
May God have mercy upon him who turned away and left me,

رحم الله من نأى ورمانى

1. May God have mercy upon him who turned away and left me,
With his indifference that devastated my home.

١. رحمَ اللهُ مَنْ نأَى ورمَانِى
بصدودِ منه وشَطَّتْ دِيارُهْ

2. With the same soul that settled in my heart,
While my heart cannot settle in one place.

٢. وبنفس الذي استقرَّ بقلبي
وفؤادي لا يستقرُّ قرارُهْ

3. Whenever I say my heart has cooled,
A glance from him rekindles its flame.

٣. كلَّما قُلت قد تبرّد قلبي
نظرةٌ منه زاد قلبي استعارُهْ

4. And if I want to approach a beloved,
So I may succeed, he flees even more.

٤. وحَبيبٍ إذا أردت اقتراباً
منه كَيما أفوزَ زادَ فرارُهْ

5. By the One who made my heart and body grieve,
And pained me with his indifference and aloofness.

٥. بأبي مَنْ أضْنَى فؤادِى وجسمى
ودهَانِى إعراضُه ونفارُه

6. And strangely he said "be patient,"
How can I be patient when passion burns?

٦. ومن العجبِ منه قال تسلّى
كيفَ أسلو والوجدُ تَسْعُرُ نارُه

7. The earth tightened around me from passion,
Just as his robe and loincloth tightened around him.

٧. ضاقَتِ الأرضُ بي غراما كما ضَ
اقَ بُرْدٌ فيه ثوبه وإزارُه

8. My illness, affliction, medicine,
And sickness are from what his wine contains.

٨. إن دائى وعلَّتى ودوائِى
وسَقامِى مما حَواه خمارُهْ

9. O rose in his cheek, whenever I desired him
He pushed me away, and the moment added to his redness.

٩. يا لَوردٍ في خدِّه كلما رمتُ
جنَاهُ ويا للحظِّ زادَ احمرارُه

10. The glances of his eyelids brought me
Delight and made my heart yearn in anticipation.

١٠. وقضيبِ عليه من نظرهَ الحس
ن ابتهاجٌ أضنى فؤادى انتظارُه

11. My illness will only be cured by his cheek,
His brilliance, his smile, and his reproach.

١١. إنّ دائى قَوَامُه والمحيَّا
ولَماهُ وخدُّه وعِذَارُه

12. They depicted my love with the redness of his cheek,
Deafening my heart, though it was already resigned.

١٢. قد حَكَوْا مُهْجتى بحمرةِ خدي
ه فأصمَى قلبي وعزَّ اصطبارُه

13. I don't know if his satisfaction lies
In my demise, and if this is his choice,

١٣. لستُ أدرى بأنْ يكون رضاهُ
في هلاكِي وأن هذا اختيارُه

14. The more aloofness he showed, the more love I gave,
Thus is the way for those with mighty resolve.

١٤. كلما زادَ جفوةً زدتُ حبّاً
هكذا فعل من يعزُّ اقتدارُه

15. I remained loving him throughout my life,
While he rejoiced in my humiliation and defeat.

١٥. لم أَزَلْ في هواهُ طولَ زماني
وهو في ذلتي يزيدُ انتصارُه

16. Whenever he saw me madly craving
His love, his wandering and arrogance increased.

١٦. كلما أراني أهيمُ اشتياقاً
في الهوى زادَ تِيهُه وافتخارُه

17. I have been frustrated with loving him as much as
His bracelets have been loosened around his wrists.

١٧. ضِقْتُ ذرعاً من حبِّه مثل ما ض
اقَ اتساعاً بساعديه سِوَارُه

18. I will not elaborate in describing this passion,
For the best description of passionate love is brevity.

١٨. لم أُطِلْ في شرحِ الغرامِ فخ
يرُ الوَصْفِ في علّة الغرامِ اختصارُه

19. Indeed, the best of descriptions praising the best of people
Is succinct, so your choice suffices me.

١٩. إنّ خيرَ الأوصافِ في مدح خ
يرِ الخلقِ طُرّاً كفَاكَ عني اختيارُه

20. He is the son of the just Imam,
Whose fame is well known.

٢٠. ذاكَ ابنُ الإمام ذِى العدل سلطا
ن بن سيف مشهورةٌ أخبارُه

21. He is the perfect, generous, prestigious,
Just, hardworking, mighty, lofty elite.

٢١. ذاكَ الكاملُ الجوادُ الهمامُ
العادلُ العامل العزيزُ جِوارُه

22. The valiant, steadfast, strong, exalted,
Sublime hero whose weapons are impeccable.

٢٢. الهِزَبْرُ القَرم القوامُ القوىّ
البأسِ عالى العلى وفيٌّ ذِمَارُه

23. The guardian, ruler, righteous, protector,
Speaker, doer, revered by his neighbor.

٢٣. الوليّ الوالى الزكيّ المحامِى
القائلُ الفاعلُ المكرّم جارُه

24. The brave, fierce, generous, ransomed one,
The knowledgeable, active, kind merchant.

٢٤. الشجاعُ الذمر الجوادُ المفدَّى
العالم العاملُ الكريمُ تجارُه

25. He has surpassed people in rank, pride,
And capability, his superiority extending through the lands.

٢٥. قد عَلا الناسَ رتبةً وفخاراً
واقتداراً طالَ البرايَا افتخارْه

26. O generous one, congeniality, kindness,
And munificence are his emblems.

٢٦. يا كريماً أليفُه العُرْف والمعروفُ
والجودُ والندى شعاره

27. He is a downpour whose rain cannot be contained,
Rather, a deluge with unlimited abundance.

٢٧. هو غيثٌ وليس يُحصى قطارُهُ
بل خِضَمٌّ لا ينتهى مِقدارُه

28. Delightful greetings from a brother of sincerity and affection,
Whose private sentiments concur with his public ones.

٢٨. هَاكِها من أخى صفاءِ وودٍّ
لم يخالِف إعلانَه إسرارُه

29. From a loving one whose poetry is not motivated
By praise of others, for none but you merit his verse,

٢٩. من محبٍّ لا يَزْدهى بمقالٍ
ليس تُهْدَى لغيركم أشعارُه

30. In meters like glistening matched pearls
Or sorrow that dawned generosity, so its flowers shone.

٣٠. بقوافٍ كأنها اللؤلؤُ المنظ
ومُ نظماً تلألأتْ أنوارُه

٣١. أو كحزنٍ قد باكرته سوارى
المزن جوداً فأشرقَتْ أزْهارُه