1. Behold, I live in bounty and delight
In health and body, remembering Muhammad.
١. أَلاَ إنني في نعمةٍ ومسَرةٍ
وصحةِ أعضاءِ بذكرِ محمدِ
2. Longing has overcome me, beyond what I can bear,
To see the tomb of the Hashimi, Muhammad.
٢. بَدَا لي من الأشواقِ ما لا أطيقُه
لرؤيةِ قبرِ الهاشميِّ محمدِ
3. Light appears to us in Yathrib wherever
We reach the tomb of the Prophet Muhammad.
٣. تبدَّي لنا نورٌ بيثربَ حيثُما
وَصَلنا إلى رَبْع النبيِّ محمدِ
4. My praise, remembrance, love, and obedience,
And eulogy of the best of all, Muhammad.
٤. ثَنائي وتَذْكاري وَوُدِّي وطاعتي
ومدحي لخيرِ العالمينَ محمدِ
5. He drew near and leaned down, no distance,
But to honor the worth of Muhammad.
٥. دنَا فتدَلى لا دنو مسافةٍ
ولكنَّ إكراماً لقَدْرِ محمدِ
6. Leave your censure of me, O critic, for I
Abide in my praise and love of Muhammad.
٦. ذَر العذْلَ عني يا عذولُ فإنّني
مقيمٌ عَلَى مَدْحي وَوُدّ محمدِ
7. God's pleasure lies in following His Messenger,
And obeying him, O friend, is Muhammad's religion.
٧. رِضَا اللهِ حَقٌّ في اتباع رسوله
وطاعتُه يا صاح دينُ محمدِ
8. Every care has departed my heart, his praise,
And no eulogy equals the eulogy of Muhammad.
٨. جَلاَ كل همٍّ عن فؤادي مديحُه
ولا مدح ينجو مثل مَدحِ محمدِ
9. His praise fills every heart as his name fills
The names of all people, the name Muhammad.
٩. حَلا مدحُه في كلِّ قلبٍ كما حلا
بأسماءِ أهل الأرض إسمُ محمدِ
10. His treasuries are filled with bounty, so who
Sees bounty's blessings like Muhammad?
١٠. خزائنُه مملوءةٌ كرَماً فمن
يَرَى في كراماتِ الرضا كمحمدِ
11. My time has passed in idleness because
I did not live praising Muhammad.
١١. زماني تولّى وانْقَضى في بطالةٍ
لأني بهِ لم أحْىِ مَدْح محمدِ
12. I bear witness that God favored him over
All creatures - who is like Muhammad?
١٢. شَهِدتُ بأنّ اللهَ فضّله علَى
جميع البرايَا مَن كمِثل محمدِ
13. His works are appreciated and his deeds
Effective, so yearn for Muhammad's religion.
١٣. صنائِعُه مشكورةٌ وفعالُه
مؤثرةٌ فارغبْ لدينِ محمدِ
14. The light of his brilliant intellect shone forth,
So no face in the world matches Muhammad's.
١٤. ضياءِ ذكاءِ من سنا نورِ وجهه
فما في الورى وجهٌ كوجْهِ محمدِ
15. The sea of my passion overflowed to visit his tomb,
So is there a tomb in the world like Muhammad's?
١٥. طَمَى بحر شوقي في زيارة قبره
فهلْ في الورَى قبرٌ كقبرِ محمدِ
16. The shades of eternal bliss and triumph tomorrow
Are for those who seek the Prophet's religion, Muhammad.
١٦. ظِلالُ جنان الخُلْدِ والفوز في
غدٍ لمن يبتغى دينَ النبيِّ محمدِ
17. Eyes have found rest in him, their joy enduring
At the sight of the beauty of Muhammad's face.
١٧. عيونٌ به قَرَّتْ ودامَ سُرُورُها
لِمَا نظرت من حُسْن وَجه محمدِ
18. My passion for him is everlasting, it cannot cease,
Just as ceaseless is the mention of Muhammad's praise.
