1. If you have returned to good health,
Then we are living a pleasant life.
١. إن كنتَ قد عدتَ إلى العافيهْ
فإننا في عيشةٍ راضِيَهْ
2. If you remain in soft comfort,
Then we are in pure pleasure.
٢. إنْ بتَّ في صحةٍ ناعمَا
فإننا في لذةٍ صافِيَه
3. May God protect you from harm and affliction,
And you wake up in sufficient happiness.
٣. اللهُ يكفيكَ الأذَى والقذَى
وتصبحنْ في فرحةٍ كافِيَه
4. May the Merciful shelter you from whatever
Illness you fear that is hidden.
٤. أجارَك الرحمنُ مِن كان ما
تخافُه من علّةٍ خافِيَهْ
5. I seek refuge for you from the evils of afflictions and
From the evils of obsessive whispers, with enough.
٥. أعيذُك مِن شرّ البلايَا ومِن
شر الوَسَاوِسِ بالكافِيَهْ
6. And live for the rest of time in the inhabited
City for as long as you lived in good health.
٦. وابقَ بقاءَ الدهرِ في بلدةِ
المعمورِ ما عمرتَ في عافِيَهْ
7. O son of Shenan, you are in comfort
That you can see and in a pure living.
٧. يا ابنَ سنانِ أنتَ في راحةٍ
تَتْرَى وفي عيشةٍ صَافِيَهْ
8. As long as you live, we are in tranquility,
Our hearts are flooding for your sake.
٨. ما دُمتَ حيَّا نحن في سلوةٍ
قلوبُنا من أجلِكم سَالِيَهْ
9. Irrigating the lifetime that has passed for a while,
Passed and its days are empty.
٩. سَقْياً لدهرِ قد خَلا مدةً
خلاَ وأيام به خالِيَهْ
10. As we are in the prime of youth,
And our ambition is highly elevated.
١٠. إذْ نحن في عنفوانِ الصِّبي
وهِمَّتُنَا في العُلا عَالِيَهْ
11. And our star shines among the good fortunes,
And our presence in the world is highly regarded.
١١. ونَجْمنا يَسْطَعُ بين السُّعودِ
وحضْرتُنَا في الورَى عَالِيَهْ
12. And praise be to God who has privileged us
With might, blessings and good health.
١٢. والحمدُ لله الذي خَصَّنَا
بالعزِّ والنعمَى وبالعافِيَهْ