وخُلْقٍ
في زمانٍ ولستَ من أبنائِهْ
48. My poetry has wandered and become lost in you
As the supremely proud became lost in their pride
٤٨. زانَ شعرى وتاهَ فيك كما تا
هَ أخو الكبرياء في كبريائهْ
49. A natural talent taught me the excellence of poetry
An angelic spirit - so you became one of its sages
٤٩. علمتْني حسنَ القريضِ طباعٌ
ملك غرٌّ فصرتَ مِنْ حُكمَائه
50. I do not seek a reward for my praises of you
For my connection to you is the best reward
٥٠. أنَا لا أبتِغي لمدحِي جزاءً
فوصلي إليكَ خيرُ جَزائِه
51. O matchless one, may time last for you
And remove from us the clothes of misery
٥١. يا عديمَ النظيرٍ دامَ لك الدهرُ
فمزَّقْ عنّا ثيابَ دَهائه