
Honor the one who asks with his question

أكرم بمن يسأل سؤاله

1. Honor the one who asks with his question
Ask him before you yourselves are asked

١. أكرمْ بمن يسألُ سُؤَّالَهُ
أن يَسأَلوه قبل أن يُسْأَلُوا

2. And that is from his excessive honor
He sees questioning as unbecoming

٢. وذلكم مِن فَرْطِ إكرامه
يرَى به التساءلَ لا يجملُ

3. Indeed the son of the sultan except his kingdom
If he were asked for the world he would not be stingy

٣. إنَّ ابن سلطان سِوى مُلكِه
لو يُسْألُ الدنيا فلا يَبْخَلُ

4. If his soul were asked for he would give it
So let the Merciful beware of the one who asks

٤. لو رُوحه تسألُ أعطَاكَهَا
فليتق الرحمنَ مَنْ يَسْألُ

5. No seeker of good from him is disappointed
But injustice and hostility cause disappointment

٥. لا خَابَ في الحسنى له سائِلٌ
لكن يخيبُ العَذْلُ والعُذَّلُ

6. If there were another after his supremacy
He is still the most honorable first

٦. لو كان في عليائهِ آخراً
فإنه للأكرمِ الأولُ

7. So do not compare him to those below him
Can the highest and lowest be equal?

٧. فلا تضاهِيه بمن دُونه
هل يستوى الأعلى أو الأسفلُ

8. He has merit over the angels as
The Messenger was preferred in the world

٨. لهُ عَلَى الأملاكِ فضلٌ كما
فُضِّلَ في العالم المُرْسَلُ

9. He is Al-Mustafa the Chosen from Hashim
The best of creation, our superior Prophet

٩. هو المصطفى المختارُ مِن هاشم
خير الورَى نبيَّنَا الأفْضَلُ