١٨. غرامي إليه دائمٌ ليس ينقضى
كما ليسَ يغنى ذكرُ مدح محمدِ
19. Woe to those who denied Muhammad,
And blessed are those who believed in Muhammad.
١٩. فتعساً لقومٍ كذَّبوا بمحمدٍ
وطُوبَى لقومٍ آمنوا بمحمدِ
20. The adornments of my poetry are graced by his praise,
And what verse rivals the name Muhammad?
٢٠. قلائدُ شعرى زينتْ بمديحه
وهل في قريض زانَ كاسم محمدِ
21. God sufficed to foil every schemer
And Muhammad's sword destroyed the idolaters.
٢١. كفاهُ إلهُ الخلق كلَّ مخاتلٍ
ودمر أهلَ الشركِ سيفُ محمدِ
22. God thwarted those who opposed Ahmad's religion,
And paralyzed the hands of those who vilified Muhammad's religion.
٢٢. لحا الله من قد صَدَّ عَنْ دين أحمدٍ
وشُلّتْ يدَا مَنْ عاب دين محمدِ
23. My praise of him is a debt and his praise my religion,
So none lose who recite Muhammad's praise.
٢٣. مَدِيحى له دَيْنٌ وَدِيني مَديحه
فمَا خَاب مَن يتلو مديح محمدِ
24. My body grew when I was preoccupied by his remembrance,
So Lord, enable me to see Muhammad.
٢٤. نَمَا بدنى لما شُغلتُ بذكره
فيا ربّ وَفِّقني لِرُؤْيا محمدِ
25. He is the sweet, pure spring whose drink is sweet,
So Lord, lead me to Muhammad's meadows.
٢٥. هو الموردُ العذبُ الذي طاب وِرده
فيا رب أوردني حِياض محمدِ
26. His nation wields his religion as a sword, the best nation,
And they are the best leaders of mankind through Muhammad.
٢٦. لأُمَّتُه سفي دينها خير أُمَّة
وهم خيرُ سادات الورى بمحمدِ
27. It is easy for those whom God has facilitated, our Lord,
To visit the tomb of the Intercessor Muhammad.
٢٧. يسيرٌ على من يسّر اللهُ ربنا
زيارةً قبرٍ للشفيع محمدِ
28. Upon him be God's prayers as long as the breeze blows
And creatures utter the name of Muhammad.
٢٨. عليهِ صلاةُ اللهِ ما هبَّت الصَّبَا
وما فاهَ مخلوقٌ بذكرِ محمدِ
29. I say to myself, I have seen his image,
"Offer good for your future, that you may be guided."
٢٩. أقول لنفسي قد رأيتُ خيالَه
ألا قَدِّمي خيراً لأِخْراكِ تُرْشَدِ
30. For this is good news by which you will triumph tomorrow
In seeing the Prophet, so thank God, you are thanked!
٣٠. فَهذِي هي البُشرى تفوزُ بها غداً
برُؤْيا نبيٍّ فأحمدِ الله تُحْمَدِ
31. A clear opening, undimmed by motes,
A mighty victory, upheld in joy.
٣١. وفتحٌ مبينٌ لا يكدرهُ قذىً
ونصر عزيزٌ بالسرور مُؤَيَّدِ
32. The source of blessings, the erasure of sins,
The freeing of a prisoner bound by sins.
٣٢. وعنوانُ خيراتٍ ومحوُ جرائمٍ
وفكُّ أسيرٍ بالذنوب مُقيَّدِ
33. Blessings and warning for the heedless,
And glad tidings and remembrance for the guided!
٣٣. وفضلٌ وإنذارٌ لمن كان غافلا
وبُشْرَى وتَذْكارٌ لِمَنْ هو يهتدِى
34. Happy is the servant who worshipped God sincerely
And did not harm creatures or transgress.
٣٤. فطوبى لعبدٍ وحَّد الله مُخلِصاً
ولم يُؤْذِ مخلوقاً وبُعْداً لمُعْتَدِى